SAY, Cours complet d'économie politique pratique, 1828-1829
SAY, Jean Baptiste.
Cours complet d'économie politique pratique.
Paris, Rapilly, 1828-1829.
Six volumes in-8 (201x125 mm), vi-458 pages and 1 table / vii-479 pages and 1 plate / vii-472 pages / viii-490 pages / viii-393 pages /vii-451 pages. binding : Contemporary quarter sheep, flat spines gilt for "école royale de minéralogie de Moutiers". Binding rubbed. Few foxings on paper. Tears on two leaves on volume VI.
First edition.
Jean Baptiste Say is considered one of the fathers of economic science.
This course is a compilation of his teaching given at the chair of industrial economics at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
He defends a liberal economic thought: he puts forward private property, free competition and a role of the State as limited as possible. In fact, it is a direct extension of the French school of liberal political economy.
A seventh volume of correspondence appeared in 1833 after the author's death.
references: Einaudi [II, 5112] Palgrave ["J.B. Say is isually renked, with A. Smith and Ricardo, amongst the fathers of economic science"].
Price : 450 €