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GUAITA, Stanislas (de).
La Muse Noire.
Paris, Alphonse Lemerre, 1883.
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600 €
First edition.
Presentation copy signed by the author dedicated to Auguste Vacquerie.
Stanislas de Guaïta was one of the most important occultists of the end of the 19th century, co-founder with Papus and Joséphin Péladan of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. The Black Muse is his second collection of poems, exploring the themes of mysticism, death and love in a complex and dense poetic style.
PLUCHE, Noël Antoine.
Histoire du ciel considéré selon les idées des poètes, des philosophes et de Moïse.
Paris, Veuve Estienne, 1739.
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300 €
First edition.
The chapters on the Egyptian cosmogony are particularly searched.
[PERRIN, Louis].
Histoire véritable de la grande cruauté et tyrannie faicte et exercée par un colonel signalé de l'armée de Gallas, lequel a tué et violé plusieurs paysans et paysannes. Qui a esté emporté et mangé visiblement par les Diables.
Lyon, Louis Perrin, 1875.
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120 €
Reprint by the publisher Perrin of a curious booklet printed in Aix in 1637.
PERNETY, Antoine Joseph.
Les Fables Egyptiennes et Grecques dévoilées & réduites au même principe, avec une explication des hiéroglyphes et de la guerre de Troye.
Paris, Delalain, 1786.
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600 €
Second edition.
Treatise by Pernety in which he argues that the Greek and Egyptian mythologies contain the secret of the Great Work.
Un prophète inconnu. Prédictions, jugements et conseils par le Marquis de La Gervaisais.
Paris, Ledoyen, 1850.
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100 €
First edition.
Le Réveil de Chyndonax, prince des Vacies, druides celtiques diionois.
Dijon, Claude Guyot, 1621.
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500 €
First edition.
Rare first impression in Dijon at Claude Guyot.
Jean Guenebauld, a doctor from Dijon, discovered in his vineyards in 1598, a funerary urn which he believed to be of Druidic origin.
This urn is adorned with an epitaph in ancient Greek:
"Here, in the sacred land of Mithras, a mound covers the body of Chyndonax, high priest. Abstain from impiety at the sight of his redemptive tomb" (translation after W. Vollgraff)
The identity of the cult to the deity Mithras mentioned in the epitaph is still debated today, W. Vollgraff brings it closer to a cult dedicated to Aphrodite Ourania ( Vollgraff W. The awakening of Chyndonax . In: Classical Antiquity, Tome 18, Fasc. 1, 1949. pp. 55-78.).
CAUZONS, Thomas de.
La Magie et la Sorcellerie en France.
Paris, Dorbon Ainé, [1901-1912].
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600 €
First edition.
BATTEUX, Charles (Abbé).
Histoire des causes premières, ou exposition sommaire des pensées des philosophies sur les principes des êtres.
Paris, Saillant, 1769.
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200 €
First edition.
[MORELLET, André].
Le Manuel des Inquisiteurs à l'usage des inquisitions d'Espagne & de Portugal.
Lisbonne, s.n., 1762.
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500 €
First edition.
Work of the Abbé Morellet which was put on the index in 1764, he proposed there a summarized translation of the "Directorium Inquisitorium" of the grand inquisitor Aragon Nicolas Eymeric, in order to show the horror of the trials of the Inquisition.
BATTEUX, Charles (Abbé).
Histoire des causes premières, ou exposition sommaire des pensées des philosophies sur les principes des êtres.
Paris, Saillant, 1769.
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150 €
First edition.
RICHARD, Charles-Louis (Abbé).
La Théorie des Songes.
Paris, Frères Estienne, 1766.
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600 €
First edition.
[PERAU, Gabriel Louis Calabre Abbé].
L'Ordre des Francs-Maçons trahi et Le Secret des Mopses révélé.
Amsterdam, s.n., 1771.
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450 €
Edition which includes the text and the plates of the original edition of 1745.
Many curious figures representing Masonic ceremonies.
Thresor d'histoires admirables et mémorables de nostre temps.
Genève, Samuel Crespin, 1620.
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600 €
A very curious collection of singular and extraordinary facts classified in alphabetical order. Our second volume ends at the letter Z but this edition will see a two-volume suite published by Jacques Crespin in 1628.
First edition done in 1610.
Bibliophilic curiosity at the end of the second volume is the colophon of Jean III de Tournes who then begins his work as a printer in Geneva.
COLLET, Pierre.
Examen et résolutions des principales difficultés qui se rencontrent dans la célébration des SS. Mystères.
Paris, Debure l'ainé, 1760.
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250 €
Work of Christian mysticism devoted to the holy sacraments and mainly to the Eucharist.
Copy which was successively in the libraries of Maurice Garçon (his ex libris on the inside cover) and of Guy Bechtel (lot n°84 of his sale catalog in 1978, the provenance Garçon is mentioned there).
DUPLEIX, Scipion.
Corps de Philosophie contenant la Logique, La Physique, La Métaphysique et l'Ethyque.
Rouen, Jean Baptiste Behourt, 1640.
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950 €
the "Corps de philosophie" or sometimes "Cours de philosophie" are more or less complete collections of the works of the Dupleix of which we know many editions.
Our copy, similar to that noted by Dorbon [1376], is composed as follows:
- "La Logique" in eight books.
- "Physics or science of natural things" in eight books.
