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DOURDIN, Jacques.
Textiles artificiels, étude de leur situation présente et de leur avenir.
Paris, imprimerie Paul Dupont, 1947.
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250 €
First edition.
Jacques Dourdin is the first to import the method of opinion polls in France. The method was popularized during the thirties in the United States by Doctor Gallup.
The French firm Jacques Dourdin proposed to provide industrialists and traders with all the information they wanted, thanks to the method of surveys by sample.
He thus delivers the first rational studies of the French market.
This pamphlet presents a survey on the need and acceptance of artificial textile fibers (rayon and fibranne) by the French market.
Numbered copy (n°861).
BIELFELD, Jacques-Frédéric (Baron de).
Institutions politiques.
La Haye, Pierre Gosse, 1760.
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450 €
First edition.
Baron Bielfeld was an advisor to Frederick II of Prussia, his work consists mainly of reflections on national governance.
His work had a significant impact on both political science and statistics. He would be the first to introduce the word "statistics" to replace the term political arithmetic.
COURNOT, Augustin.
Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses.
Paris, L. Hachette, 1838.
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12500 €
First edition.
Landmark in economic theory.
Cournot is considered a pioneer in mathematical economics. He was among the first to formalize economic theories using mathematical equations.
He proposed basing economic theory not on elementary algebra but on the branch of analysis dealing with arbitrary functions, subject to certain conditions.
His work focused on a theory of price equilibrium in a free market.
Though largely ignored in his time, his research on equilibria between two producers, now known as "Cournot equilibria," would later be generalized under the term "Nash equilibria" or "Nash-Cournot equilibria," earning John Forbes Nash the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.
Cournot's work is bound after the following:
URBAIN, Introduction to the Study of Political Economy, Paris, Bossange Père, 1833.
FOURIER, Charles.
Théorie des Quatre Mouvemens et des Destinées Générales. Prospectus et Annonce de la Découverte.
Leipzig [Lyon], [Pelzin], 1808.
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3500 €
First edition.
Founding work of Fourierism.
It is in this book that Charles Fourier sets out for the first time his theories on the organization of human societies. Discoveries, which, according to him, is on a par with Newton's theory of gravitation. Fourier defines four phases of universal history (ascending chaos, ascending plenitude, descending plenitude, descending chaos), each phase subdivided into a multitude of times. Humanity is currently going through the fifth time of the first phase: Civilization. The revelation to humanity of "passionate attraction" will bring about Harmony, a phase of bliss in which Fourier's Utopia is realized.
When it was published, no one understood anything about this work, riddled with neologisms, divisions and subdivisions, extravagant considerations... the press passed over the book in silence and Fourier, annoyed that he was not recognized as a Genius, would not publish again for fourteen years.
Rare untouched copy.
BARRIER, François || JOURNET, Jean.
Mélanges d'écrits Fouriéristes.
s.l., s.n., 1836-1850.
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Fourteen pieces by two prominent members of Fourierist circles: François Barrier and Jean Journet.
The set was probably assembled by François Barrier. Two presentation copie. one from Barrier to his mother and one from Jean Journet to Barrier.
François Barrier (1813-1870), a doctor in Lyon, converted to Fourierism in the early 1840s. He played a very important role in the founding of a societarian colony in Saint-Denis du Sig, Algeria. He was part of the organizing committee that set the project in motion and was one of the administrators of the society of the Agricultural Union of Africa. He was the main driving force and financial supporter of the Ecole sociétaire de Lyon in the 1850s. He created a "Fourierist" bank that notably financed the Texas phalanstery. In 1864, he left Lyon and his career as a surgeon to go to Paris and reorganize the Ecole sociétaire, run the societarian bookstore and devote himself to writing Fourierist treatises.
- [BARRIER], Examen et Réfutation du Discours de M. Massot, Lyon, Dorier, 1846 62 pages. First edition. Work in which Barrier defends the societary doctrine.
- Commemorative banquet of the birth of Ch. Fourier, Given in Lyon on April 7, 1846 (2 bl.) - 16 pages. First edition. The Fourierists, after the death of Charles Fourier in 1837, adopted the practice of Republican Banquets and met each year to celebrate the anniversary of his birth (April 7, 1772) with a banquet. In Paris, in the provinces, abroad, many banquets were thus organized, during which the speakers took turns to praise the social theories of the master and to make many toasts. Here a handwritten note (p.9) attributes one of the "toasts" to François Barrier. - BARRIER, De L'Hygiène dans ses rapports avec l'état social, (March 15, 1845) 15 pages. Article taken from the Revue sociale, a socialist review from Lyon.
