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Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1876.
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120 €
Third edition.
Beautiful copy.
[ROCHEFORT, Jean (de)].
Le Passe-tems agréable, ou nouveaux choix de bons-mots, de pensées ingénieuses, de rencontres plaisantes.
Rotterdam, Jean Hofhout, 1728.
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300 €
A pleasant copy with the arms of the princes of Bourbon Condé, azure with three golden fleurs-de-lys, with a red bastion, probably having belonged to Louise-anne de Bourbon Condé, known as
Mademoiselle de Charolais. Attributed by Barbier to a lord of Rochefort.
CHATEAUBRIAND, François-René De.
Atala, René, Les Aventures Du Dernier Abencerage.
Paris, Ladvocat, 1827.
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300 €
Beautiful edition on vellum paper of three short stories by Chateaubriand.
This is the second edition for Les Aventures Du Dernier Abencerage.
Deluxe copy carefully bound by Petit.
Pronostics et prorrhétiques d'Hippocrate.
Paris, Méquignon-Marvis, 1817.
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250 €
New translation by Etienne Pariset.
Nice copy.
Paul et Virginie.
Paris, Isidore Liseux, 1874.
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950 €
Edition illustrated by Lalauze with 6 lates and 2 vignettes.
One of 15 copies on China with additional suites of engravings on Chine paper(black, sepia and bistre) and Japan paper (black, sepia and bistre), ours n°1.
Desirable copy in signed binding.
Petit Eucologe, ou livre d'Eglise, à l'usage des fidèles du Diocèse d'Auxerre.
Auxerre, François Fournie, 1746.
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150 €
Pleasant copy in morocco from the period of this Auxerre printing.
SAINT-EXUPERY, Antoine (de).
Lettre à un Otage.
New York, Brentano's, 1946.
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950 €
Very beautiful binding executed by Jean Paul Miguet (1925-2019) one of the greatest French bookbinders of the 20th century.
Choix de Poésies.
Paris, Fasquelle, 1928.
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800 €
Beautiful copy of this famous industrial binding produced between 1933 and 1955 by Joseph Taupin, under the pseudonym Jotau. The boards and the back are molded in a mass-dyed resin, close to bakelite, pollopas. Flats and backs are articulated by a rod. This particularly brittle resin was quickly abandoned and few copies reach us without damage, as is the case with the book we are offering.
[HOET, Gérard] || [PICART, Bernard] || [HONDT, Pieter de] || [SAURIN, Pierre] ||.
Figures de la Bible. Taferelen der voornaamste Geschiedenissen van het oude en nieuwe testament.
La Haye, Pieter de Hondt, 1728.
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6000 €
First edition.
One of the most beautiful illustrations of the Bible in the eighteenth century.
This remarkable iconograph of the Bible in which Gérard Hoet and Bernard Picart mainly participated includes 214 full-page plates (29 double-page), the legend of which is written in Hebrew, English, German, Latin, French and Dutch.
The two frontispieces are captioned in French, the rest of the text is written in Dutch. Each chapter ends with a beautiful engraved cul-de-lampe.
This set of prints was first started by Picart in 1720 with the assistance of the Dutch painter Gérard Hoet, for what would undoubtedly become the pinnacle of the "Figures of the Bible". The Figures of the Bible are collections of engravings, which represent or signify Scripture through cycles of prints covering the entire Bible, a single Testament, or even a single biblical book. It is a genre that became popular with printing in the sixteenth century.
Pierre de Hondt, recovers the engravings of Picart, who with his multilingual legends already had a desire for European distribution, to accompany texts by Pierre Saurin (cf. Brunet). Everything is newly decorated with typographic ornaments.
Beautiful copy of Talleyrand at Chateau de Valençay with his ex libris in each volume.
BERANGER, Pierre-Jean.
Chansons de P-J de Béranger.
Paris, Perrotin, 1831.
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300 €
Set containing the two volumes of Songs, as well as the "New and Last Songs...dedicated to Lucien Bonaparte" (1833, Perrotin) and the Supplement (Brussels, 1830) which contains political songs and saucy songs. It is certainly this supplement that pushed a collector of the time to hide these licenses from prying eyes behind a cathedral binding bearing the title "Parishioner".
Missel Romain.
Limoges, Eugène Ardant, [v.1900].
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200 €
MASSILLON, Jean-Baptiste.
Oeuvres choisies de Massillon.
Paris, Delestre-Boulage, 1823-1825.
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300 €
Beautiful copy for this edition bringing together Massillon's sermons.
