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Expériences de Physique.
Paris, Jean de Laulne, 1709.
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950 €
First edition.
Pierre Polinière is considered the founder of experimental physics in France. After studying mathematics with Pierre Varignon (1654 – 1722), Polinière opened a physics course at the college of Harcourt, it was one of the first public courses given in Paris. His public demonstration sessions were very successful and did much to disseminate the scientific method of experimental research. His experiments were very popular and, among the spectators, we found all of Paris, and even the young Louis XV in 1722.
In 1706 during an experiment before the Academy of Sciences, Polinière discovered electroluminescence. This discovery is contemporary but independent of that of Hauksbee in London.
The protocol of the experiment is described here in the chapter “Phosphorus through Movement”.
JAMIN, Jules Celestin.
Cours de physique de l'école polytechnique.
Paris, Gauthiers-Villars, 1885-1891.
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200 €
Fourth edition.
Physics course at the Polytechnic School divided into 12 booklets and 2 supplements (the third supplement is absent here).
Ueber den Beweis des Maxwell'schen Geschwindigkeitsvertheilungsgesetzes unter Gasmolecülen.
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1895.
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150 €
First edition.
Trois articles written by Hertz and published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie vol.55 en 1895.
These are the first three articles devoted to electromagnetic waves by Hertz. He discovered how to produce electrical discharges, which laid the foundations for the transmission of electrical waves without wires.
- Ueber sehr schnelle electrische Schwingungen.
- Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung über shr schnelle electrische Schwingungen.
- Ueber einen Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die electrische Entladung.
In the same volume we find, two articles by Boltzman :
"Einige kleine Nachträge und Berichtigungen"
"Ueber die Wirling des Magnetismus auf electrische Entladungen in verdünnten Gasen"
And a work by Max Planck :
"Ueber dans Princip der Vermehrung des Entropie. Zweite Abhandlung : Gesetze der Dissociation gasförmiger Verbindungen.".
HERTZ, Heinrich.
- Ueber sehr schnelle electrische Schwingungen.
- Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung über shr schnelle electrische Schwingungen.
- Ueber einen Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die electrische Entladung.
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1887.
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900 €
First edition.
Trois articles written by Hertz and published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie vol.31 en 1887.
These are the first three articles devoted to electromagnetic waves by Hertz. He discovered how to produce electrical discharges, which laid the foundations for the transmission of electrical waves without wires.
- Ueber sehr schnelle electrische Schwingungen.
- Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung über shr schnelle electrische Schwingungen.
- Ueber einen Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die electrische Entladung.
In the same volume we find, two articles by Boltzman :
"Einige kleine Nachträge und Berichtigungen"
"Ueber die Wirling des Magnetismus auf electrische Entladungen in verdünnten Gasen"
And a work by Max Planck :
"Ueber dans Princip der Vermehrung des Entropie. Zweite Abhandlung : Gesetze der Dissociation gasförmiger Verbindungen.".
HERTZ, Heinrich.
- Ueber die Einwirkung einer geradlinigen Schwingung auf eine benachbarte Strombahn.
- Ueber Inductionserscheinungen, hervorgerufen durch die electrischen Vorgänge in Isolatoren.
- Ueber die Ausbreitungsgeschwindingkeit der electrodynamischen Wirkungen
- Ueber electrodynamische Wellen in Luftraume und deren Reflexion.
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1888.
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200 €
First edition.
Four articles written by Hertz and published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie vol.34 en 1888.
- Bemerkung zu dem Gesetz von Eötvös
"Remarks on Eötvös's law"
- Eine Heung zwischen dem elastischen verhalten und der spezifischen Wärme bei festen Körpern mit einatomigen Molekül
"A relationship between elastic behavior and specific heat in solid bodies with monatomic molecules"
- Bemerkungen zu den P. Hertzschen Arbeiten: "Über die mechanischen Grundlagen der Thermodynamik"
Remarks on the work of P. Hertz: "On the mechanical foundations of thermodynamics"
- Bermerkungen zu meiner Arbeit: "Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen verhalten..."
Remarks on my work: "A relationship between elastic behavior..."
- Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit: “Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen”
Correction of my work: “A new determination of molecular dimensions”.