- BARRIER, De L'Hygiène dans ses rapports avec l'état social, (15 mars 1845). 15 pages.
pappers from the Revue sociale, socialist review of Lyon.
- BARRIER, Sketch of an analogy of Man and Humanity, Lyon, Librairie sociétaire, 1846. 48 pages. First edition. Handwritten dedication from François Barrier to his mother on the half-title page. Work that exegetes certain points of Fourierist doctrine.
- The Agricultural Union of... Civil joint-stock company for the exploitation of a rural property in Africa, Lyon, Boitel, [1845]. 16 pages. First edition. Work of the organizing committee of which François Barrier was a member, from its formation until October 25, 1845. The end of the document gives the model of the power of attorney to be sent to subscribers for the founding of the company.
- Draft Statutes of a civil company, for the exploitation of a rural property in Algeria, Lyon, Dumoulin, 1845. 23-(1) pages First edition. One of the first documents relating to the Union. He presents the draft statutes of the society before its foundation, which would not take place until the end of 1845. The document also presents the members of the organizing committee (including François Barrier) and the list of the first subscribers.
- [BARRIER], The Agricultural Union of Africa, new system of colonization of Algeria, Lyon, Au Siège de la Société, 1846. viii-136-(2bl.) pages and 2 folding plates. First edition. Work in which François Barrier presents the phalansterian project of the Agricultural Union of Africa. In 1846, if the civil society leading the Union had been created, it had not yet obtained a concession from Louis Philippe. The Fourierists' project came at a time when the French State, after having conquered Algeria, was asking itself the question of a settlement colonization to make its military expenditure profitable.
Works of Jean Journet:
Jean Journet (1799-1861) defined himself as a Fourierist apostle. He traveled through France, Belgium, and also Texas to spread the good word of Charles Fourier. A friend of the painter Gustave Courbet, he was immortalized in a painting entitled "The Apostle Jean Journet leaving for the conquest of universal harmony" in 1850. An eccentric character, he aroused the anger of the Fourierists who, like Victor Considérant, wanted to normalize the movement. He had books and brochures printed at his own expense, from 1840 until his death in 1861, imbued with mysticism, apostolic lyricism, and extravagance. Lacking sales in bookstores, Journet became a street vendor of his works. There, he begged for his bread and took on the shaggy appearance of an enlightened preacher.
- JOURNET, Cri d'indignation, complainte humanitaire, Paris, Charpentier, September 1846. 16 pages. First edition. Long poem whose incipit is addressed to the "lazy", the "gangrenous disciples" who indulge in a "voluptuous drowsiness" while waiting for Harmony.
- JOURNET, Cri de Délivrance. Intronisation du règne harmonien sur le globe, Paris, Charpentier, November 1846. 16-(2) pages. Sent by the author to François Barrier. First edition. Journet opens a subscription for the creation of a Phalanstère d'enfants, one of his major projects. At the top of the list of subscribers is Alexandre Dumas, to whom Journet dedicates a poem.
- JOURNET, Résurrection sociale. Félicité universelle, cri de Détresse, Paris, Chez The author, June 1849. 16 pages. First edition. Text that encourages Fourier's disciples to get moving and practically realize a phalanstery. Note that the price of the brochure, indicated on the title, is 5fr. for the rich, 1fr. for the well-off and 15 centimes in shops.
- [JOURNET], To the founders of Universal Harmony, the grateful human race, [1850] 16 pages. Second edition. Subscribers and statutes of the Society of Active Fraternity, an "experimental association" that provides for the installation of a "swarm of devoted men, the seed of a future harmonious phalanx", placed "one to five leagues from the capital", with initially 18 to 25 households. But Journet's project does not seem to have gone any further.
- JOURNET, Socialism Unmasked: Cry of Pity, The False Prophets, Paris, Chez tous les marchands, June 1850. 16 pages. Original edition. Long poem in the form of a diatribe against Proudhon. It opens with this stanza: "Proudhon, Proudhon, It is a song That will make sense Of your jargon."
