Textiles artificiels, étude de leur situation présente et de leur avenir.
Paris, imprimerie Paul Dupont, 1947.
4to (268x203 mm), 91-(2) pages. binding : Original printed cardboards.
First edition. Jacques Dourdin is the first to import the method of opinion polls in France. The method was popularized during the thirties in the United States by Doctor Gallup. The French firm Jacques Dourdin proposed to provide industrialists and traders with all the information they wanted, thanks to the method of surveys by sample. He thus delivers the first rational studies of the French market. This pamphlet presents a survey on the need and acceptance of artificial textile fibers (rayon and fibranne) by the French market.
Numbered copy (n°861).
references: Jean-Paul Grémy ["Jacques Dourdin, pionnier des études de marché en France", 2019].