Jean-Baptiste Massillon (1663-1742) was bishop of Clermont and academician, he is often compared to Bourdaloue and Bossuet.
Voltaire, who had Le Petit Carême read to him during his meals, said of him: “The preacher who knew the world best; more flowery than Bourdaloue, more pleasant, and whose eloquence smacks of the man of the court, the academician, and the man of wit; moreover, a moderate and tolerant philosopher. ».
Rudimens de la traduction, ou l'art de traduire le latin en français.
Paris, Auguste Delalain, 1811.
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1200 €
Second edition.
Precious copy with the arms of Marie-Caroline de Bourbon-Siciles Duchess of Berry (1798-1870). Romantic heroine of the Legitimists, Marie-Caroline, daughter of the King of the Two Sicilies Francis I Xavier and Marie-Clementine of Austria, married in 1816 the Duke of Berry Charles-Ferdinand (1778-1820), son of Charles she had a son, the Duke of Bordeaux. Exiled during the revolution of July 1830, she returned to France in April 1832 and tried without success to raise the people in Vendée and Brittany with the aim of a legitimist restoration: arrested in Nantes in November 1832, she was imprisoned in Blaye. It was released in 1833.
Beautiful binding signed by Simier binder of the king.
EUDEL, Paul.
Paris, Librairie Molière, 1903.
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900 €
First edition.
Collector and art critic, Eudel presents us with a collection of plays through which he makes a brief foray into the theater.
Unique copy, the only one printed in Japan.
Splendid personal copy of the author linked to his arms.
GAUTIER, Théophile.
Une Nuit de Cléopatre.
Paris, A. Ferroud, 1894.
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250 €
Illustrated edition of 21 compositions by Paul Avril.
"Crossing the Nile on her royal cange to go to her summer palace, Cleopatra "is horribly bored." Meïamoun, in love with the queen, is caught spying on her in her bath. Having the whim of To be merciful, Cleopatra grants him an orgiastic night. When morning arrives, the men enter the room. Meïamoun then drinks the poisoned glass and dies."
One of the 250 copies on Arches, ours n°354.
Good copy in signed binding.
Diurnal ou office complet pour les laïques, latin et français à l'usage du diocès de Bayeux.
Caen, s.n., [v.1800].
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100 €
Paroissien romain d'après les imprimés français du XVème siècle.
Paris, Gruel Engelmann, 1858.
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300 €
Good copy.
Missel Romain.
Limoges, Dalpayrat et Depelley, 1892.
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200 €
Copy print with colors on japan paper.
El Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Edición en miniatura enteramente conforme á la última corregida y publicada por la Real Academia Española.
Paris, Jules Didot, 1827.
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600 €
First miscroscopic edition by Didot.
Performance by the printer Didot who fit the entire text of Cervantes into a single tiny volume. As Brunet remarks, it is not easy to read, and Didot printed a more convenient two-volume edition a few years later. The work was commissioned by Joachim Maria de Ferrer, a Spanish statesman, who said Rius, had this edition distributed to his friends.
Most of the copies encountered are covered in a romantic binding by Simier (various variants).
RAMEL, Abraham Louis.
Système métrique, ou Instruction abrégée sur les nouvelles mesures, avec des calculs qui leur sont relatifs, et des tables de comparaison pour réduire les nouvelles mesures en anciennes et les anciennes en nouvelles; suivis d'une instruction sur les nouvelles monnaies de France, ainsi que d'une description abrégée des poids et mesures de Berne et de Lausanne.
Neuchatel, Mme Fauche Née Borel, 1808.
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1200 €
First edition.
Book promoting the use of the metric system in Switzerland. If Switzerland received in 1801 a copy of the standard meter deposited in Paris, the metric system took several decades to be adopted in all the cantons of the confederation.
"Besides the description that my book gives of the new and old measures of Paris, it can also be considered as a complete treatise of three kinds of measures; namely, those of Neuchâtel, Bern and Lausanne: these neighboring countries will doubtless also adopt under little this system, which has simplicity as its basis" (excerpt from the preface)
Beautiful copy in contemporary morocco.
RABELAIS, François || BARTA, Lazlo.
Paris, Aux éditions de la Cigogne, 1934.
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800 €
Exceptionnelle reliure conçue par l'artiste Laslo Barta pour notre exemplaire (le certificat de l'artiste est joint à l'ouvrage)
Barta, artiste né en Hongrie en 1902 et mort en 1961 en France, s'est essayé à plusieurs discipline: peinture, décoration, mosaïque. Ce gout éclectique se retrouve sur notre livre dans lequel le texte est illustré de 40 eaux fortes, les gardes illustrées à la gouache et les plats conçues en haut relief de cuir repoussé.
