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LIEUTAUD, Jacques.
Connoissance des temps pour l'année 1727 au méridien de paris.
Paris, Jean Mariette, 1727.
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90 €
First edition.
First published in 1679, this astronomical yearbook was immediately a great success, given its usefulness, and has never suffered any interruption. First written by Abbé Jean Picard, then by his fellow academician, Le Febvre, it was, after the reform of the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1699, developed by a team of academicians: Jacques Lieutaud surrounded by Réaumur, Galon and Cassini.
VILLEMOT, Philippe.
Nouveau système ou nouvelle explication du mouvement des planètes.
Lyon, Louis Declaustre, 1707.
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900 €
First edition.
Villemot Philippe (1651 - 1713), priest and astronomer, was a member of the Academy of Sciences, Belles Lettres and Arts of Lyon. Here he proposes an improvement of Descartes' system of vortices by proposing in particular explanations for variations in the Earth's axis and the mechanics of tides.
At the end of his preface Villemot declares that he was not able to read Newton's work on gravitation before writing his book: "So I do not believe that we see anything here that is common to me and this clever Englishman; except one of his Theorems, which I recognized with pleasure to be only a corollary of my Principle".
Book written in French with juxta-linear Latin translation.
Les Preuves astronomiques de la Relativité.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1922.
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250 €
First edition.
Offprint from an article published in the Bulletin astronomique
. From the beginning of his article the author warns us: "Astronomers are preparing to renew and multiply the observations whose doubtful and hitherto uncontested results have nevertheless served as a fundamental basis for this sort of scientific religion which has become relativity". Esclangon re-examines the evidence then known (calculation of Mercury's perihelions, deviation of the Sun's rays, variations of lines), and exposes certain paradoxes (superluminal speed of a projected shadow).
LAPLACE, Pierre-Simon de.
Exposition du Système du Monde.
Paris, Imprimerie du cercle social, An IV [1796].
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1000 €
First edition.
Mathematician and physicist, Laplace (1749-1827) this "French Newton" is one of the most influential scientists of the Napoleonic period.
The book was very successful and was reissued five times with each reissue some changes by the author.
If the term "black hole" was not created until 1967, the principle was however already imagined by Laplace in his System of the world: "A luminous star of the same density as the earth, and whose diameter would be two hundred and fifty times larger than that of the sun, would not allow any of its rays to reach us by virtue of its attraction; it is therefore possible that the largest luminous bodies in the universe are thereby invisible. II, p.305).
This hypothesis considered fanciful will be removed from the third edition.
KEILL, John || [LE MONNIER, Pierre-Charles].
Institutions Astronomiques, ou Leçons élémentaires d'Astronomie, pour servir d'introduction à la Physique Céleste, & à la Science des Longitudes, avec de nouvelles tables d'équation corrigées; et particulièrement les tables du soleil, de la Lune & des Satellites: précédées d'un Essai sur l'Histoire de l'Astronomie Moderne.
Paris, Hippolyte-Louis Guerin & Jacques Guérin, 1746.
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850 €
First edition.
First french translation of John Keill's Introductio ad veram astronomiuam (London: 1721) but with important additions and with new tables of the sun and moon.
The work is embellished with 2 zodiacal maps, 3 maps of the lunar craters, 1 plan of the solar system, and 9 geometric plates (numbered from I to IX).
HALLEY, Edmond || DE LALANDE, Jérôme || CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, Jean de (Abbé).
Tables astronomiques de M. Hallei.
Paris, Durand & Pissot, 1754-1759.
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950 €
First edition in French of Halley's astronomical tables after the original in Latin of 1749.
The first volume supervised by Chappe d'Auteroche presents the tables of the Sun and the Moon with additions by Le Monnier.
The second volume supervised by Jérôme De Lalande presents the tables of planets and comets, and is preceded by a translation of the theory of comets by Halley.
More than the Halley's text, Lalande presents for the first time his account of the return of the 1682 comet in 1759. Lalande's work is indeed published shortly after the return of the 1682 comet (henceforth called "Halley's comet") whose the English scientist had predicted, according to the Newtonian equations, the passage in the terrestrial sky at the end of the year 1758 or the beginning of the year 1759... which was indeed the case.
This experimental proof of the theories of Newton was a milestone in astronomy.
[GADROYS, Claude].
Le Systeme du Monde, selon les trois Hypotheses, ou conformement aux loix de la Mechanique l'on explique dans la supposition du mouvement de la Terre.
Paris, Guillaume Desprez, 1675.
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750 €
First edition.
Book in which are presented the cosmologies of Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe enlightened by the theories of Descartes.
Théorie de la Lune, déduite du seul principe de l'attraction.
Paris, Dessaint & Saillant, 1765.
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1500 €
Second edition.
