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[BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François || DUPRAT, Pardoux ].
Lexicon juridicum, Hoc est, Juris civilis et canonici in schola at que soro usitatarum vocum penus. Ex antiquis & recentioribus jurisconsultis de Lexigraphis [.] Brissonii, Hotmani, Prateii.
[Genève], Jacob Stoer, 1599.
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500 €
Second edition.
The aim of the Lexicon juridicum is to offer a collection of specific terms and expressions used in the field of law and extracted from the works of the most renowned jurisconsults. Its ambition is nothing less than to offer students a work that is as dense as it is convenient.
The Reformed publisher Jacob Stoer chose the form of a dictionary-like compilation of the works of the jurisconsults Brisson, Hotman and Duprat.
Codicis Iustiniani Imp[er]atoris cu[m] varijs su[m]marijs diuina p[ro]mulgatio.
Paris, François Regnault, 1518.
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600 €
Pretty post-incunabula edition with headings printed in red.
According to Renouard this is the typographical material of Pierre Olivier.
The Justinian Code is the most complete corpus of Roman law, rediscovered and completed during the Renaissance, it will serve as the basis for European law.
Miroir universel des arts et sciences.
Paris, Regnault Chaudiere, 1598.
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1250 €
Rare work of spagyric medicine.
Our copy, in accordance with what the title page announces, and unlike the copy Dorbon describes, is complete with the second part "Les Caprices touching la médecine".
This last part contains the description of the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life and what will be known as the Balm of Fioravanti.
This balm was a panacea that had made its creator famous.
MONTEUX, Jerôme de.
Conservation de santé, et prolongation de vie, livre fort utile & nécessaire non seulement aux médecins, mais aussi à toute personne qui veult avoir sa santé corporelle, sans laquelle cette vie est sans fruit.
Paris, Simon Calvarin, à l'enseigne de la Rose blanche couronnée, 1572.
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800 €
Second french edition.
Jérôme de Monteux, lord of Miribel, gave birth to Catherine de Médicis of the future François II and was medical adviser to Henri II.
Treatise on medicine borrowing from the ancients their advice for leading a healthy life: dietetics, sleep, economy of passions.
Published in Latin in 1557, we discover implicitly what daily life could be like at the court of France in the middle of the 16th century.
Les Aphorismes d'Hippocrates, prince des médecins.
Paris, Jacques Kerver, 1550.
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2500 €
First edition in french.
These aphorisms are considered one of the founding texts of Western medicine. They contain principles and observations about health, disease and medical practice.
Each Aphorism in Latin is followed by its translation and commentary in French.
Some handwritten notes in the margins of writing from the beginning of the 17th century.
GORDON, Bernard (de).
Bernardi Gordonii opus, lilium medicinae inscriptum de morborum propre omnium curatione septem particulis distributum.
Lyon, Guillaume Rouillé, 1574.
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1500 €
A major work by Bernard de Gordon, Montpellier doctor from the beginning of the 15th century. He exposes there a knowledge heir to the knowledge of medicine of the Middle Ages.
The first mention of spectacles is found in the Lilium medicinae.
Livre d’Heures à l’usage de Paris.
s.l., s.n., [circa 1420].
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33000 €
From a follower of the Boucicaut Master.
The painter uses an extensive palette with sharp contrasts, and does not hesitate to use a bright minium red that he contrasts with the blues and greens in the happiest of ways.
The abstract backgrounds and the systematic use of a grassy ground, give to the whole manuscript a beautiful coherence and a great elegance.
Some of the preserved paintings, such as those of the Annunciation to the Shepherds, the Crucifixion, and St. Margaret, bear witness to the artist's talent and the high quality of this manuscript.
It should be noted that the composition of the The Flight into Egypt is closely mirrors of a Boucicaut composition.
Complete video on request.
GREGOIRE, Pierre ( Petrus Gregorius Tholosanus).
Syntaxeon Artis Mirabilis alter tomus.
Lyon, Antoine Gryphe, 1576.
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900 €
A veritable encyclopedia of science, the Marvelous Arts of Grégoire de Toulouse devote chapters, among other things, to cosmology, music, magic or medicine alongside astrology and mathematics.
Edition not listed by Baudrier.
Epigrammata Graeca selecta ex Anthologia.
[Genève], Henri Estienne, 1570.
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600 €
Printed by Henri Estienne, this collection is composed of the anthology formed of 260 Greek epigrams already published by him in 1566 but here enriched by his own translations into Latin prose, as well as by original translations in verse by himself and by Paulus Melissus.
This publication caused the imprisonment of Henri Estienne, who had not previously requested permission to publish from the Council of Geneva.
XII Caesares. Ex vetusto exemplari emendatiores multis locis.
Paris, Robert Estienne, 1543.
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1300 €
One of the most important old editions of the Life of the Twelve Caesars.
The text has been compiled from the best and oldest manuscript of the work, dating from the 9th century, together with comments by G. B. Cipelli, Erasmus's Notice to the Reader (1518) and translations of the Greek passages by Egnazio.
CHASSENEUZ, Barthélémy de.
Le Grant Coustumier de Bourgogne.
Paris, François Regnault, 1534-1535.
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4000 €
Completely revised and expanded edition of the custom of Burgundy by Chasseneuz.
A book on the origins of French law.
Chasseneuz's comments on customary law in Burgundy draw heavily on Roman law. Following him, other authors will revise local customary rights, such as Bouhier with the Customs of Berry. At the beginning of the 16th century, all customary law was thus reviewed and put back in order, constituting a legal corpus which would serve as the basis for the great reform of the Napoleonic Code.