- Bemerkung zu dem Gesetz von Eötvös
- Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen verhalten und der spezifischen Wärme bei festen Körpern mit einatomigen Molekül
- Bemerkungen zu den P. Hertzschen Arbeiten: "Über die mechanischen Grundlagen der Thermodynamik"
- Bermerkungen zu meiner Arbeit : "Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen verhalten..."
- Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit : "Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen".
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1911.
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160 €
First edition.
Five articles written by Albert Einstein and published in Annalen der Physik vol.34 en 1911.
- Bemerkung zu dem Gesetz von Eötvös
"Remarks on Eötvös's law"
- Eine Heung zwischen dem elastischen verhalten und der spezifischen Wärme bei festen Körpern mit einatomigen Molekül
"A relationship between elastic behavior and specific heat in solid bodies with monatomic molecules"
- Bemerkungen zu den P. Hertzschen Arbeiten: "Über die mechanischen Grundlagen der Thermodynamik"
Remarks on the work of P. Hertz: "On the mechanical foundations of thermodynamics"
- Bermerkungen zu meiner Arbeit: "Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen verhalten..."
Remarks on my work: "A relationship between elastic behavior..."
- Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit: “Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen”
Correction of my work: “A new determination of molecular dimensions”.
- Die Plancksche Theorie der Strahlung und die Theorie der spezifischen Wärme
- Über die Gütligkeitsgrenze des Satzes vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht und über die Möglichkeit einer neuen Bestimmung der Elementarquanta.
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1907.
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350 €
First edition.
Two articles written by Albert Einstein and published in Annalen der Physik vol.22 en 1907.
- Die Planckche Theorie der Strahlung und die Theorie der spezifischen Wärme.
Einstein's first article on quantum theory .
- Über die Gütligkeitsgrenze des Satzes vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht und über die Möglichkeit einer neuen Bestimmung der Elementarquanta
One of Einstein's rare forays into experimental physics , to detect very weak voltage fluctuations, he designed a new type of electrometer that he called his Maschinchen.
- Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen
- Zur Theorie der Brownschen Bewegung.
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1906.
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300 €
First edition.
Two articles written by Albert Einstein and published in Annalen der Physik vol.19 in 1906.
- Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen.
Test to determine the size of molecules according to thermodynamics.
- Zur Theorie der Brownschen Bewegung.
On Brownian motion.
Eine Theorie der Grundlagen der Thermodynamik.
Leipzig, Ambrosius Barth, 1903.
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300 €
First edition.
Fourth article written by Albert Einstein and published in Annalen der Physik vol.11 in 1903 Einstein continued the work of Botlzman and Maxwell on the conditions for realizing the second law of thermodynamics according to probabilistic mathematics.
Phisica generalis.
s.l., s.n., s.d.>
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150 €
Original manuscript in Latin.
"General physics" as it was taught (in the form of disputatio) during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Pretty round writing from the seventeenth century.
ROHAULT, Jacques.
Traité de Physique.
Bruxelles, Eugène Henry Fricx, 1708.
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450 €
Second french edition.
Jacques Rohault was a great popularizer of Cartesian physics, he organized weekly public sessions, the "Wednesdays of Rohault" in which spectacular experiments served as a support for the explanation of physical theories.
His Treatise on Physics follows the same principle, experimentation is central and facts precede explanations.
POISSON, Siméon Denis.
Traité de Mécanique.
Paris, Bachelier, 1833.
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125 €
Second edition.
Siméon Denis Poisson (1781-1840), French physicist and mathematician, it is in this Treatise on Mechanics that he introduces the coefficient which bears his name and which is one of the fundamental elements of the theory of elasticity. He demonstrated using molecular theory that this coefficient should have a value equal to 0.25. Value confirmed by measurements since most metals have a Poisson's ratio close to 0.3.
Mémoire sur la théorie du magnétisme en mouvement . IN. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Année 1823.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1827.
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150 €
Contains the major work from Poisson on the wave theory.
This volume of the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences is incomplete of the pappers from Legendre and Ampère :
Table :
LEGENDRE. Recherches sur quelques objets d'analyse indéterminée et particulièrement sur le théorème de Fermat. (p. 1-60), MISSING
LAPLACE. Mémoires sur le développement de l'anomalie vrai et du rayon vecteur elliptique, en série ordonnées suivant les puissances de l'excentricité.
