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WECKER, Jean Jacques.
Les Secrets et merveilles de nature.
Lyon, Jean Aymée Candy, 1652.
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600 €
Jean-Jacques Wecker (1528-1585) German physician, philosopher and alchemist. This book contains beauty secrets, advice on destroying parasites, information on dyes, varnishes and gilding, gardening, preserving fruit, making ink, how to remove stains, amusing physics tricks... and more esoteric chapters on demons and alchemy.
ORSCHALL, Johann Christian.
Oeuvres métallurgiques, contenant : I. l'Art de la Fonderie - II. un traité de la Liquation - III. un traité de la Macération des Mines - IV. le traité des trois Merveilles.
Paris, Hardy, 1760.
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700 €
First french edition.
The collected edition of the author's scattered German works on mining, metallurgy, and metallurgical chemistry, translate by Baron d'Holbach.
Detailed descriptions are given of three alchemical processes for making large quantities of gold.
Despite its alchemical overtones, the book gives much valuable information on extractive metallurgy.
Orschall remains known for his description of a process for obtaining false rubies by dyeing glass (described in this work).
PERNETY, Antoine-Joseph.
Dictionnaire mytho-hermétique dans lequel on trouve les Allégories Fabuleuses des Poètes, les Métaphores, les énigmes et les Termes barbares des Philosophes Hermétiques expliqués.
Paris, Bauche, 1758.
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650 €
First edition of this important source for knowledge of the history of alchemy and its symbols.
REYNIER, Jean-Louis-Antoine.
Du Feu et de quelques-uns de ses principaux effets.
Lausanne, Mourer, 1787.
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600 €
First edition.
Reynier makes "fire" in this work, an essential constituent of the material which ensures its cohesion.
His theory announces, following Lavoisier, the replacement of the phlogiston theory by the caloric theory.
Our modern gaze would find that by replacing “fire” with “energy”, Reynier demonstrates many interesting intuitions here. As such it is often cited by Bachelard in his “Psychoanalysis of Fire”.
[REIBEHAND, Christophe].
Le Filet d'Ariadne : pour entrer avec seureté dans le labyrinthe de la philosophie hermétique.
Paris, Laurent D'Houry, 1695.
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2000 €
First edition in french.
Unusual work of alchemy of which bibliographers do not agree on the identity of the author.
For some [Dorbon, Caillet, Lenglet Dufresnoy] it is the German author Christophe Reibehand whose work was originally published in Latin in 1636.
For others [Brunet, Duveen, Ferguson] it is Gaston Le Doux (or Duclos or Claves).
Some figures on wood in the text illustrate the equipment of an alchemical laboratory.
If no bibliographer mentions the presence of a plate, certain rare copies have a folding table classically giving the correspondence between the alchemical symbols and the compounds used. This board is missing here.
PERNETY, Antoine Joseph.
Les Fables Egyptiennes et Grecques dévoilées & réduites au même principe, avec une explication des hiéroglyphes et de la guerre de Troye.
Paris, Delalain, 1786.
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600 €
Second edition.
Treatise by Pernety in which he argues that the Greek and Egyptian mythologies contain the secret of the Great Work.
Miroir universel des arts et sciences.
Paris, Regnault Chaudiere, 1598.
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1250 €
Rare work of spagyric medicine.
Our copy, in accordance with what the title page announces, and unlike the copy Dorbon describes, is complete with the second part "Les Caprices touching la médecine".
This last part contains the description of the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life and what will be known as the Balm of Fioravanti.
This balm was a panacea that had made its creator famous.
Bibliotheca Chemica contracta.
Genève, Joannis Ant. & Samuel de Tournes, 1653.
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2500 €
First edition.
Compilation of alchemical texts divided into four parts in separate pagination with particular title page for each of them. Among the treatises it contains are the Chrysopoeia and Vellus aureum of Augurelli, the Novum lumen chemicum and the De sulphure tractatus of Sendivogius, and the Aracanum hermeticae philosophiae opus of Jean d'Espagnet.
The Emerald Table (Tabula smaragdina) is included in the preface.
Albineus is the Latinized name of Nathan d'Aubigné de la Fosse, son of the famous Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné.
LE FEBVRE, Nicolas.
Traicté de la Chymie.
Paris, Thomas Jolly, 1660.
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2500 €
First edition.