- JOURNET, Socialism Unmasked: Cry of Alarm, The Promised Land, Paris, Chez tous les marchands, July 1850. 16 pages. Original edition. Poem whose target is undoubtedly Emile de Girardin, who supported the party of Louis Napoléon Bonaparte under the Second Republic.
- JOURNET, The Year of Salvation or the solution of solutions, by a madman, a beggar, an apostle, Paris, Chez tous les marchands de nouveautés, February 1851. 16 pages. Original edition. Journet still feels alone among the Fourierists in wanting the practical advent of Charles Fourier's utopia. One also senses the disappointment of the hope raised by the Republic of 1848, while the idea of a Second Empire gradually makes its way.
Les Amours au phalanstère.
Paris, A la librairie phalanstérienne, 1847.
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800 €
First edition.
Exposition of Fourier's ideas and theories dealing with love and the regulation and organization of relations between the sexes in the Phalanstery. Each being in one of the roles defined by Fourier: the chaste Vestals, the Damsels, the Angels and the Fairies (experts in love), ... Hennequin with Fourier considers that adultery and prostitution are invariants of human societies and must therefore be organized.
Hennequin's work is bound in the penultimate position with four other Fourierist brochures:
GUEPIN. Traité d'économie sociale. Paris, sn, 1835. 108 pages.
- [Anonymous]. Catéchisme de Fourier ou Fourier réfuté par lui-même. Paris, Maison, 1841. (8)-98-(2) pages.
- Le Sept Avril. Banquets commémoratifs de la naissance de Charles Fourier - Années 1843 et 1844. Paris, À la librairie sociétaire, 1844. 36 pages.
- PELISSIER. Choix de Poésies d'un Sourd-Muet. Paris, Rue St-Jacques, sd. 72 pages.
Réalisation d'une commune sociétaire, d'après la théorie de Charles Fourier.
Paris, Chez l'auteur, 1840.
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1500 €
First edition.
Zoé Charlotte de Gamond (1806-1854), Belgian feminist, disciple of Charles Fourier whose work she became a commentator. In September 1841, she bought a monastery in Burgundy, the famous abbey of Cîteaux, in order to establish a phalanstery there, the theoretical aspect of which she had imagined in this work. In particular, she gave a feminist tint to the theories of Charles Fourier. Fourier's "Harmony" was supposed to regenerate the condition of Women. This phalanstery, which operated until 1846, was a financial disaster. The De Gamond couple, thus ruined, returned to Brussels where they led a life of embarrassment and deprivation.
Nécessité d'une dernière débâcle politique en France.
Paris, Au dépot, rue Jacob, 1836.
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1200 €
First edition.
Victor Considerant (1808 - 1893), was a French philosopher and economist from the Polytechnic, internationalist and follower of Fourierism. After a political career under the July Monarchy, under the Empire he went into exile in Belgium and Texas where he created the phalanstery of La Réunion, the experiment was a failure and he returned to France in 1869.
DAIN, Charles || FOURIER, Charles.
De l'Abolition de l'Esclavage suivi d'un article de Fourier.
Paris, Au bureau de la Phalange, 1836.
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750 €
First edition.
Offprint from the magazine La Phalange.
The text by Charles Dain is followed by the article Remède aux divers esclavages by Charles Fourier.
Of Guadeloupean origin, Charles Dain (1812-1871) led the campaign for the abolition of slavery, although he himself was a slave owner. He sat in the Constituent Assembly in 1848.
Charles Dain's work is bound second to last, along with 4 other brochures:
- RICHARDSON, Essai sur le mal ou le péché, Paris, Treuttel et Wurtz, 1840. (4)-133-(1) pages. First edition in french.
- [CONSIDERANT], Théorie générale de Fourier : Coup d'œil sur la théorie des fonctions, Lyon, [Nourtier], [1841]. 16 pages (without the original printed covers wich was also the title page).
- CANTAGREL, Mettray et Ostwald. Etude sur ces deux colonies agricoles, Paris, Librairie de l'école sociétaire, 1842. 65 pages.First edition
-BERBRUGGER, Conférences sur la Théorie sociétaire de Charles Fourier en septembre 1833. Lyon, Babeuf, 1833. 105 pages. First edition.
L'Union ouvrière.
Paris, Chez tous les libraires, 1844.
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Second edition.