RAMO. Mémoire sur l'état de la végétation au sommet du Pic du Midi de Bagnères.
AMPÈRE. Mémoire sur la théorie mathématique des phénomènes électro-dynamiques, uniquement déduite de l'expérience, dans lequel se trouvent réunis les Mémoires que M. ampère à communiqués à l'Académie royale de sciences, dans les scéances des 4 et 26 décembre 1820, 10 juin 1822, 22 décembre 1823, 12 septembre et 23 novembre 1825. (p. 175 to 388), MISSING
NAVIER. Mémoire sur lkes lois du mouvement des fluides
- Mémoire sur la théorie du magnétisme en mouvement
- Mémoire sur le calcul numérique des intégrales définies.
CAUCHY. Mémoire sur les développement des fonctions en séries périodiques.
NOLLET, Jean-Antoine.
L'art des expériences ou avis aux amateurs de physique, sur le choix, la construction et l'usage des instruments; sur la préparation et l'emploi des drogues qui servent aux expériences.
Paris, P.E.G. Durand, 1770.
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400 €
First edition. Second issue with new title page "Seconde edition".
Fine copy.
The first volume deals with the production of mathematical instruments, the choice and preparation of drugs, and the preparation and use of various varnishes for wood and metals.
In the second volume deals with various experimental physics experiments are described.
The last volume is about particular opinions on the experiences of the lessons contained in previous volumes.
Nollet spent a lot of time on electricity and became one of the authorities of his time. ["Nollet became the chief of the European electricians" (DSB, X p. 146)].
KLEIN, Felix.
Vortrage uber ausgewahlte fragen der elementargeometrie ausgearbeitet von F. Tagert.
Leipzig, Teubner, 1895.
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250 €
First edition.
Conference during which the famous German mathematician gives a progress report on the latest work on certain famous problems of geometry: the squaring of the circle, the trisection of angles, the duplication of the cube.
Klein presents in particular the transcendence of the number π demonstrated by Lindemann a few years earlier.
Mémoires sur la théorie des nombres . IN. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Tome XVII.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1840.
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950 €
Mémoire sur la Théorie des Nombres, Présenté a l'Académie des Sciences, le 31 Mai 1830, par M. Augustin Cauchy.
First edition of this important memoir (pp/ 249 to 768 of this volume of memoirs of the academy of sciences).
The writing of this memoir is quite abrupt, with a succession of formulas difficult to relate to each other, and it will be criticized by Biot in particular.
However, Jenny Boucard, after an in-depth study of Cauchy's work, concluded that Cauchy exposes a coherent method around the quadratic forms 4p^μ=x²+ny² which he applies in different cases, depending on whether n is prime or compound. (Boucard, p.365).
This volume of the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences contains :
PONCELET : Théorie des effets mécaniques de la turbine Fourneyron.
- Mémoire sur les différences qu'offrent les tissus cellulaires de la pomme et de la poire ...
- Mémoire sur la cause et les effets de la fermentation alcoolique et acéteuse.
- Recherches microscopiques sur divers laits ...
BECQUEREL : Nouvelles recherches sur le dégagement de la chaleur dans le frottement
CAUCHY. Mémoires sur la théorie des nombres.
BIOT. Mémoire sur l'existence d'une condition physique qui assigne à l'atmosphère terrestre une limite supérieure d'élévation qu'elle ne peut dépasser.
CHEVREUL. Recherches physico chimiques sur la teinture
And the Flourens' historical praise of Jussieu and Arago's praise of James Watt.
Sur la Théorie des Ondes; Lu le 2 octobre et le 18 décembre 1815. IN. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Année 1816.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1818.
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250 €
Contains the major work from Poisson on the wave theory.
This volume of the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences contains :
- Mémoire sur la variation des constantes arbitraires dans les question de mécanique
- Mémoire sur la théorie des ondes.
- Mémoire sur l'écoulement linéaire de diverses substances liquides par des tubes capillaires de verre,
- Mémoire sur l'écoulement de l'éther
BIOT, [Jean-Baptiste] :
- Mémoire sur l'utilité des lois de la polarisation de la lumière, pour reconnaitre l'état de cristallisation et de combinaison, dans grand nombre de cas où la système cristallin n'est pas immédiatement observable.
