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[BRISSON...], Lexicon juridicum, Hoc est, Juris civilis..., 1599

Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 

[BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 

Lexicon juridicum, Hoc est, Juris civilis et canonici in schola at que soro usitatarum vocum penus. Ex antiquis & recentioribus jurisconsultis de Lexigraphis [.] Brissonii, Hotmani, Prateii. 

[Genève], Jacob Stoer, 1599.

8vo (190x117 mm), (16)-1121-(3 bl.) pages.  binding : Contemporary full calf, spine in five compartments. Covers blind stamped (with IME). Caps and corners worn. 

Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 

Second edition.
The aim of the Lexicon juridicum is to offer a collection of specific terms and expressions used in the field of law and extracted from the works of the most renowned jurisconsults. Its ambition is nothing less than to offer students a work that is as dense as it is convenient.

The Reformed publisher Jacob Stoer chose the form of a dictionary-like compilation of the works of the jurisconsults Brisson, Hotman and Duprat.

references: Alain Dubois ["Jacob Stoer (1542-1610), un éditeur et ses auteurs" : "Mais Jacob Stoer est surtout connu pour la publication en 1594 d’un Lexicon juridicum. Les étudiants en droit, à qui cet ouvrage est prioritairement destiné, ont accordé un accueil très favorable à ce texte, puisque Jacob Stoer en a donné deux nouvelles éditions en 1599 et en 1607."].

Price : 500 €

Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 
Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 
Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 
Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 
Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 
Photo [BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François  || DUPRAT, Pardoux ]. 
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