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Photo CLAIRAUT, Alexis. 

First edition of the tables of the Moon resulting from the calculations of Alexis Clairaut on the problem of the three bodies.

"Between 1747 and 1754, three of the greatest mathematicians of their time, Euler, D'Alembert and Clairaut, oppose a common project: to develop new mathematical methods in order to solve the complex problem posed by the movement of the Moon, submitted at the same time to the gravitational attraction of the Earth and the Sun. [...] But the stake is not only mathematical, it became indeed urgent, for the needs of the astronomical navigation, for the safety of the roads maritime and commercial, and for the protection of crews to finally have tables giving the ecliptic longitude of the Moon with sufficient precision in order to make the lunar distance method applicable at sea. " (Guy Boistel. Beyond the problem of the three bodies: Alexis Clairaut and his nautical tables of the Moon (1751-1765) Proceedings of the congress on the history of science and technology, Poitiers, May 20-22, 2004).

The stake both scientific and commercial explains why Clairaut in the introduction of his tables indicates the precise chronology of the disclosure to the public of his mathematical discoveries. Although proposing the most accurate mathematical solution of the problem of the three bodies, it will be preceded by the German Mayer who publishes in 1753 his tables established in an empirical way. And it is Mayer who will be awarded by the Board of Longitude the prize of 3000 pounds sterling to the chagrin of Clairaut.

Photo KEPLER, Johannes || BARTSCH, Jakob. 
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