Flora Tristan (1803-1844), is a French socialist and feminist activist. She is a major figure of utopian socialism in the 1840s, she will take part in the first steps of internationalism. The Workers' Union is her political manifesto in which we find one of the first projects of workers' organization.
Five years before the famous "Proletarians of all countries unite" by K. Marx, Flora Tristan wrote: "Workers, you are weak and unhappy because you are divided; unite; unity is strength"
One of the first feminists of the social movement, she also affirms that woman is the proletarian of the proletarian.
Flora Tristan's work is bound at the end with 12 other Fourierist brochures:
- PELLERIN, Notice sur Charles Fourier et sur sa théorie d'association, (extrait de l'annuaire du Doubs pour 1838). 23 pages.
- CHEVALIER, Le 10 octobre à Lyon (troisième anniversaire de la mort de Ch. Fourier - Compte rendu), Cluny, Au centre de l'union phalanstérienne, 1840-1841. 33 pages.
- Ecole de Ch. Fourier, Union Phalanstérienne, sl, sd, sn. (2)-vii pages.
- AUCAIGNE, Réalisation en mode transitoire, Cluny, Au centre de l'union phalanstérienne, 1840-1841. 43-(1) pages
- PASSOT, Loi des destinées futures || Mélina B....x, La Fée Sociale, Cluny, Au centre de l'union phalanstérienne, 1840-1841. 36 pages.
- [Un Prêtre catholique romain], Accord des prophéties de l'ancien et du nouveau teastament avec la théorie sociétaire de Ch. Fourier, Cluny, Au centre de l'union phalanstérienne, 1841. 87 pages (salissures sur plusieurs feuillets).
- CHEVALIER, Les 27 et 28 aout à Cluny, Cluny, Au centre de l'union phalanstérienne, 1841. 34 pages.
- CONSIDERANT, Compte rendu de l'exposition du système sociétaire de Fourier les 18, 20, 21 et 22 février 1841 dans la salle de la société philharmonique à Dijon ( Extrait du journal de la côte d'or, revu et augmenté de notes). 24 pages.
- FESTEAU, Les Progressives, huit chansons nouvelles et inédites, Paris, Vieillot, sd. 24 pages.
- [CONSIDERANT], Petit cours de politique et d'économie sociale à l'usage des ignorants et des savants, Paris, librairie sociétaire, 1844. 72 pages.
- CONSIDERANT, Théorie du Droit de propriété et du Droit au travail,Paris, Librairie phalanstérienne, 1848. 36 pages.
- [Anonyme], Recueil des chants de l'Union industrielle dondée au Palmitar (Brésil), Lyon, Mable ainé, 1842. 11 pages.
[Union agricole d'Afrique].
Ensemble de Documents et brochures sur le phalanstère fouriéristes d'Algerie.
s.l., s.n., 1845-1850.
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2500 €
The project of the Agricultural Union of Africa was born from the meeting of French colonial interests in Algeria and the Fourierist desire to found a community following the phalansterian principles. These interests came together in Lyon where there was an active Fourierist group with the meeting of Captain Gautier, an officer of the Army of Africa, with Miss Aimée Beuque, a convinced Fourierist.
The project of a civil joint stock company running a colony in Algeria took shape during the year 1845 and the Agricultural Union of Africa was founded in December 1845. Its goal was to experiment with the Fourierist principle of associating capital, labor and talent.
It has thirty-three members including the members of the organizing committee: Fleury Imbert, François Barrier, Felix Beuque and Sister (Aimée), Captain Gautier...
On November 8, 1846, a royal ordinance authorized the Lyon Committee to found a Civil Colonization Society on the condition that it welcome three hundred European families, at least two-thirds of whom must be of French origin. Louis Philippe allocates three thousand hectares to the Union at the foot of the hills of the Sig Valley, eighteen kilometers from the sea, on the road from Oran to Mascara.
The first settlers will settle in Algeria during the year 1847. Gradually losing the Fourierist essence of the beginning, the Sig colony will nevertheless last until the end of the 19th century.
Inthis volume, are bound a series of documents from the organizing committee of the Agricultural Union of Africa:
- Draft Statutes of a Civil Society, For the Exploitation of a Rural Property in Algeria, Lyon, Dumoulin, 1845. 23 pages.
First edition.
