Paris, Durand, 1771-1783.
Six volumes in-12 (168x101 mm), (4)-civ-379 / (4)-488 / (4)-512 / (4)-535-(1 bl.) (les pages 121 à 144 sont en double) / vi-(2)-592 / iv-524 pages, un frontispice et 116 planches dépliantes. Frontispice (démonstration de physique dans un cabinet ) et 116 planches dépliantes gravées sur cuivre représentant les instruments et appareils de physique utilisés par l'abbé Nollet lors de ses leçons publiques. reliure : Pleine basane de l'époque. Reliures un peu frottées. Petits travail de vers.
références: DSB [X p. 145 : "Nollet's 'Cours de physique' was perhaps the most popular exhibition of this kind ever given. With carefully orchestrated demonstrations performed on some 350 different instruments, the abbé entertained his enthusiastic auditor as, in the spirit of th Enlightenment, he undertook to dispel their "vulgar errors, extravagant fears and faith in the marvellous. These were not mere shows, as one sees from their expanded syllabus, the famous 'Leçons de Physique' which appeared in six volumes between 1743 and 1748 and wad often reprinted. The presentations are lively, comprehensive, and up-to-date, with full directions, for realizing the effects under study and excellent illustrations of apparatus"].
Prix : 750 €