One of 160 copies on Vélin de Rives, ours n° 59.
Catalogue raisonné et historique des antiquités découvertes en Egypte.
Paris, Galerie d'Antiquites Egyptiennes, 1826.
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6000 €
First edition.
Catalogue of the private collection of Joseph Passalacqua, which he assembled through private excavations in Egypt between 1822 and 1825 and exhibited in Paris at 12 Rue des Filles-Saint-Thomas. He tried to sell this collection of antiquities to France, but it was eventually bought by the King of Prussia. The ensemble formed the core of the Berlin Museum's Egyptian collections.
Presentation copy to the Duc D'Augoulème with it's gilt arms on covers.
Binding from Simier, "Relieur du Roi".
De calculo renum & vesicae liber singularis. Cum epistolis & consultationibus magnorum virorum.
Leyden, Elzevier, 1638.
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1500 €
First edition of this famous work in urology, one of the earliest medical books to accept William Harvey's account of the circulation of the blood.
Bound after, two rare books on the plague :
- PAAW, Pierre. Tractatus de Peste. Leyde, Abraham Commelini, 1636
- Theodore de BEZE. De Pestis Contagio et Fuga. 1636
FLORUS, Lucius Annaeus et alii.
Historiae Romanae epitome.
Amsterdam, Guibel Lanss Caesius, 1625.
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500 €
Selections from Roman Historians.
Rare binding with the arms of François-Auguste de Thou (1604-1642), his coat of arms on the covers, flies on the boxes. Eldest son of Jacques-Auguste de Thou, François-Auguste succeeded his father as Grand Master of the King's Library in 1617. take an active part in it himself; he was however condemned to death in Lyon and beheaded on September 12, 1642 on the Place des Terreaux. He had inherited his father's library, which he kept carefully and which passed after his death to his younger brother, Jacques-Auguste. He had the volumes struck, the paternal collection of which he augmented with the simple arms of the de Thou.
CHATEAUBRIAND, François-René || VUILLIER, Gaston.
Les Aventures du dernier Abencérage.
Paris, A. Ferroud, 1912.
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250 €
Beautiful copy in morocco signed by Gruel.
Text by Chateaubriand illustrated with etchings by Gaston Vuillier.
One of the copies on Arches tinted vellum, ours n°412.
De l'Administration financière telle qu'elle est sous l'influence des préjugés qui en arrêtent le développement, et telle qu'elle pourrait être sous l'empire de la science positive.
Paris, Cherruliez, 1836.
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200 €
First edition.
Étienne de Tessières, Count of Boisbertrand, was a deputy under the Restoration and the July Monarchy.
He writes here a reflection on public finances (tax, debt...) in the light of new positive science.
MARAT, Jean-Paul.
Découvertes de M. Marat sur la lumière constatées par une suite d'expériences nouvelles qui ont été faites un très-grand nombre de fois sous les yeux de MM. les Commissaires de l'Académie des Sciences.
Londres et Paris, Jombert, 1780.
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3000 €
First edition of this rare work by Marat on light.
In fact, the french revolutionary published several scientific works in his youth.
In this treatise on light, Marat discusses Newton's doctrine on the decomposition of sunlight by the prism.
Manuel du Chrétien.
Cologne, Aux dépens de la compagnie, 1740.
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150 €
HUME, David.
Histoire de la maison de Plantagenet sur le trône d'Angleterre, depuis l'invasion de Jules César, jusqu'à l'avènement de Henri VII.
Amsterdam, s.n., 1765.
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450 €
First edition in french.
PRESSAVIN, Jean Baptiste.
Nouveau traité des vapeurs, ou traité des maladies des nerfs.
Lyon, V. Reguilliay, 1771.
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600 €
Second edition.
The "vapors" mental disorder popularized by Pierre Pomme, foreshadows what will be discussed under the term Hysteria in the 19th century.
"Contrary to Pomme, Pressavin does not condemn passions without restriction [...] vapors would correspond to a dysfunction of the relational system which binds living beings to the outside world; vapors can just as easily be passionate, in the grip of an overexcited sensitivity , that an indifferent, vegetating in a state of torpor. " Paul Hoffmann, "The Woman in the Thought of Lights", Slatkine, 1995
Beautiful copy in contemporary morocco.
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