One of the first documents relating to the Union. It presents the draft statutes of the company before its foundation, which would not take place until the end of 1845. The document also presents the members of the organizing committee and the list of the first subscribers.
- The Agricultural Union of... Civil joint-stock company for the exploitation of a rural property in Africa, Lyon, Boitel, [1845]. 16 pages.
First edition.
Work of the organizing committee from its formation until October 25, 1845. The end of the document gives the model of the power of attorney to be sent to subscribers for the founding of the company.
- Letter of application for membership, November 1845. 3 pages
Document in civil character probably sent to the subscribers who, on the eve of the filing of the application for a concession, seek to extend the number of concessionaires from ten to twelve people.
"ten to twelve people capable by their wealth and their position of lending us effective support."
- Plan with caption, (nd). (2) folding plates.
Probably the plan of the colony as it was planned in the early days of the project. It shows an enclosure of 400x300 meters grouping together residential and manufacturing buildings.
- Contract of enrollment of associated workers, Lyon, December 15, 1846. 2 pages.
Exceptional document presenting the contract that linked the Union with the associated workers.
Our copy is completed and countersigned by Félix Beuque (member of the board of directors) and Jacob Held, a 36-year-old ploughman and shoemaker from Geneva. Jacob Held commits for one year and becomes a shareholder with 50 francs.
- Pay scale for associated workers and Supplies scale, (nd). (2) pages.
Fascinating document for understanding the internal economy of the Union. Each worker is both an employee and an associate, the salary scale is defined for all hierarchical levels.
It should be noted that while women can claim a maximum of 70% of a man's salary, they can nevertheless access the position of special director of the 1st class (highest position after the General Director). We also see that a salary of 25 francs per year is provided for children from 0 to 5 years old...
On the back, we find the rate for accommodation and full board (with different meal and accommodation options).
Thus, a Worker's Assistant (14th class) will receive 504 francs per year and will spend at least 360 francs on food and 20 francs on accommodation.
- Union Agricole d'Afrique: Extract from the statutes..., Lyon, Boitel, (nd). (4) pages.
Extracts from the statutes and subscription form published after the founding of the civil society.
- Union Agricole d'Afrique joint stock company for the founding of an agricultural and industrial commune in the Sig plain, in Algeria, province of Oran, Lyon, Boitel, (nd). 4 pages.
Prospectus presenting the company.
- Union Agricole d'Afrique joint stock company... Royal concession order. Lyon, Boitel, (nd). 4 pages.
Prospectus reproducing the royal ordinance of concession granted to the Union.
Bulletin of the Union Agricole d'Afrique :
Bulletin intended for the members of the Union to report on the progress of the project and the first steps of the colony in Algeria.
- Bulletin No. 1: 4 pages. Proof presenting handwritten corrections that will be corrected in the distributed copy. In particular, the name of the correspondent of the city of Nancy is crossed out.
- Bulletin No. 1: 4 pages. Printing distributed with the inclusion of the corrections below, a new layout and the addition of the royal ordinance of Louis Philippe granting the concession.
- List of shareholders, Year 1847: 4 pages.
- Bulletin No. 2: Statutes of the Agricultural Union of Africa. 12 pages.
- Bulletin No. 3: Report of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Union of Africa. 30-(2) pages.
- Bulletin No. 4: 4 pages and 2 plates.
- Bulletin No. 6: Union agricole d'Afrique: Report on the administration, financial year 1847-1848
(2)-8-60 pages.
- Bulletin No. 7: Union agricole d'Afrique. 4 pages.
- Colonisation du Sig, Réponse à Mr le Maréchal Bugeaud, Oran, 1848. 4 pages. Inserted between bulletins No. 4 and No. 6.
Article taken from the Echo d'Oran in which Captain Gautier responds to Marshal Bugeaud who announced the future fall of the Union in an article in the Revue des deux mondes.
- Bulletin de l'Union du Sig. Tome premier - Septembre 1849 - Aout 1850. 282-xliv-[283-298] pages. The first xliv pages bound after page 282.
First year of publication of the Bulletin of the Union of the Sig which replaced the Bulletin of the Agricultural Union of Africa, to report to the members of the activity of the colony in Algeria.
[ENFANTIN, Prosper].
Economie politique et politique - articles extraits du Globe.
Paris, Au bureau du Globe, Juillet 1831.
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600 €
First edition.
