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Le grand trésor des marchands, banquiers et négocians, des financiers, de la noblesse, et de tous Seigneurs tant Ecclesiastiques que Seculiers, du trésor royal, des Officiers de Robe & d’Épée, de la bourgeoisie, et des Arts et Mêtiers.
Avec un nouveau Traité sur le Commerce.
Bordeaux, Simon de la Court, [1704].
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500 €
First edition.
Moulinier proposes a geometric method of calculating "Inner Discounts" as well as a new journal model for keeping double-entry accounting.
Rare work missing from usual bibliographies (Einaudi, Goldsmith)
Copy signed at the end.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Le Parfait Négociant ou instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce.
Lyon, Jacques Lyons, 1701.
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150 €
Fifth edition.
A famous merchant born in 1622 in Doué (Anjou) from a noble family, Savary became a wealthy merchant and retired from business at the age of 36. He was chosen by Colbert to be one of the writers of the commercial code of 1673 which was called "Code Savary". He wrote in 1675 the "Perfect trader" which is the compilation of the knowledge he had gathered for the drafting of the ordinance. The legal solutions are clear, sensible, practical, honest. The book is a business bible whose importance Max Weber underlined. This work became a classic, reprinted many times and translated into German, English and Italian.
SAY, Horace.
Histoire des relations commerciales entre la France et le Brésil.
Paris, Guillaumin, 1839.
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2000 €
First edition.
Following the establishment of the Portuguese court in Brazil (1808) and the opening of ports to foreigners, an immense country opened up to international trade.
Brazil then aroused the interest of French economists who saw it as a testing ground for liberal ideas.
Horace Say predicted an upcoming economic boom in Brazil and drew from it an economic model for the future French colonial empire which then began to develop.
Presentation copy to Philip Taylor, English business manager based in Marseille. The Say and Taylor families, both Protestants, have been friends since the young Says’ study and work stay in England. They found themselves around the sugar industry, Horace Say's uncle founded the Say sugar factory (current Béghin-Say), and Philip Taylor the elder, a British machine designer, sold equipment, particularly in France for sugar refineries.
GODWIN, William.
Recherches sur la population, et sur la faculté d'accroissement de l'espèce humaine ; contenant une réfutation des doctrines de M. Malthus sur cette matière.
Paris, J-P. Aillaud, 1821.
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450 €
First french edition.
William Godwin (1756-1836) is a British philosopher, precursor of anarchism and inspiration for the utilitarian movement.
This book is part of the controversy between Godwin and Malthus about the principle of population. For Malthus, the mathematical growth of the human population occurs at a rate greater than that of access to resources.
For Godwin, the "improvement of Man" (in fact technical progress) will make it possible to compensate for population growth, he says:
"if the earth, in all its habitable parts, could be made as fertile as China, it would be enough to feed a population of nine thousand million people" (volume II, p.212).
A debate that is still current.
SAY, Jean Baptiste.
Cours complet d'économie politique pratique.
Paris, Rapilly, 1828-1829.
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450 €
First edition.
Jean Baptiste Say is considered one of the fathers of economic science.
This course is a compilation of his teaching given at the chair of industrial economics at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
He defends a liberal economic thought: he puts forward private property, free competition and a role of the State as limited as possible. In fact, it is a direct extension of the French school of liberal political economy.
A seventh volume of correspondence appeared in 1833 after the author's death.
NECKER, Jacques.
Compte rendu au Roi par M. Necker Directeur général des Finances Au mois de janvier 1781.
Paris, Imprimerie du cabinet du roi, 1781.
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1000 €
First edition.
This first edition was not put on the market but distributed to a privileged few before the publication of the work by the Imprimerie royale. It contains two watercolor folding maps showing the divisions of tax and drafts on French territory and a folded table of Income and expenses carried to the Royal Treasury. The “Report to the King” is one of the “economic bestsellers” of the Ancien Régime. (The printings of the Imprimerie royale were distributed to the public in some forty thousand copies). It remains a source of primary importance for the financial and fiscal history of France. In this famous plea for transparency in public finances, Jacques Necker (1734-1802), Minister of Finance to Louis XVI from 1776 to 1781, details the functioning of royal finances, the principles of its administration and the financial situation of the country. But the author also reveals the lists of pensions paid by the State to certain members of the nobility, with the names of their beneficiaries and their amounts. The scandal that followed the publication of the work led the minister to resign on May 19, 1781.
