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ADAM, Frantz.
Des internements abusifs, contribution à l'étude de l'assistance aux aliénés.
Paris, Maloine, 1912.
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200 €
First edition.
Frantz Adam (1886-1968) was a French psychiatrist known for photographing the First World War, particularly in the trenches while he was a soldier in the French army. He also worked throughout his life to improve the conditions of internment of psychiatric patients.
Presentation copy.
BOUDIN, Etienne.
Les Troubles de la parole : bégaiement, blésités, retard du langage, nasillement, raucité vocale, voix infantile ; causes et remèdes. La lecture sur les lèvres : faculté, pour les personnes atteintes de surdité, de comprendre la parole aux mouvements des lèvres.
Paris, Atelier typographique de l'institution nationale des sourds-muets, 1906.
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150 €
First edition.
The author explains his method for learning lip reading.
Presentation copy.
BRINK, Louise.
Women Characters in Richard Wagner - A Study in "The Ring of the Nibelung".
New York, Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1924.
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30 €
First edition.
Presentation copy.
[DE LOLME, Jean Louis].
Constitution de l'Angleterre.
Amsterdam, E. Van Harrevelt, 1771.
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160 €
First edition.
Political analysis of the English Constitution, highlighting the differences between the English political system and the continental political systems of the time. De Lolme also addresses topics such as the role of the monarchy, the electoral system and the legislative process.
RAYNAL, Guillaume-Thomas.
Anecdotes Littéraires, ou Histoire de ce qui est arrivé de plus singulier, & de plus intéressant aux Ecrivains François, depuis le renouvellement des Lettres sous François I. jusqu'à nos jours.
Paris, Durand, 1750.
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200 €
First edition.
Recueil de 8 farces, sotties ou moralités.
Paris, Techener, [v. 1880].
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350 €
Collection of 8 farces, silliness or moralities reissued by Techener:
- La Reformeresse, farce à VI personnages, (tirage non justifié)
- Le Sourd, son varlet et l'Yverongne, (n°12/76)
- L'Eglise, noblesse et Pourete, qui font la lefive, (n°9/76)
- Les trois Galans, (tirage non justifié)
- La Farce du Poulier, (tirage non justifié)
- Moralité, (tirage non justifié)
- Desconfiture des Hennoyers (1878)
- Estrenes de l'asne, 1590 (v.1880).
LA BRUYERE, Jean de.
Les Caractères de Théophraste traduits du grec : avec les Caractères ou les Moeurs de ce siècle.
Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1694.
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250 €
Eighth original edition.
"Les Caractères ou les Moeurs de ce siècle" by the French moralist Jean de la Bruyère (1645 - 1696) is one of the major works of French literature.
The first edition dates from 1688, the following nine editions from 1688 to 1696 are increased with each publication of new texts.
This edition contains 46 characters that had not yet been published (Cydias, Clitophon, Antagoras, etc.), as well as the Reception Speech at the Académie française which is attached for the first time to the Characters.
Remarques sur le Gouvernement du royaume durant les trois règnes de Henri IV, de Louis XIII, de Louis XIV.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1750].
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500 €
Handwritten copy of a work published anonymously by Pierre Marteau in 1688. Barbier attributes the book to Gratien de Courtilz but adds: "Dubious".
The content is rather discourteous towards the monarchs, of whom inglorious episodes are recounted: the lack of merit of Louis XIII (Richelieu having governed for him), Louis XIV preferring the beds of his mistresses to the battlefields... This doubtless explains why handwritten copies were able to circulate under the cloak of the laughers. In fact, two other similar handwritten copies can be found in public libraries.
What remains is a very pretty manuscript, in a perfectly legible late 17th century handwriting.
SICARD, Guillaume.
Histoire naturelle des champignons comestibles et vénéneux.
Paris, Delagrave, 1884.
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400 €
Second edition augmented.
A work sought after for its 75 beautiful plates of edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Some ink annotations on the plates.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1876.
