Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1679.
Un volume in-12 (151x85 mm), (8)-237 pages et 7 planches dépliantes. reliure : Plein veau de l'époque, dos à cinq nerfs orné et doré. Premier mors fendu. Coiffes et coins accidentés. Planches légèrement rognées en tête.
références: Garrison-Morton [761 (1st ed. 1669): "Lower was the first to demonstrate the scroll-like structure of the cardiac muscle. He was one of the first to transfuse blood."],
Heirs [582 (2nd latin ed.) : "Lower was an ardent supporter of Harvey, and this classic treatise is the first important work on cardiac physiology to appear after the work of Harvey. In this book, Lower first described many finer structures of the heart, including the scroll-like nature of the musculature. He discussed the physiology and mechanism of the heart and of respiration, described his experiments on transfusion, and gave an accurate description of tricuspid valve endocarditis. His chief contributions included his concept of the heart's musculature, his explanation of the muscular nature of the heartbeat, and his proof that the dark venous blood becomes bright red on passing through the lungs by virtue of being brought into contact with air in the lungs"].
provenance: Ex libris manuscrits (XVIIIème siècle) sur les gardes et la page de titre.
Prix : 1500 €