Bound with the followin pieces :
- Les Comment, ou Abrégé des objections faites contre le compte rendu par M. Necker en forme de questions, En France, 1781
ii-16 pages.
- Mémoire donné au roi par Monsieur Necker en 1778, En France, 1781
32 pages.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Pareres, ou Avis et Conseils sur les plus importantes Matières du Commerce.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1688.
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750 €
First edition.
The “Pareres” follows the “Parfait négociant” by the same author, published in 1675 and which became the bible of trading in the eighteenth century.
Les Intérêts des Nations de l'Europe, dévelopés relativement au Commerce.
Leide, Elie Luzac, 1766.
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1000 €
First edition.
Work written in the aftermath of the Seven Years' War when Europe was seeking a new political balance. For Accarias this had to go through trade, he proposed a program of specific reforms – lowering of customs duties, reduction of tax pressure, in particular on essential goods, control of public credit and liberalization policy. agriculture and national economies... This economic program was based on pre-Smithian French and British literature and promoted radical liberalism.
GIDE, Charles.
Conférences sur l'Economie politique.
s.l., Ecole supérieure de guerre, 1908-1912.
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350 €
First edition.
Conferences on Political Economy given to student officers at the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre between 1908 and 1912, on the eve of the First World War.
Charles Gide (1847-1932), is a French economist and teacher. He is the historical leader of the French cooperative movement, the theoretician of the social economy, and the uncle of the writer André Gide.
The subjects of these conferences vary each year of the course:
1908: The Budget
1909-: The Strikes
1910: Tariff Wars and Trade Treaties 1
912: The Causes of the War
Bound with the following we will find the International Law course given Free School of Political Sciences (SciencesPo) by Louis Renault (Nobel Peace Prize in 1907) and written by trainee officers who were auditors.
DORMOY, Emile.
Théorie Mathématique des assurances sur la vie.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1878.
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450 €
First edition.
Emile Dormoy, a Polytechnique and mining engineer, will manage the Soleil-Vie insurance company.
He leaves us this important treatise on mathematics for the use of actuaries in which he notably devotes a chapter to the Theory of deviations.
He describes there before Wilhelm Lexis what will be known as the "Lexis Ratio".
The law of deviations subsequently developed by Bachelier will be one of the bases of financial mathematics.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Le Parfait Négociant ou instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1675.
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3500 €
First edition.
A famous merchant born in 1622 in Doué (Anjou) from a noble family, Savary became a wealthy merchant and retired from business at the age of 36. He was chosen by Colbert to be one of the writers of the commercial code of 1673 which was called "Code Savary". He wrote in 1675 the "Perfect trader" which is the compilation of the knowledge he had gathered for the drafting of the ordinance. The legal solutions are clear, sensible, practical, honest. The book is a business bible whose importance Max Weber underlined. This work became a classic, reprinted many times and translated into German, English and Italian.
[GALIANI, Ferdinando] || [DIDEROT, Denis].
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds.
Londres, s.n., 1770.
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1200 €
First edition.
Book revised and published by Diderot from a manuscript by Ferdinando Galiani, in which the latter expresses reservations about the free trade in grain adopted by the edicts of 1763 and 1764.
Galiani is indeed opposed to the export of wheat outside France, while French regions may still experience periods of famine.
This is one of the first criticisms of nascent economic liberalism.
What will be worth to him to be strongly attacked by the spirit of time, Turgot judging that the step of Galiani is representative of the stubborn refusal, and obscurantist, of the scientific novelty.
L'Expansion du commerce extérieur et l'organisation bancaire.
Paris, Delagrave, 1916.
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100 €
First edition.
This work was at the origin of the creation of the French Foreign Trade Bank.
Le Problème monétaire d'après guerre et sa solution en Pologne, en Autriche et en Tchécoslovaquie.
Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1931.
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80 €
First edition.
Publication of the doctoral thesis of Michel Heilperin (1909-1971) was an economist specializing in monetary subjects. Along with William Rappard, Louis Rougier and Ludwig von Mises, he defended liberal theses and opposed Keynesian policies.
La Politique monétaire de divers Pays d'Europe.
Paris, Felix Alcan, 1928.
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50 €
First edition.
Reports from the cycle of conferences organized by students of the free school of Political Sciences (currently Sciences-Po) on European monetary policies.