Work whose collection title is "Saint-Simonian Religion", a curious quasi-sectarian economic movement led by Prosper Enfantin, under the honorary title of Supreme Father. This ideological movement, originally based on the socio-economic and political doctrine of Claude-Henri de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon, promotes confidence in technical progress, the certainty that it is in a moral industry that the condition of happiness, freedom and emancipation resides. Under the influence of Prosper Enfantin, the movement becomes a religion, with some attempts at communities.
Bound after another compilation attributed to Prosper Enfantin:
[ENFANTIN], Morale. Réunion générale de la famille. Enseignemens du Père Suprême. Les Trois Familles, Paris, Librairie Saint-Simonienne, April 1832 (4)-207-(5) pages.
LEROUX, Pierre.
Malthus et les économistes ou y aura-t-il toujours des pauvres ?.
Boussac, Imprimerie de Pierre Leroux, 1849.
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New edition printed by the author in his printing house in Boussac.
Pierre-Henri Leroux (1797 - 1871) is an editor, philosopher, theoretician of socialism. In 1843, Leroux obtained a patent to create a printing press in Boussac, he settled there, brought his family and friends, then, over the months, disciples seduced by his theories and by the way of life of the community that he founded in this small town in Creuse.
“Yes, it is capitalist industry that kills; it is not, as Malthus says, Nature.” (p.60)
Copy which was bound for François Barrier, central personality of the Fourierist movement, he adhered to the Fourierist doctrine in 1843. He was, in 1845, one of the founders of the Phalansterian project of the African Agricultural Union and became the main leader and financial support from the Lyon School of Society in the 1850s. He created a “Fourierist” bank which notably financed the Texas phalanstery. In 1864, he left Lyon and his career as a surgeon to go to Paris to reorganize the School of Society and devote himself to writing Fourierist treatises.
CABET, Etienne.
Voyage en Icarie.
Paris, Au Bureau du populaire, 1848.
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350 €
Fifth edition.
Major work by Cabet in which he describes his socialist utopia.
Etienne Cabet places himself alongside Charles Fourier or Robert Owen among the promoters of alternative social projects. Cabet is the first philosopher to describe himself as a communist.
In 1849, Cabet went to the United States to try to found an Icarian community there.
Copy which was bound for François Barrier, central personality of the Fourierist movement, he adhered to the Fourierist doctrine in 1843. He was, in 1845, one of the founders of the Phalansterian project of the African Agricultural Union and became the main leader and financial support from the Lyon School of Society in the 1850s. He created a “Fourierist” bank which notably financed the Texas phalanstery. In 1864, he left Lyon and his career as a surgeon to go to Paris to reorganize the School of Society and devote himself to writing Fourierist treatises.
LAVERDANT, Gabriel-Désiré.
Grégoire VII ou le Pape et l'Empereur au moyen âge.
Paris, Vrayet de Surcy, 1860.
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200 €
First edition.
Presentation copy to François Barrier.
Gabriel Désiré Laverdant (1810-1884), was director of the Phalange in 1840, he was one of those Fourierists who sought the rapprochement of the Fourierist movement with the Catholics, he called himself a "phalansterian Catholic".
François Barrier, central personality of the Fourierist movement, he adhered to the Fourierist doctrine in 1843. He was, in 1845, one of the founders of the Phalansterian project of the Agricultural Union of Africa and became the main animator and financial supporter of the Societary School of Lyon in the 1850s. He created a "Fourierist" bank which would notably finance the Texas Phalanstery. In 1864, he left Lyon and his career as a surgeon to join Paris to reorganize the Societary School and devote himself to writing Fourierist treatises.
CANTAGREL, François.
Le Fou du Palais Royal.
Paris, Librairie Sociétaire, 1845.
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100 €
Second edition, completely revised by the author.
French politician, François Cantagrel is a disciple of Charles Fourier for whom he founded the newspaper La Phalange.
He was an active propagandist of Fourierism thanks, among other things, to his Fou du Palais Royal, published in 1841 and which the Fourierists had to republish in 1845, which had a huge impact. This humorous work certainly steered more men towards Fourierism than Fourier's own works.
POMPERY, Edouard (de).
Théorie de l'association et de l'unité universelle de C. Fourier.
Paris, Capelle, 1841.
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300 €
First edition.