And the section on the history of the academy by Delambre for the mathematics and notices on Fleurieu Charles Bossut, Leveque and Tenon and by Cuvier for Physics.
LA CAILLE, Nicolas Louis.
Leçons élémentaires de mécanique, ou traité abrégé du mouvement et de l'équilibre.
Paris, H.L. Guérin & L.F. Delatour, 1757.
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Father De La Caille (1713-1762) was one of the main French astronomers of the 18th century.
the aim of his book was "[...] to gather in a small volume the fundamental truths of Mechanics, & to clarify the propositions which are most necessary". (extract from the warning).
RAMEL, Abraham Louis.
Système métrique, ou Instruction abrégée sur les nouvelles mesures, avec des calculs qui leur sont relatifs, et des tables de comparaison pour réduire les nouvelles mesures en anciennes et les anciennes en nouvelles; suivis d'une instruction sur les nouvelles monnaies de France, ainsi que d'une description abrégée des poids et mesures de Berne et de Lausanne.
Neuchatel, Mme Fauche Née Borel, 1808.
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1200 €
First edition.
Book promoting the use of the metric system in Switzerland. If Switzerland received in 1801 a copy of the standard meter deposited in Paris, the metric system took several decades to be adopted in all the cantons of the confederation.
"Besides the description that my book gives of the new and old measures of Paris, it can also be considered as a complete treatise of three kinds of measures; namely, those of Neuchâtel, Bern and Lausanne: these neighboring countries will doubtless also adopt under little this system, which has simplicity as its basis" (excerpt from the preface)
Beautiful copy in contemporary morocco.
PAUCTON, Alexis-Jean-Pierre.
Théorie de la Vis d'Archimède, de laquelle on déduit celle des moulins conçus d'une nouvelle maniere. On y joint la construction d'un nouveau lock ou sillometre, & celle d'une sorte de rames très-commodes.
Paris, J.H. Butard, 1768.
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1200 €
First edition.
Unusual work in which Paucton seeks to improve and diversify the applications of the Archimedes screw. Among his innovative ideas we note the possibility of using the Archimedes screw as a means of propulsion for boats and as a propeller for windmills. By putting this propeller which he calls pterophore horizontally, he re-elaborates with genius Leonardo da Vinci's flying propeller, and even calculates the surface of canvas that it would take for a man to be able to rise in the air in this way.
A book on the origins of the helicopter.
HUMBOLDT, Frédéric Alexandre.
Expériences sur le Galvanisme et en général sur l'irritation des fibres musculaires et nerveuses.
Paris, Didot Jeune Chez J.F. Fuchs, 1799.
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500 €
First edition in french.
French translation by Nicolas Jadelot of Humboldt's work on galvanism. Humboldt confirms Galvani's interpretation that animal electricity is irreducible to that of physicists. It contributes to the genesis of the idea that living beings can be described as galvanic organisms.
HAÜY, René Just.
Traité élémentaire de physique.
Paris, Delance et Lesueur, 1803.
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300 €
First edition.
Physics work which was intended for teaching in national high schools.
However, we find there what was the main object of Haüy's research, the crystalline form of minerals and their properties.
[GADROYS, Claude].
Le Systeme du Monde, selon les trois Hypotheses, ou conformement aux loix de la Mechanique l'on explique dans la supposition du mouvement de la Terre.
Paris, Guillaume Desprez, 1675.
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750 €
First edition.
Book in which are presented the cosmologies of Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe enlightened by the theories of Descartes.
Le Monde de Mr Descartes ou le traité de la lumière et des autres principaux objets des sens.
Paris, Jacques Le Gras, 1664.
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3000 €
First edition.
Very rare copy with title page in unlisted condition in the name of Jacques Le Gras.
Descartes wrote this treatise in 1632 and 1633. He defended in particular the heliocentric system of Copernicus, but following Galileo's condemnation, he gave up publishing this work during his lifetime. It will not be finally published, according to his will, until after his death. At the end of 1663, the Le Gras and Clerselier family will dispute the privilege of publishing the posthumous works of Descartes. For the "World" it is Jacques Le Gras who will be the first to deposit the privilege. (cf. CARTESIAN BULLETIN V. (1976). Archives de Philosophie, 39 (3), 445–494) Jacques Le Gras, the holder of the privilege, then shared it with Thomas Girard (his brother-in-law) and Michel Bobin.