This second edition brings together the Theory of the Moon and the Tables of the Moon published by Clairaut in 1752 and 1754 which are the first approximate resolution of the three-body problem. Between 1747 and 1754, three of the greatest mathematicians of their time, Euler, D'Alembert and Clairaut, opposed each other on a common project: to develop new mathematical methods in order to resolve the complex problems posed by the movement of the Moon, subject to both to the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Sun. The issue was both scientific and economic since the establishment of precise astronomical tables was necessary for the reliability of navigation at sea.
CASSINI, Jacques.
Tables astronomiques, du Soleil, de la Lune, des planètes, des étoiles fixes, et des satellites de Jupiter et Saturne, avec l’explication & l’usage de ces mêmes tables.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1740.
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650 €
First edition.
Volume gathering 122 astronomical tables calculated at the meridian of the Royal Observatory of Paris. The tables are preceded by a user manual section in which Cassini explains how they were established and how they should be used. They will serve as references until the end of the 18th century.
JACOBI, Carl Gustav Jacob.
Mémoire sur l'élimination des noeuds dans le problème des trois corps.
Paris, Bachelier, 1844.
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350 €
First off-print publication of Jacobi's article on his approach to the three-body problem.
Jacobi's article is binded following two other memoirs on celestial mechanics, extracted from the Journal de Liouville:
CISA DE GRESY, Memoir on the problem of the disturbance of the planets, Bachelor, [1828]
LE DOULCET DE PONTECOULANT, Memoir on the part of the coefficients of the great inequalities of Jupiter and Saturn which depend on the square of the pertubating forces, Paris, Bachelier, [1829].
DUPUY, Léon.
Exposé de la méthode de Hansen pour le calcul des perturbations spéciales des petites planètes.
[Paris], [Baillière], [1874].
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150 €
First edition.
Article published in the Memoirs of the Physical and Natural Sciences Society of Bordeaux.TX on this fundamental problem of celestial mechanics which preoccupied mathematicians and astronomers at the end of the 19th century. Discussion on Hansen's method which is a perturbation theory approach to the three-body problem.
DIONIS DU SEJOUR, Achille Pierre.
Traité analytique des mouvemens apparens des corps célestes.
Paris, Veuve Valade, 1786-1789.
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3000 €
First edition.
Work described by Lalande as "the greatest work of analytical astronomy".
"After having applied analysis to all parts of astronomy, he collected all the memoirs he had published in the volumes of the Academy, perfecting them, bringing them together by a methodical sequence, making their principles more elementary , the more numerous applications, and he formed a large work of it in two large volumes in-4°, published in 1786 and 1789" (wikipedia).
Tables de la Lune, calculées suivant la théorie de la gravitation universelle.
Paris, Durand, 1754.
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2500 €
First edition of the tables of the Moon resulting from the calculations of Alexis Clairaut on the problem of the three bodies.
"Between 1747 and 1754, three of the greatest mathematicians of their time, Euler, D'Alembert and Clairaut, oppose a common project: to develop new mathematical methods in order to solve the complex problem posed by the movement of the Moon, submitted at the same time to the gravitational attraction of the Earth and the Sun. [...] But the stake is not only mathematical, it became indeed urgent, for the needs of the astronomical navigation, for the safety of the roads maritime and commercial, and for the protection of crews to finally have tables giving the ecliptic longitude of the Moon with sufficient precision in order to make the lunar distance method applicable at sea. " (Guy Boistel. Beyond the problem of the three bodies: Alexis Clairaut and his nautical tables of the Moon (1751-1765) Proceedings of the congress on the history of science and technology, Poitiers, May 20-22, 2004).
The stake both scientific and commercial explains why Clairaut in the introduction of his tables indicates the precise chronology of the disclosure to the public of his mathematical discoveries. Although proposing the most accurate mathematical solution of the problem of the three bodies, it will be preceded by the German Mayer who publishes in 1753 his tables established in an empirical way. And it is Mayer who will be awarded by the Board of Longitude the prize of 3000 pounds sterling to the chagrin of Clairaut.
KEPLER, Johannes || BARTSCH, Jakob.
Tabulae Manuales Logarithmicae ad Calculum Astronomicum, in specie Tabb. Rudolphinarum compendiose tractandum mire utiles.
Strasbourg, Theodore Lerse, 1700.
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3000 €
Second and first obtainable edition.
In 1627, Kepler published his final work, the Tabulae Rudolphinae, an ephemeris of planetary motions of unprecedented accuracy. This feat was only possible thanks to the use of logarithmic tables, which allowed him to shorten the immense calculations necessary for the precision of these predictions.
The use of logarithmic calculation is thus at the heart of Kepler’s astronomical work. He discovered Napier’s work in 1617, but he preferred to construct his own tables using a new geometric approach. More accurate than those of his predecessor, Kepler’s tables were published in Mathematici chilias logarithmorum in 1624.
For the Tabulae Rudolphinae, Kepler modified his logarithmic tables by changing the intervals of tabulation..
