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FREIND, John. Histoire de la médecine depuis Galien, jusqu'au commencement du seizième siècle. 1727.

Photo FREIND, John. 

FREIND, John. 

Histoire de la médecine depuis Galien, jusqu'au commencement du seizième siècle. 

Leyde, Jean Arn. Langerak, 1727.

4to (236x180 mm), (10)-165-(17)-115-(15)-108-(18)-26 pages.  binding : Contemporary full mottled calf, spine gilt in six compartments, title in gilt on lettering-piece, red edges. 

Photo FREIND, John. 

First edition in French.
Very good copy.

references: Garisson and Morton [6378, 1ère ed, 1726 : "Freind was the first English historian of medicine, and his book is a classic study of the period with which it treats. Freind dabbled in politics and planned the above work while committed to the Tower of London on a charge of high treason, a charge of which he was innocent. Sir Robert Walpole, Prime Minister at the time, suffered much from renal calculi and called in Richard Mead, a great friend of Freind. Mead refused to treat Walpole until Freind was released, and this was speedily arranged!].


Photo FREIND, John. 
Photo FREIND, John. 
Photo FREIND, John. 
Photo FREIND, John. 
Photo FREIND, John. 
Photo FREIND, John. 
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