- and the first eight books of the "The Metaphysics or supernatural science".
If the structure of this philosophy course is inspired by Aristotle's Compendium philosophiae as it was taught in all the faculties of the time. The content is very different and often deals with magic, sorcery of the angelic world. The Eighth Book of Physics is concerned with the soul, and the last parts of Metaphysics constitute a veritable treatise on Angels and Demons.
Manuel du Franc-Maçon.
Paris, Michalet, 1836.
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150 €
Sixth edition completely revised, corrected and enlarged.
VALERIAN Jean-Pierre.
Les Hiéroglyphiques. Autrement Commentaires des lettres et figures sacrées des Aegyptiens & autres nations.
Lyon, Paul Frellon, 1615.
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900 €
First edition of the translation in French by Jean de Montlyard
One of the most famous emblem books from the end of the 16th century.
Pierio Valeriano (1477-1558) was inspired by the works left by Horapollo, the only ancient source on Egyptian hieroglyphics, to compose a book of allegorical emblems where the hieroglyphs mingle with biblical references and memories of classical antiquity.
Several hundred woodcuts illustrate the text.
PLUCHE, Noël Antoine.
Histoire du ciel où l'on recherche l'origine de l'idolatrie, et les méprises de la philosophie.
Paris, Vve Estienne & fils, 1749.
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200 €
Des Rapports de l'Homme avec le Démon, essai historique et philosophique.
Paris, Gaume frères et Duprey, 1863-1864.
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2000 €
First edition.
A work highly regarded as indispensable to any occult library.
Divided into 36 parts: the first four deal with the times when idolatry reigned, the fifth with the Middle Ages and finally in the other parts, Bizouard studies magic and witchcraft from the 16th to the 19th century.
Stanislas de Guaita's copy (manuscrit ex libris on freeflyleaf).
COLLIN DE PLANCY, Jacques Albin Simon.
Dictionnaire critique des reliques et des images miraculeuses.
Paris, Guien et Compagnie, 1821-1822.
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220 €
First edition.
DE STENAY, Victor Comte de.
Derniers avis prophétiques (dont 20 inédits) précisant la solution de la crise actuelle, le règne de l'Antechrist et la fin du monde.
Paris, Victor Palmé, 1872.
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80 €
First edition.
Work very borrowed from royalism which lists the eschatological prophecies on the history of France: Nostradamus, Ste Hildegarde, Curé d'Ars.
La Franc-Maçonnerie en France depuis 1725 (exposé historique et doctrinal).
Paris, Editions de l'Acacia, 1927.
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50 €
Speech given on July 16, 1889 in the Session of the International Masonic Congress by Br. Amiable and Colfavru.
New enhanced edition of a Memento of the last forty years.
BROUWERS, Alphonse.
L'Action de la Franc-Maçonnerie dans l'histoire moderne.
Liège, H. Dessain, 1892.
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80 €
First edition.
"Stimulated by the encyclical" Humanum genus "of our great Pope Leo XIII, I undertook to unveil the action of the Freemasons in modern history. This study did not lead me to find a single good work accomplished by the sect; on the contrary, its action has been and still is most pernicious for the family and society. " (extract from the preface).
Soeur Jeanne des Anges supérieure des ursulines de Loudun, Autobiographie d'une hystérique possédée.
Paris, A. Delahaye et Lecrosnier, 1886.
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75 €
First edition.
Contains a reproduction of the famous letter from Asmodeus.
Un Grand Procès de Sorcellerie au XVIIème siècle.
Paris, Perrin et Cie, 1912.
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60 €
First edition.
Work devoted to the affair of the possessions of Aix en Provence, witchcraft trial where Abbot Gaufridy was accused of having bewitched Madeleine de Demandolx. He will be burned alive in 1611.
Presentation copy to Paul Lacour.
Recueil de dissertations anciennes et nouvelles sur les Apparitions, les Visions & les Songes.
Avignon, Jean-Noel Leloup, 1751-1752.
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First edition.
Lenglet-Dufresnoy compiles and reproduces here a number of untraceable brochures relating wonderful facts (apparitions, visions, demonic possessions ...) which constitutes a veritable bibliography of the domain.
Curiosity of our copy: at the end of each volume was bound a dozen leaves, duplicate leaves of text, placed in a jumble (probably printer rejects).
[TWELLS, Léonard].
Recherches Sur Ce Qu'iI Faut Entendre Par Les Démoniaques Dont Il Est Parlé Dans Le Nouveau Testament [suivi de] Réponse aux Recherches.
Leide, Boudouin, 1738.
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450 €
First edition in French.
Uncommon work that examines the cases of possession and exorcisms in the New Testament from a theological angle.
BALLET, François (Abbé).
Histoire des Temples des Payens, des Juifs et des Chrétiens.
Paris, Cailleau, 1760.
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250 €
First edition.
BROUSSAIS, François Joseph Victor.
Cours de phrénologie.
Paris, Baillière, 1836.
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120 €
First edition.
Broussais the most famous doctor of the Restoration also gave a course in phrenology and created the Phrenological Society of Paris in 1831.
COMBE, George || LEBEAU, H.
Traité de phrénologie.
Bruxelles, Société Belge de librairie, 1840.
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110 €
Translated in french with notes by Lebeau.
George Combe is one of the pioneers of phrenology, he founded in 1820 the Phrenological Society of Edinburgh, the first and most famous working group on the subject.
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