Édouard de Pompéry (1812-1895), French political journalist, publicist and essayist. He worked to bring together the work of the Freemason lodges and the theories of Charles Fourier.
This work was the subject of a fierce polemic with the editors of La Phalange (the journal of the Fourierists of the First Circle). The controversy centered on the notion of free will and the ability of each individual to act or not to act on the course of things. Pompéry was accused of promoting a false doctrine, under the guise of societal theory.
Études sur la science sociale. Année 1832. Théorie de Charles Fourier.
Paris, Librairie générale de Capelle [Renduel], 1834.
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200 €
First edition.
Jules Lechevalier Saint-André is a French utopian socialist publicist and economist. He is considered one of the pioneers of social economics. The year 1832 marks his conversion to Fourierism after having been a Saint-Simonian.
Le grand trésor des marchands, banquiers et négocians, des financiers, de la noblesse, et de tous Seigneurs tant Ecclesiastiques que Seculiers, du trésor royal, des Officiers de Robe & d’Épée, de la bourgeoisie, et des Arts et Mêtiers.
Avec un nouveau Traité sur le Commerce.
Bordeaux, Simon de la Court, [1704].
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500 €
First edition.
Moulinier proposes a geometric method of calculating "Inner Discounts" as well as a new journal model for keeping double-entry accounting.
Rare work missing from usual bibliographies (Einaudi, Goldsmith)
Copy signed at the end.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Le Parfait Négociant ou instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce.
Lyon, Jacques Lyons, 1701.
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150 €
Fifth edition.
A famous merchant born in 1622 in Doué (Anjou) from a noble family, Savary became a wealthy merchant and retired from business at the age of 36. He was chosen by Colbert to be one of the writers of the commercial code of 1673 which was called "Code Savary". He wrote in 1675 the "Perfect trader" which is the compilation of the knowledge he had gathered for the drafting of the ordinance. The legal solutions are clear, sensible, practical, honest. The book is a business bible whose importance Max Weber underlined. This work became a classic, reprinted many times and translated into German, English and Italian.
SAY, Horace.
Histoire des relations commerciales entre la France et le Brésil.
Paris, Guillaumin, 1839.
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2000 €
First edition.
Following the establishment of the Portuguese court in Brazil (1808) and the opening of ports to foreigners, an immense country opened up to international trade.
Brazil then aroused the interest of French economists who saw it as a testing ground for liberal ideas.
Horace Say predicted an upcoming economic boom in Brazil and drew from it an economic model for the future French colonial empire which then began to develop.
Presentation copy to Philip Taylor, English business manager based in Marseille. The Say and Taylor families, both Protestants, have been friends since the young Says’ study and work stay in England. They found themselves around the sugar industry, Horace Say's uncle founded the Say sugar factory (current Béghin-Say), and Philip Taylor the elder, a British machine designer, sold equipment, particularly in France for sugar refineries.
GODWIN, William.
Recherches sur la population, et sur la faculté d'accroissement de l'espèce humaine ; contenant une réfutation des doctrines de M. Malthus sur cette matière.
Paris, J-P. Aillaud, 1821.
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450 €
First french edition.
William Godwin (1756-1836) is a British philosopher, precursor of anarchism and inspiration for the utilitarian movement.
This book is part of the controversy between Godwin and Malthus about the principle of population. For Malthus, the mathematical growth of the human population occurs at a rate greater than that of access to resources.
For Godwin, the "improvement of Man" (in fact technical progress) will make it possible to compensate for population growth, he says:
"if the earth, in all its habitable parts, could be made as fertile as China, it would be enough to feed a population of nine thousand million people" (volume II, p.212).
A debate that is still current.
SAY, Jean Baptiste.
Cours complet d'économie politique pratique.
Paris, Rapilly, 1828-1829.
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450 €
First edition.
Jean Baptiste Say is considered one of the fathers of economic science.
This course is a compilation of his teaching given at the chair of industrial economics at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
He defends a liberal economic thought: he puts forward private property, free competition and a role of the State as limited as possible. In fact, it is a direct extension of the French school of liberal political economy.
A seventh volume of correspondence appeared in 1833 after the author's death.
NECKER, Jacques.
Compte rendu au Roi par M. Necker Directeur général des Finances Au mois de janvier 1781.
Paris, Imprimerie du cabinet du roi, 1781.
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1000 €
First edition.