The world is on the eve of the crisis of 1929.
FISHER, Irving.
Le Pouvoir d'achat de la monnaie.
Paris, Marcel Giard, 1926.
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200 €
First edition in French.
Work devoted to the quantitative theory of money, its history, its method of calculation.
Although these notions had already been explained by Bodin in the 16th century, Irving Fisher was the first to clearly express the quantitative theory of money in the form of an equation: MV=PT.
FISHER, Irving.
L'Illusion de la monnaie stable.
Paris, Payot, 1929.
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80 €
First edition in French.
Preface by Francis Delaisi.
Work written from conferences given in Geneva in 1927, on the eve of the great recession.
Fisher, who was concerned about the stability of the currency established on the gold standard, described exactly what was going to happen in 1929:
"For example, suppose that in ten years from now gold becomes so rare as to reduce our gold reserves to legal percentages; [...] The circulation of goods will quickly gain speed over the circulation of money; the price level will fall, and there will be business depression, unemployment and all the evils which are the inevitable results of considerable deflation" (p.122)
Adopting the gold standard in 1928, France accumulated gold stocks (France's gold reserves increased from 7% of world reserves in 1926 to 27% in 1932) sucking up the world's gold and starting the process described above.
Instruction générale pour un régisseur d'une grande terre seigneuriale.
Paris, Gissey, 1760.
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300 €
First edition.
Uncommon brochure giving short instructions for the proper management of a domain. La Poix de Fréminville remained one of the most widely read jurists of his time until the Revolution.
HORN, J. Edouard.
La Liberté des banques.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, [1866].
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200 €
First edition.
Work in favor of the liberalization of the right to print money which was (and will remain) the privilege of the Banque de France. The author, "free-banker" as they were called, defends that "There is no reason of principle or case law to exempt fiduciary issuance from common law, to outlaw it from industrial freedom." His book comes in response to the crisis of the Banque de Savoie, during which the Savoyard bank was deprived of the right to coin money after the annexation of the Duchy of Savoy by France.
L'Homme aux quarante ecus.
[Genève], s.n., 1768.
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1750 €
The rare first edition, first issue with the errata.
Voltaire's only work on economics.
Written as a criticism of the physiocracts and the work of Le Mercier de la Rivière in particular, it was sufficiently controversial to be condemned and ordered to be burned by Parliament in 1768.
D'AUDIFFRET, Charles Louis Gaston.
Système Financier De La France.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, 1854.
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400 €
Second edition.
French politician, administrator and economist, Gaston d'Audiffret, was president of the Court of Auditors and one of the founders of the CIC.
De l'Administration financière telle qu'elle est sous l'influence des préjugés qui en arrêtent le développement, et telle qu'elle pourrait être sous l'empire de la science positive.
Paris, Cherruliez, 1836.
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200 €
First edition.
Étienne de Tessières, Count of Boisbertrand, was a deputy under the Restoration and the July Monarchy.
He writes here a reflection on public finances (tax, debt...) in the light of new positive science.
[MATHON DE LA COUR, Charles Joseph].
Collection des Comptes-Rendus, piéces Authentiques, états et Tableaux, concernant Les Finances de France depuis 1758 jusqu'en 1787.
Lausanne, Cuchet, 1788.
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175 €
First edition.
The public accounts and in particular their deficits were at the center of the political debates of the 1780s.
Traité des monnoies, et de la jurisdiction de la cour des monnoies, en forme de dictionnaire, qui contient l'histoire des monnoies des anciens peuples Juifs, Gaulois & Romains, (.) de France (.) de l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique (.) l'Europe (.).
Paris, Guillyn, 1764.
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250 €
First edition.
SIBOUR, Ernest.
Centralisation industrielle excessive ses causes, ses effets : Industries & Métiers disparus ou qui sont en décadence dans le chef-lieu du département des Hautes-Alpes.
Gap, Jean, 1890.
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60 €
First edition.
Book that studies the upheavals that the steam engine caused in the artisanal fabric of the Hautes Alpes. "In a word, we are trying to bring out the effect produced by this new direction, this irresistible impulse given to industry by the steam engine which has annihilated the manual production of the workman in many localities, without any compensation for them." (from the preface).
MALTHUS, Thomas.
Essai sur le principe de population ou exposé des effets passés et présens de l'action de cette cause sur le bonheur du genre humain; suivi de quelques recherches relatives à l'espérance de guérir ou d'adoucir les maux qu'elle entraine.