Our title page is unknown to Tchermerzine and Guibert as well as to Mathias Van Otegem who in his bibliography of the works of Descartes published in 2002, after consulting the copies in public libraries, describes only four states of the title page of this edition.
Our copy therefore presents a fifth state of the still unpublished title page.
Our title page has the same typographical mark as the Thomas Girad state (6 fleurons) canonically considered to adorn the true first edition. In addition, like the copy "Thomas Girad" from the Munich library (BSB: Rar. 4594) our title page is margined shorter than the rest of the book body and printed with the same characters, which suggests an impression at the same time.
The copies having a recomposed title page with a typographical mark "à l'oiseau" only coming, according to bibliographers, in a second step.
"In Le Monde, Descartes wants to ruin the concepts of scholasticism, and 'evacuate' Aristotle's physics, by giving a physical interpretation of the new heliocentric astronomy. As opposed to traditional finalism, he envisions, in the form of a "Fable", the mechanical formation of the cosmos, from an initial state of chaos (pieces of matter of various shapes and sizes agitated by all-out movements) and only by virtue of the general laws of nature: principle of inertia, laws of the communication of movement, etc ... "Robert Maggiori, Liberation, 26.
Théorie de la Lune, déduite du seul principe de l'attraction.
Paris, Dessaint & Saillant, 1765.
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1500 €
Second edition.
This second edition brings together the Theory of the Moon and the Tables of the Moon published by Clairaut in 1752 and 1754 which are the first approximate resolution of the three-body problem. Between 1747 and 1754, three of the greatest mathematicians of their time, Euler, D'Alembert and Clairaut, opposed each other on a common project: to develop new mathematical methods in order to resolve the complex problems posed by the movement of the Moon, subject to both to the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Sun. The issue was both scientific and economic since the establishment of precise astronomical tables was necessary for the reliability of navigation at sea.
BRISSON, Mathurin-Jacques.
Traité élémentaire ou principe de physique [suivi de] Elémens ou principes physico-chymiques.
Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1800.
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600 €
Frist complete edition with the first edition of the fourth volume.
Complete homogeneous set in 4 volumes and 52 plates of this physics and chemistry course published by Mathurin-Jacques Brisson.
Assistant to Réaumur then to Nollet, Brisson became a professor of physics at the College of Navarre and then at the Ecole Centrale. He began to publish his Elementary Treaty of Physics in 1789. This third edition of 1800 was supplemented by a new volume on chemistry to serve as a follow-up to physics.
DUPUY, Léon.
Exposé de la méthode de Hansen pour le calcul des perturbations spéciales des petites planètes.
[Paris], [Baillière], [1874].
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150 €
First edition.
Article published in the Memoirs of the Physical and Natural Sciences Society of Bordeaux.TX on this fundamental problem of celestial mechanics which preoccupied mathematicians and astronomers at the end of the 19th century. Discussion on Hansen's method which is a perturbation theory approach to the three-body problem.
DUBOIS, Edmond.
Les Passages de Vénus sur le disque solaire.
Paris, Gauthiers-Villars, 1873.
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150 €
First edition.
Work preparing the transit of Venus across the Sun in 1874.
The transit of Venus in 1874 was the first transit of the planet in the 19th century, eight years before the second in 1882. Like the transits of 1761 and 1769 in the previous century, these two transits give rise to numerous observations around the globe, in order to be able to precisely measure the value of the astronomical unit, the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
La Physique sans appareils et la Chimie sans laboratoire.
Paris, G. Masson, [1893].
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Sixth completely revised edition.
Popular science book presenting on each page an experiment to be carried out with the means present in all households.
Copy of Albert Tissandier, brother of the author with whom he ran the magazine La Nature until 1905.
LORENTZ, Hendrik Antoon.
Het Relativiteitsbeginsel : drie voordrachten gehouden in Teyler's Stichting.
Haarlem, De Erven Loosjex, 1913.
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500 €
First edition.
Publication of the lectures given at the Teylers Foundation by Lorentz on the theory of relativity.
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1902, it was thanks to Lorentz and the establishment of the "Lorentz transformations" that Einstein was able to establish his theory of special relativity.
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