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[VOLTA, Alessandro]. L'identita del fluido elettrico col cost detto fluido galvanico vittoriosamente dimostrata con nuove esperienze ed osservazioni. Memoria comunicata al Signore Pietro Configliachi Professore di Fisica sperimentale nell?Università di Pavia e da lui pubblicata con alcune note. Porta in fronte il ritratto di Volta e vi è aggiunto il Catalogo delle sue opere stampate sino a tutto l'anno 1813. 1814.

Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 

[VOLTA, Alessandro]. 

L'identita del fluido elettrico col cost detto fluido galvanico vittoriosamente dimostrata con nuove esperienze ed osservazioni. Memoria comunicata al Signore Pietro Configliachi Professore di Fisica sperimentale nell?Università di Pavia e da lui pubblicata con alcune note. Porta in fronte il ritratto di Volta e vi è aggiunto il Catalogo delle sue opere stampate sino a tutto l'anno 1813. 

Pavia, G. Giovanni Capelli, 1814.

4to (305x240 mm), vi-(2)-145-vii pagesVolta's portrait in frontispiece engraved by Giovita Garavagli.  binding : Later quarter fawn calf, flat spine, title in gilt on lettering-piece. Minor marginal foxing at the beginning and at the end of the book. 

Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 

First edition on large paper.

This is Volta's latest memoir and his most important contribution to the famous controversy that occurred between the Galvanic and Voltaic theories of electricity. This memoir was submitted under the name of one of the students of Volta in 1805 during a competition organized by the "Società Italiana delle Scienze"; it was then "to explain with clarity and dignity, by offending anyone, the question of Galvanism, discussed by Giovanni Aldini (nephew of Galvani) and Alessandro Volta". No memory was rewarded at the end of this event. Nine years later, Pietro Configliachi, professor of physics and publisher of the "Giornale di fisica, chemica e storia naturale" pupil and then successor of Volta at the University of Pavia, was finally able to publish this work. The last 7 pages of this book present a detailed bibliography of Volta's works until 1813.
Beautiful rare and remarkable copy on large paper.

references: Wheeler Gift [726 : "The matter of this volume - the identity of voltaic and galvanic electricity - was dictated by Volta to one of his pupils and edited by professor Congliachi"], Honeyman [3076].

Price : 2950 €

Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 
Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 
Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 
Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 
Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 
Photo [VOLTA, Alessandro]. 
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