Paris, J.J. Paschoud, 1809.
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1000 €
First edition in french.
Main work of Malthus translated into French by Pierre Prevost on the fourth English edition.
At the origin of Malthusianism which advocates a voluntary restriction of births so that population growth remains in line with the growth of wealth.
Etudes Contemporaines : 9 essais politiques.
Paris, Dentu Dumineray, 1859-1861.
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250 €
9 political essays published mainly in the Contemporary Studies collection of the publisher Dumineray.
From the year 1860, the emperor gradually left more and more powers to the parliamentary assemblies and political life came alive, as evidenced by these essays.
Volume I :
PRESSENSE, Le Pouvoir temporel est il nécessaire à la religion ? , Paris, Dentu, 1859 (34 pages)
D'HAUSSONVILLE, Lettre aux conseils généraux, Paris, Dentu, 1859 (36 pages)
DE BROGLIE, Une Réforme administrative en Afrique, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 ((6)-242-(1) pages)
PREVOST-PARADOL, Les Anciens partis, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 (48 pages)
Volume II:
[Anonymous], La Liberté religieuse et la législation actuelle, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 ((4)-244 pages)
D'HAUSSONVILLE, Lettre au Sénat, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 (48 pages)
LEONCE DE LAVERGNE, La Constitution de 1852 et le décret du 24 novembre 1860, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 (48 pages)
Volume III:
DELPRAT, L'Administration et la presse, Paris, chez les principaux libraires, 1861 (44-(1) pages)
ODILON-BARROT, De La Centralisation et de ses effets, Paris, Dumineray, 1861 (viii-247-(1) pages).
[DU HAILLAN, Bernard de Girard].
Discours sur les causes de l'extrême cherté qui est aujourd'hui en France, & sur les moyens d'y remédier.
Paris, A l'olivier de Pierre L'Huilier, 1574.
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First edition.
After the end of the Middle Ages when prices reached historically low levels, the 16th century was marked by historic price inflation.
In 1563 the Paris Chamber of Accounts undertook a study on the "increase in the price of all things" in relation to "the depreciation of currencies", which gave rise to the controversy between Malestroit ("Les paradoxes du seigneur de Malestroict sur le faict des monnoyes ", 1566) and Jean Bodin (Response to the paradoxes of M. de Malestroict, 1568).
Our booklet, attributed to Bernard de Girard du Haillan who was finance secretary to the Duke of Anjou, feeds into this debate.
Haillan defines seven causes causing the rise in prices (instead of the 4 retained by Bodin). The first of these being the abundance of gold in Europe.
"The first cause, therefore, of dearness is the abundance of gold and silver, which in this Kingdom is greater than it ever was."
In fact, since the beginning of the 16th century, thanks to their conquests in the Americas, Spain and Portugal have doubled the quantity of gold circulating in Europe.
To the abundance of gold is added for Haillan the monopolies of the Merchants, the increase in international trade, the consumption of luxury by the Princes, it thus overlaps the 4 causes of the dearness defined by Bodin in 1568. But he adds : An overconsumption of wine and meat which nibbles the agricultural surface allocated to other foodstuffs; the increase in taxes which weigh on the peasants decreases the areas under cultivation; the periods of infertility that France had just experienced in previous years.
In fact, we find in Haillan's text all the terms of the quantitative theory of money as it will be formalized in 1910 by Fisher (MV = PY) who relates the price level to the quantity of money exchanged and resource production.
These debates around the high cost will lead during the Etats généraux of 1577 to the testing of the establishment of a monetary policy and the adoption of the Ecu as the currency for kingdom account. ("M. de Malestroit and the quantitative theory of money", Revue économique, 1987, 38-4, pp. 853-876).
DAMOREAU, Estienne.
Traité des négociations de banque et des monnoyes étrangères.
Paris, Guillaume Cavelier-Pissot, 1727.
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400 €
First edition.
A practical book for bankers, traders and merchants working in Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. Its subjects are numismatics, the explanation of exchange rates and conversions and the explanation of bank negotiations, illustrated by many plates.
THIERS, Adolphe.
De la Propriété.
Paris, Paulin, Lheureux et Cie, 1848.
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80 €
First edition.
Work written in reaction to the revolution of 1848 and the communist ideas that are beginning to emerge.
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