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ROUSSEAU, Secrets et remèdes éprouvez, 1697

Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 


Secrets et remèdes éprouvez dont les préparations ont été faites au Louvre. 

Paris, Jean Jombert, 1697.

12mo (157x92 mm), (92)-241 pages.  binding : Contemporary full calf, gilt spine in six compartments. Binding rubbed. Corners bumped. Minor waterstains. 

Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 

First edition.
Work published posthumously by Rousseau de la Grangerouze, the brother of Abbot Rousseau, who was a Capuchin monk at the Louvre alongside Abbot Tranquille.
It contains the recipes for Baume Tranquille (a powerful sleeping pill based on Henbane, Poppy and Nightshade) and Rousseau's Laudanum, which made the reputation of the Capuchins of the Louvre.
Here he reveals the secret.
Note the experiment noted by Dorbon, which consisted of killing a toad by looking at it... an experiment that once almost turned out to be unfavorable for the abbot, a toad with a glowing red gaze having left him in a state of weakness for several days.

references: David [L'abbé Rousseau et le « baume tranquille », 1929 : "Les Capucins du Louvre composèrent de nombreux médicaments tels que l'essence d'émeraude, l'essence de vipère, l'arrière-faix, l'élixir de propiété, l'eau de la Reine de Hongrie, etc. Seuls, le baume tranquille et le laudanum de Rousseau sont encore employés."], Dorbon [4249].

Price : 400 €

Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 
Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 
Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 
Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 
Photo ROUSSEAU, Abbé. 
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