This first edition was not put on the market but distributed to a privileged few before the publication of the work by the Imprimerie royale. It contains two watercolor folding maps showing the divisions of tax and drafts on French territory and a folded table of Income and expenses carried to the Royal Treasury. The “Report to the King” is one of the “economic bestsellers” of the Ancien Régime. (The printings of the Imprimerie royale were distributed to the public in some forty thousand copies). It remains a source of primary importance for the financial and fiscal history of France. In this famous plea for transparency in public finances, Jacques Necker (1734-1802), Minister of Finance to Louis XVI from 1776 to 1781, details the functioning of royal finances, the principles of its administration and the financial situation of the country. But the author also reveals the lists of pensions paid by the State to certain members of the nobility, with the names of their beneficiaries and their amounts. The scandal that followed the publication of the work led the minister to resign on May 19, 1781.
Bound with the followin pieces :
- Les Comment, ou Abrégé des objections faites contre le compte rendu par M. Necker en forme de questions, En France, 1781
ii-16 pages.
- Mémoire donné au roi par Monsieur Necker en 1778, En France, 1781
32 pages.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Pareres, ou Avis et Conseils sur les plus importantes Matières du Commerce.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1688.
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750 €
First edition.
The “Pareres” follows the “Parfait négociant” by the same author, published in 1675 and which became the bible of trading in the eighteenth century.
Les Intérêts des Nations de l'Europe, dévelopés relativement au Commerce.
Leide, Elie Luzac, 1766.
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1000 €
First edition.
Work written in the aftermath of the Seven Years' War when Europe was seeking a new political balance. For Accarias this had to go through trade, he proposed a program of specific reforms – lowering of customs duties, reduction of tax pressure, in particular on essential goods, control of public credit and liberalization policy. agriculture and national economies... This economic program was based on pre-Smithian French and British literature and promoted radical liberalism.
GIDE, Charles.
Conférences sur l'Economie politique.
s.l., Ecole supérieure de guerre, 1908-1912.
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350 €
First edition.
Conferences on Political Economy given to student officers at the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre between 1908 and 1912, on the eve of the First World War.
Charles Gide (1847-1932), is a French economist and teacher. He is the historical leader of the French cooperative movement, the theoretician of the social economy, and the uncle of the writer André Gide.
The subjects of these conferences vary each year of the course:
1908: The Budget
1909-: The Strikes
1910: Tariff Wars and Trade Treaties 1
912: The Causes of the War
Bound with the following we will find the International Law course given Free School of Political Sciences (SciencesPo) by Louis Renault (Nobel Peace Prize in 1907) and written by trainee officers who were auditors.
DORMOY, Emile.
Théorie Mathématique des assurances sur la vie.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1878.
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450 €
First edition.
Emile Dormoy, a Polytechnique and mining engineer, will manage the Soleil-Vie insurance company.
He leaves us this important treatise on mathematics for the use of actuaries in which he notably devotes a chapter to the Theory of deviations.
He describes there before Wilhelm Lexis what will be known as the "Lexis Ratio".
The law of deviations subsequently developed by Bachelier will be one of the bases of financial mathematics.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Le Parfait Négociant ou instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1675.
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3500 €
First edition.
A famous merchant born in 1622 in Doué (Anjou) from a noble family, Savary became a wealthy merchant and retired from business at the age of 36. He was chosen by Colbert to be one of the writers of the commercial code of 1673 which was called "Code Savary". He wrote in 1675 the "Perfect trader" which is the compilation of the knowledge he had gathered for the drafting of the ordinance. The legal solutions are clear, sensible, practical, honest. The book is a business bible whose importance Max Weber underlined. This work became a classic, reprinted many times and translated into German, English and Italian.
[GALIANI, Ferdinando] || [DIDEROT, Denis].
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds.
Londres, s.n., 1770.
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1200 €
First edition.
Book revised and published by Diderot from a manuscript by Ferdinando Galiani, in which the latter expresses reservations about the free trade in grain adopted by the edicts of 1763 and 1764.
Galiani is indeed opposed to the export of wheat outside France, while French regions may still experience periods of famine.
This is one of the first criticisms of nascent economic liberalism.
What will be worth to him to be strongly attacked by the spirit of time, Turgot judging that the step of Galiani is representative of the stubborn refusal, and obscurantist, of the scientific novelty.
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