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120 €
Third edition.
Beautiful copy.
[FLEURIOT DE LANGLE, Jean-Marie-Jérôme].
Voyage en Espagne Par Mr. Le Marquis De Langle.
s.l., s.n., 1785.
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200 €
In this work, the author makes a biting satire of the government, religion and morals of the Spanish. King Charles III complained to the French government and threatened to close the entrance to his kingdom to all French people. Parliament ordered, in February 1786, that a copy of "Voyage en Espagne" would be delivered to the flames by the hand of the executioner. This auto-da-fé delighted de Langle who had written: "My work will surely be reduced to ashes: so much the better! (...) It brings good luck; the public likes burnt works.".
Le Chancelier de Fleurs.
Chateaudun, La Maison du livre, 1907.
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600 €
First edition.
Robert de Montesquiou (1855-1921), is a French man of letters, poet, dandy and art and literature critic. This book was written in memory of his friend (secretary and companion), Gabriel de Yturri.
One of the hundred numbered copies printed exclusively for the author, ours n°10
Handwritten dedication from the author to Jean Richepin (1849-1926), poet and writer who had just been elected to the Académie française (March 1908).
We enclose an empty, postmarked envelope, addressed by Montesquiou to Marcel Le Roy-Dupré.
LORRAIN, Jean || GUILLONNET, Octave Denis Victor.
Paris, Edition du mouvement, 1908.
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300 €
Edition illustrated with 14 drawings by O.D.V. Guillonnet, orientalist painter, great decorator of national palaces.
Preface by Jérôme Doucet.
Oeuvres de Boileau Despréaux, avec neuf figures.
Paris, Imprimerie Crapelet, 1798.
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120 €
Portrait by J.-J. Forty, engraved by Vaysard, and 8 figures for the Art poétique and the Lectern by Monsiau, engraved by Voysard, Simonet, Thomas, Patas and Trière.
LIEUTAUD, Jacques.
Connoissance des temps pour l'année 1727 au méridien de paris.
Paris, Jean Mariette, 1727.
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90 €
First edition.
First published in 1679, this astronomical yearbook was immediately a great success, given its usefulness, and has never suffered any interruption. First written by Abbé Jean Picard, then by his fellow academician, Le Febvre, it was, after the reform of the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1699, developed by a team of academicians: Jacques Lieutaud surrounded by Réaumur, Galon and Cassini.
[BEFFARA, Louis François].
L'Esprit de Molière.
Londres, Lacombe, 1777.
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200 €
First edition.
The work presents a selection of maxims, portraits, reflections, catalogue of plays, etc., by Molière.
OZANAM, Jacques.
Méthode générale pour tracer des cadrans de toute sorte de plans.
Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1685.
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250 €
Second edition.
A self-taught mathematician, Jacques Ozanam was above all a popularizer of mathematics. In his works, he disseminated practical applications of this science, whether for the division of land, the calculation of inheritances or, as here, the drawing of sundials.
WILLIS, Thomas.
Pathologiae cerebri et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis et de scorbuto studio.
Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevir, 1670.
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450 €
Thomas Willis is one of the pioneers of neuroanatomy and neuropathology, with this book he is one of the first to link psychological disorders and alterations in the structures of the brain.
"One of the earliest textbooks on nervous diseases " (Garrison's History of neurology).
DOURDIN, Jacques.
Textiles artificiels, étude de leur situation présente et de leur avenir.
Paris, imprimerie Paul Dupont, 1947.
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250 €
First edition.
Jacques Dourdin is the first to import the method of opinion polls in France. The method was popularized during the thirties in the United States by Doctor Gallup.
The French firm Jacques Dourdin proposed to provide industrialists and traders with all the information they wanted, thanks to the method of surveys by sample.
He thus delivers the first rational studies of the French market.
This pamphlet presents a survey on the need and acceptance of artificial textile fibers (rayon and fibranne) by the French market.
