[MANUSCRIT HOMEOPATHIE], WEBER, Exposition systématique, 1831
[WEBER, Georges Adolph].
Exposition systématique de tous les médicamens qui on été soumis à l'expérience pour reconnaitre leur véritable action.
s.l., s.n., 1831.
4to (225x175 mm), (4)-221-(14)-334 pages. binding : Contemporary quarter calf, gilt flat spine. Joints splitting. Headcap worn with lack of leather.
![Photo [WEBER, Georges Adolph].](https://images.livresanciens.com/livres/202493/images/T8.jpg
Manuscript proposing one of the first directories of homeopathic medicines in the French language through a translation of the work by Georg Adolph Weber: "Systematische Darstellung der reinen Arzneiwirkungen aller bisher geprüften Symptome" published in German in 1831.
The work will not be published in French only in 1833 with a translation by the Swiss homeopath Peschier under the title "Systematic exposition of the pure pathogenetic effects of all the remedies put to date in experience" (Geneva, Cherbuliez, 1833).
Our manuscript uses the same two-part structure as the German edition and should probably precede the French edition. The binding is typical of the 1830s, we are thus at the very beginning of the development of homeopathy in Europe under the impetus of the German school directed by Hannemahn (1755-1843) of whom Weber was a disciple.
It is in Switzerland and in Lyon that homeopathy in French language develops, Count Sébastien Des Guidi creates in 1830 the Homeopathic Society Lyonnaise and opens its consultations, there are 5 or 6 homeopaths in France in 1832 then 25 in 1833, 52 in 1835. (Cf. Bariety, "The beginnings of homeopathy in France", 1969)
Witness to the beginnings of homeopathy in France.
references: FOURNIER : [in. 'Bibliographie des ouvrages de Samuel Hahnemann', 2014 (258): "Si l’on doit considérer l’ouvrage de Weber comme un travail « répertorial », la traduction qu’en donne Peschier serait le premier ouvrage du genre en langue française, avant la version de celui de Jahr en 1834 [...] pour une indication morbide donnée, un liste de remèdes est amenée avec les symptômes de chacun"].
Price : 1200 €