LEMERY (Nicolas) augmenté par BARON. Cours de chymie contenant la manière de faire les opérations qui sont en usage dans la Médecine par une Méthode facile. Avec des raisonnemens sur chaque Opération, pour l'Instruction de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer à cette science. Nouvelle édition Revue, corrigée & augmentée. 1757.
LEMERY (Nicolas) augmenté par BARON.
Cours de chymie contenant la manière de faire les opérations qui sont en usage dans la Médecine par une Méthode facile. Avec des raisonnemens sur chaque Opération, pour l'Instruction de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer à cette science. Nouvelle édition Revue, corrigée & augmentée.
Paris, Laurent-Charles d'Houry, 1757.
4to (258x193 mm), (6)-xxvi-782 pages, seven plates and two tables. Plates bound after page 754. binding : Contemporary full mottled sheep, spine gilt in six compartments, title in gilt on lettering-piece, marbled edges. Head of spine chipped. Foxing.

French chemist, Nicolas LEMERY was born at Rouen on the 17th of November 1645. After learning pharmacy in his native town he became a pupil of C. Glaser's in Paris, and then went to Montpellier, where he began to lecture on chemistry. He next established a pharmacy in Paris, still continuing his lectures. Lemery did not concern himself much with theoretical speculations, but holding chemistry to be a demonstrative science, confined himself to the straightforward exposition of facts and experiments. In consequence, his lecture-room was thronged with people of all sorts, anxious to hear a man who shunned the barren obscurities of the alchemists, and did not regard the quest of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life as the sole end of his science. Of his Cours de chymie (1675) he lived to see 13 editions, and for a century it maintained its reputation as a standard work.
The 1756's edition (the first one in 4to) is considered by Dorbon and P.Larousse as the best one. The only difference with our edition (1757) is the title engraving which is without the artist signature.
references: Dorbon [2601].
Price : 700 €