Numbered copy (n°861).
GAMA MACHADO, José Joaquim da.
Théorie des ressemblances ou essai philosophique sur les moyens de déterminer les dispositions physiques et morales des animaux.
Paris, H. Fournier et Cie, 1844.
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600 €
First edition.
Third part alone of the four parts that appeared over a period of almost thirty years. The first part appeared in 1831, the last in 1858. The subject, on the border between natural history and philosophy, consists in applying a rigorous analogy between animal forms and human psychology. In the tradition of Lavater, Gall and the physiognomists, the physical configuration of the organ is revealing of personal dispositions. Da Gama Machado was a commander and gentleman of the Royal House of the King of Portugal; he lived surrounded by his birds, which he cherished.
Presentation copy to Achille Comte (1802-1866).
JOUBERT, Laurent.
La Première et Seconde partie des erreurs populaires, touchant la Médecine & le régime de santé.
Paris, Claude Micard, 1587.
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800 €
Rare edition of this work in which Joubert refutes the popular prejudices and beliefs of the time both in medicine and in dietetics.
A work that enjoyed great success, but which aroused the ire of the medical profession, who were furious with the author because he had dealt with their art in the vernacular and not in Latin.
Histoire civile et religieuse de la Colombe, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours.
Anvers, J.- E. Buschmann, 1847.
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80 €
First edition.
Vignettes by Wittkamp.
Histoire de la Ville et du Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, suivie de Recherches Historiques sur les dix autres Communes du Canton.
Saint-Germain, Imprimerie Abel Goujon / Ledoyen, 1829.
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450 €
First edition.
Cahier des charges des chemins de fer. Pamphlet illustré.
Paris, J. Hetzel, 1847.
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50 €
Second edition.
Frontispiece and numerous drawings in the text by Bertall.
CAMUS, Armand Gaston.
Histoire des Animaux D'Aristote.
Paris, Veuve Desaint, 1783.
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350 €
First French translation of Aristotle's text.
The translation is given by Armand Gaston Camus with the Greek text opposite.
Aristotle here attempts to make a comprehensible classification of animals based on objective structural characteristics. The second volume is devoted to a critical apparatus of Aristotle's text.
STURM, Jacob.
Catalog meiner Insecten-Sammlung.
Nürnberg, Auf Rosten des Verfassers, 1826.
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400 €
First edition.
At the turn of the 18th century, Sturm had one of the largest private collections of insects. He published a catalogue in four parts from 1796 to 1843. Here is the third part devoted to beetles.
Presentation copy.
CHEVALIER, Charles || PRITCHARD, Andrew.
300 animalcules infusoires, dessinés à l'aide du microscope.
Paris, Charles Chevalier, 1838.
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350 €
First edition.
Chevalier, Charles (1804-1859) French optical engineer, manufacturer and seller of microscopes, including abroad, supplier in particular to the Academy of Sciences, the Collège de France, and the Ecole Polytechnique.
Almanach dédié aux Dames.
Paris, Le Fuel, Delaunay, 1828.
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80 €
Lovely little almanac.
At the end of the book there are blank pages of "Memories" for each month of the year.
WECKER, Jean Jacques.
Les Secrets et merveilles de nature.
Lyon, Jean Aymée Candy, 1652.
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600 €
Jean-Jacques Wecker (1528-1585) German physician, philosopher and alchemist. This book contains beauty secrets, advice on destroying parasites, information on dyes, varnishes and gilding, gardening, preserving fruit, making ink, how to remove stains, amusing physics tricks... and more esoteric chapters on demons and alchemy.
TULP, Nicolae.
Observationes Medicae.
Leyde, Georgium Wishoff, 1739.
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300 €
Nicolaes Tulp (1593-1674) was a 17th-century Dutch surgeon, famous for having been immortalized by Rembrandt in his anatomy lesson.
Numerous engravings in text.
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