After Kepler's death in 1630, his son-in-law Jacob Bartsch wanted to propose a portable and less expensive version of the logarithmic tables used for the calculations of the Tabulae, which had been published in folio format. Bartsch had them published in 16mo format, under the title Logarithmorum logisticorum (Sagan, 1631).
Our edition was given by the French mathematician Jean Caspar Eisenschmidt, who corresponded with Cassini in Strasbourg. In his introduction, Eisenschmidt explains that the print run of the original edition had been extremely limited due to financial problems. The rarity of copies of the Sagan edition, even at the time, necessitated a new edition.
A very fresh copy.
LA LANDE, Jérôme de.
Exposition du calcul astronomique.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1762.
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1500 €
First edition of one of Lalande's earliest works in which he provides explanations of astronomical calculations.
With numerous tables regarding the sun and motions of the planets.
One of the plates depicts the face of the moon.
Some old manuscripts notes.
[STEYERT, André].
Brief discours des horrificques & célestialles visions qui furent veües en diverses régions &t notament en la Cité de Lyon, ez années 1527 & 1528, nouvellement mis en lumière, jouxte l'imprimé & augmenté de nottes très- amples & profictables à tous chrestiens & bons françois.
[Suivi de] : La terrible et espouventable comette, laquelle apparut le xi jour d’octobre l’an 1527 en Almaigne.
Lyon, Alf. Louis Perrin et Marinet, 1875.
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350 €
Rare booklet, n° 7 on chinese paper.
VAUGONDY, Didier Robert de.
Usages des globes céleste et terrestre, faits par ordre du Roy.
Paris, Antoine Boudet, 1751.
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First edition.
In this book, Didier Robert de Vaugondy (1723-1786) explained how the globes he made for Louis XV worked.
Born into a family of geographers and cartographers, Didier Rober de Vaugondy was appointed geographer to the king, like his father, and became the royal censor for books concerning geography, navigation and travel in 1773.
ALEXANDRE, Dom Jacques.
Traité du flux et du reflux de la mer, où l'on explique d'une manière nouvelle & simple, la nature, les causes, & les particularitez de ce phénomène.
Paris, Babuty, 1726.
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200 €
First edition of this study which deals with the tides.Alexandre argues that the earth revolves around the moon.
Traitté d'Horlogiographie, contenant plusieurs manières de construire sur toutes surfaces, toutes sortes de lignes horaires : & autres cercles de la Sphere.
Avec quelques Instrumens pour la mesme pratique, & pour cognoistre les heures durant la nuict : & l'heure du flus & reflus de la Mer.
Plus la methode de couper en pierre ou en bois les corps reguliers par le cube & par le cylindre.
Paris, Melchior Tavernier, 1641.
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1500 €
First edition of this of this famous work of horology, astronomy and navigation.
The author presents the different kinds of dials, how to trace them and construct them on flat surfaces, or "on the convexity of a globe."
Chapters deal with Babylonian, Italian and Jewish clocks and dials, signs of the zodiac, celestial houses, golden numbers, the age of the moon, the ebb and flow of the sea, etc.
This book has been very successful and has often been reissued, but this first edition is very rare.
Mémoires donnés à l'académie royale des sciences non imprimés dans leur temps, par M.Fontaine, de cette académie.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1764.
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750 €
First edition.
Twelve memories, dealing essentially with infinitesimal geometry, integral calculus, mechanics, and astronomy.
Dissertations sur quelques points de physique, ou nouvel exposé des causes de plusieurs phénomènes dont la solution est encore problématique.
Paris, Madame Huzard, An X [1802].
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450 €
Rare work. Only two copies located in French libraries (ccfr).
The book contains two essays. The first on capillarity the second on how the sun warm us.
We joint a letter from the author.
HULDEBERG, Daniel Erasmus von.
Opuscula iuventutis mathematica curiosa..curante Georgio Guilielmo de Lage.
Jena, Oehrling, 1710.
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750 €
A collection of 4 astronomical works, written by Huldeberg when still a studen. Apparently the 3rd edition.
DELAMBRE, Jean-Baptiste.
Astronomie théorique et pratique.
Paris, Vve Courcier, 1814.
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750 €
First edition of this classical work on astronomy.
MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis-Moreau de.
Les Oeuvres de Mr. De Maupertuis.
Dresde, George Conrad Walther, 1752.
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1500 €
Rare first collective edition of the works of Maupertuis.
Contain : Essay de Cosmologie - Discours sur les différentes figures des astres - Mesure de la Terre au Cercle polaire - Elements de geographie - Lettre sur la Comete qui paroissoit en 1742 - Venus physique - Harangue prononcee dans l'Academie francoise - Discours prononcé dans l'Academie des Sciences le jour de la naissance du Roy - Des devoirs de l'Academicien - Eloge M. de Keyserlingh - Eloge de M. de Bork - Eloge de M. le Marechal de Schmettau - Relation d'un voyage fait dans la Laponie - Lettre sur le progres des sciences - Reflexions philosophique sur l'origine des Langues - Essay de philosophie morale.
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