GAMA MACHADO, Théorie des ressemblances, 1844
GAMA MACHADO, José Joaquim da.
Théorie des ressemblances ou essai philosophique sur les moyens de déterminer les dispositions physiques et morales des animaux.
Paris, H. Fournier et Cie, 1844.
Folio (345x266 mm), (4)-xxi-(3)-206-(1) pages and 3 plates. binding : Modern quarter calf, flat spines. Edges uncrop. Last plate foxed.
First edition.
Third part alone of the four parts that appeared over a period of almost thirty years. The first part appeared in 1831, the last in 1858. The subject, on the border between natural history and philosophy, consists in applying a rigorous analogy between animal forms and human psychology. In the tradition of Lavater, Gall and the physiognomists, the physical configuration of the organ is revealing of personal dispositions. Da Gama Machado was a commander and gentleman of the Royal House of the King of Portugal; he lived surrounded by his birds, which he cherished.
Presentation copy to Achille Comte (1802-1866).
references: Brunet [V, 800 :" Ouvrage imprimé aux frais de l'auteur, et tiré à petit nombre"].
Price : 600 €