Paris, Charles Antoine Jombert, 1773.
Un volume in-12 (166x97 mm), (4)-vi-473-(2) pages. reliure : Pleine basane de l'époque, dos à cinq nerfs orné et doré. Reliure modeste. Mors fendus, coiffes et coins abîmés, dos fendillé.
références: Dorbon [4586], Neville [II, p. 476 : "No reference to the original German edition, from which this translation was made by an anonymous author, has been found. The book contains numerous descriptions of processes on the preparations, properties, and uses of all the known metals and alloys, and is of considerable chemical interrest (...) The words 'Fin de la première partie' appear on page 458, suggesting a further volume was either publihed or contemplated. However the Fergusson Collection catalogue lists only the present volume, and no other bibliographical reference has been found to this very rare books, so it is possible that only this 'première partie' was published"].
Prix : 600 €