MABLY, Gabriel Bonnot de. Des principes des négociations, pour servir d'introduction au droit public de l'Europe, fondés sur les traités. 1757.
MABLY, Gabriel Bonnot de.
Des principes des négociations, pour servir d'introduction au droit public de l'Europe, fondés sur les traités.
La Haye, s.n., 1757.
12mo (170x95 mm), viii-278 pages. binding : Contemporary full calf, spine with six compartments. Arms on cover from Emmanuel Dieudonné de Hautefort. Fresh copy, light waterstain on headedge, tail-corners bumped. The last marbled page is missing.

First edition.
Gabriel Bonnot de Mably was Condillac's brother, although today less known than his parent, his innovative work of political philosophy places him among the precursors of what will become communism. In particular, he proposed to limit land ownership rights.
As a fine geopolitical analyst, he published his Treaty of Negotiations at the start of the Seven Years' War, after the overthrow of the alliance which will set Europe (and the world) on fire.
"His concepts of power, of world legal order, of moralizing the relations between people, peoples and states, undoubtedly still have a lot to teach us." Florence Gauthier, Extract from the preface for the reissue of the text in 2003
Our copy bearing the arms of Emmanuel Dieudonné de Hautefort (1700-1777), a diplomat who was french ambassador to Vienna from 1749 to 1752 and who was therefore at the heart of European diplomacy in this troubled period of the 18th century. It was indeed during this period that negotiations between France and Austria began to initiate a European diplomatic revolution.
references: OHR [1622].
Price : 750 €