Paris, André Pralard, 1689.
Deux volumes in quarto (253x187 mm), (32)-588 pages, un tableau et une planche dépliante / (12)-492-(1)-(1 bl.) pages, un tableau et une planche dépliante. reliure : Pleine basane de l'époque, dos à cinq nerfs ornés et dorés portant les pièces de titre et de tomaison. Reliures frottées, coiffes et coins abîmés. Quelques mouillures et salissures très marginales. Sans la première garde volante.
références: Goldstein [in. Historia Mathematica 19 (1992), p.177-187 : "On a Seventeenth century Version of the Fondamental Theorem of arithmetic..." "in spite of what might appear to a modern reader to be a clumsy and too restrictive or too vague formulation, this result, (...), is of course equivalent to the uniqueness of the prime factorization. "], Agargün & Özkan [in Historia Mathematica, 28 (2001). Page 211 : "Some results published by Jean Prestet in his 1689 Nouveaux Elemens de Mathématiques [Goldstein 1992] confirm that before modern times a prime factorization was not looked upon as something of interest in its own right, but as a means of finding divisors. Prestet stated neither the existence nor the uniqueness of the FTA. He was influenced by Euclid and was concerned with divisors (...) he gave the main results in order to find all the divisors of a given number. In particular his Corollary IX has a significant role. This result makes us believe that Prestet knew the FTA. We think he could have proved it, but he was not concerned with it."].
provenance: Arnault. Des eaux et forets du Roy (signature au contreplat).
Prix : 1200 €