"The appearance of his book was an event in the legal world. Its success soon exceeded the limits of Burgundy. [...] We saluted, in its author, the man who, the first, had just introduced the light of Roman law in the chaos of local customs." PIGNOT, "A Jurisconsult in the Sixteenth Century: Barthélemy de Chasseneuz", Larose, 1880
Beautiful Gothic print on two columns embellished with initials and 7 full-page engravings of inheritance trees. The completely revised edition of 1534 appears with a sequel, dated 1535 and with its own title page, listing all the additions to the Commentaries of Chasseneuz published in 1517 and 1528.
De L'Origine des Bourgongnons, et antiquité des estats de Bourgongne.
Paris, Nicolas Chesneau, 1581.
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2800 €
First edition.
One of the most sought after books on the history of Burgundy.
Complete copy with all the plates representing the cities of Dijon, Beaune, Autun, Mascon, Chalon sur Saone and Tournus.
LIPSIO, Giusto.
Iusti Lipsi Politicorum sive civilis doctrinae libri sex [suivi de] Ad Libros Politicorum breves notae [suivi de] Adversus dialogistam liber de una religione.
Lyon, Gabiano, 1594.
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250 €
Set of three books on the philosophy of law by Giusto Lipsio (Justus Lipsius; 1547-1606) Flemish humanist, philologist and philosopher.
Hippocratis Coi medicorum omnium longe principis, Opera, quae ad nos extant, omnia.
Venise, apud Vicentium Valgrisium, 1546.
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950 €
Rare Venice edition of the works of Hippocrates by the humanist physician Janus Cornarius (1500-1558).
The printing is the work of Vicenzo Valgrisi one of the most famous printers of Venice in the 16th century, his typographic work is of high quality.
Artis gymnasticae apud antiquos celeberrimae nostris temporibus ignoratae libri sex.
Venise, Iuntas, 1569.
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2000 €
First edition.
Girolamo Mercuriale (1530-1606), when the body had been somewhat neglected by the medieval culture, was inspired by the principle of Juvénal: Mens sana in corpore sano and offers us by studying the texts of antiquity the first book of gymnastic.
"[...] its knowledge interests any man who professes medicine, especially since one finds in Hippocrates, Plato and Galen the affirmation repeated over and over again according to which exercises, if one wishes to lead a healthy life, provide benefits so great and so numerous that it is scarcely that the other resources of medicine provide so many. " (translation of part of book III)
"Heir to the galenic tradition, Mercuriale draws from Greek and Latin literature, but also from his contemporaries. Using both his medical knowledge and the achievements of antiquaria, he wrote the first treatise on gymnastics in our history, the 6 books of De Arte Gymnastica "(Jean-Michel Agasse," Le De arte gymnastica de Girolamo Mercuriale: archeology and body culture in the Renaissance ", doctoral thesis)
The folding board is the proposal for a Gymnasium plan.
De rheumatismo, catharrho variisque a cerebro destillationibus, & horum curatione Libellus.
Burdigalae, S. Millangium, 1577.
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900 €
Rare first edition.
It's the first use of the word "rheumatism".
The root ‘rheum’ refers to bodily fluids rather than ‘rheumatism’ as we know it today.
This book is about curing the common cold, rather than ailments of the joints.
CLAVIUS, Christoph.
Epitome arithmeticae practica.
Roma, Dominici Basae, 1583.
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1800 €
First edition of this work which is known to have influenced Descartes and Leibniz.
JODELLE, Étienne.
Les Œuvres et Meslanges poetiques. Reveuës & augmentees en ceste derniere edition.
Lyon, Benoist Rigaud, 1597.
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1800 €
Third edition.
PERERIUS, Benedictus.
Adversus fallaces et superstitiosas Artes. Id est, de Magia, de Observasione Somniorum et de Divinatione Astrologica.
Lugduni, Officina Juntarum, 1592.
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1750 €
Rare treaty on witchcraft and magic of the sixteenth century.
Lyon first edition (first in 1591), well complete with the last blank leaf (with old manuscript notes).
The book is divided into three parts. The first deals with different aspects of magic, the second is about dreams and their interpretation and the last on astrology.
BACCI, Andrea.
De thermis libri septem. In quo agitur de universa aquarum natura, deque earum differentiis omnibus, ac mistionibus cum terris, cum ignibus, cum metallis.
Venise, Felicem Valgrisum, 1588.
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550 €
Second enlarged edition.
Les jugemens astronomiques des songes, par Artemidorus, autheur ancien & renommé.
Le Livre d'Auguste Niphe des divinations, & Augures, par Antoine du Moulin.
Paris, Nicolas Bonsons, 1576.
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1500 €
This rare treaty of dream interpretation - Oneirokritika in Greek - is the only ancient Greek civilization work on this subjet, to have survived in full.
Artemidorus make a detailed technical treaty that was extremely popular during the Middle Ages.
Freud wrote on the great importance of this book in its "Die Traumdeutung".
Magni Hippocratis medicorum omnium facile principis opera omnia quae extant.
Francofurdi, Andrea Wecheli, 1595.
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1800 €
First edition of this important translation from greek to latin of the Hippocratic corpus.
Remains the reference until its replacement by the French edition of Littre [1839-1861].
The Hippocrates works are a set of sixty text written between 450 and 350 bc.
During the sixteenth century, scholars have gradually given rise to the Hippocratic Corpus in Latin, which was current until its replacement by the French edition of Littre [1839-1861].
The editions that enabled this achievement are the first editions in Latin (1525 in Rome) and Greek (1526, Aldus), which led to the discovery of manuscripts hitherto virtually unknown.
Then came the Basel editions of 1538 and 1546 (Froben) that led to the systematic correction of many first editions.
Finally, in 1595, the doctor of Metz Anuce Foes (1528-1595) printed this important bilingual edition that became the reference until the Littré works 250 years later.
Fresh copy of this rare and important edition of the works of Hippocrate.
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