Nicolas Lefèvre [id is Le Febvre] was a chemistry teacher at the Jardin des Plantes. He then became a member of the Royal Academy in London, a city to which he had come at the request of King Charles II of England.
A skilful chemist, people in the art praise the exactness with which he describes the operations and reports their results. It also indicates the means of recognizing fraud in pharmaceutical preparations.
A great admirer of Paracelsus, he claimed to have discovered, like him, a secret for restoring or maintaining all the vigor of youth in advanced age.
His chemistry course was a great success, went through several editions and was translated into several languages.
Nouvelle Chymie raisonnée.
Lyon, Thomas Amaulry, 1693.
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400 €
First french edition.
Professor of botany and surgery at the University of Leipzig, Ferguson [I,251] reports that Ettmuller died on March 9, 1683 as a result of an unfortunate chemistry experiment.
[VILLAIN, Etienne-Francois].
Histoire critique de Nicolas Flamel et de Pernelle sa femme.
Paris, G. Desprez, 1761.
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500 €
First edition.
Nicolas Flamel, who died in 1418, is undoubtedly the most famous of alchemists, Abbé Villain looks into the historical truth of this character who has become a legend.
PALISSY, Bernard.
Oeuvres de Bernard Palissy revues sur les exemplaires de la Bibliothèque du Roi ; avec des notes par M. Faujas de Saint Fond, et des additions par M. Gobet.
Paris, Ruault, 1777.
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450 €
First edition of the complete works of Bernard Palissy. As always without the portrait and the dedicatory epistle to Franklin, which were deleted by the editor prior to publication.
In this copy a later portrait as been added.
It contains the texts on alchemy, but also on agriculture, geology, botany, ceramics, embalming, engineering, hydrology , medicine, metallurgy, meteorology, mineralogy, paleontology, philosophy, physics, toxicology and zoology.
Palissy, first became famous through his technique for making a rustic enameled earthenware, a skill which gained him the appointment of inventeur des rustiques figurines du roy. Palissy was probably one of the first men in France to teach natural sciences from facts, specimens and demonstrations rather than hypotheses. (DSB).
MYNSICHT, Adrian von.
Thesaurus et Armamentarium medico chymicum.
Lyon, Jean Antoine Huguetan, 1670.
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600 €
Adrian von Mynsicht (1603-1638) is a German physician and alchemist. In his Thesaurus, he gives us his best recipes of ointments, emplatres, liqueurs for medicine. As always at this time, chemistry, alchemy and pharmacopoeia are closely intertwined.
In the Testamentum Hadrianeum following the Thesaurus, we are given in a versified form the secret of the philosopher's stone of Mynsicht.
Rare edition not spotted by Ferguson, nor Caillet.
GLAUBER, Johann Rudolf.
Première [seconde, troisième] partie de l’oeuvre minérale, où est enseignée la séparation de l’Or des Pierres à feu, Sable, Argile, et autres Fossiles, par l’Esprit de Sel, ce qui ne se peut faire par autre voye. Comme aussi une Panacée, ou Médecine niverselle, antimoniale, & son usage.
[Reliés à la suite :]
- La Teinture de l'or ou le véritable or potable
- Traitté de la Médecine universelle, ou le vray or potable.
- La Consolation des navigants. Dans laquelle est enseigné à ceux qui voyagent sur mer un moyen de se garantir de la faim & de la soif, voire mesme des maladies qui leur pourroient survenir durant un long voyage.
Paris, Thomas Jolly, 1659.
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2500 €
First edition in French.
Rare treatises on Glauber's alchemy.
The 3 parts of the mineral work as well as the three linked works have a title page and a separate pagination.
Our copy contains the treatise on "or potable" panacea widely used throughout the Renaissance.
[BELIN, Albert].
Les Avantures du philosophe inconnu en la recherche & en l'invention de la Pierre Philosophale.
Paris, Jacques de Laize-de-Bresche, 1674.
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1350 €
Second edition of this rare alchemical work.
EIDOUS, Marc-Antoine.
Mémoires littéraires sur différens sujets de Physique, de Mathématique, de Chymie, de Médecine, de Géographie, d'Agriculture, d'Histoire naturelle.
Paris, André Cailleau, 1750.
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150 €
First edition.
Compilation of different texts collected throughout Europe by Eidus on subjects as diverse as the Philosopher's Stone, burning fountains, the increase in yields, the origin of nations ...
The author indicates in the preface that he will publish other memoirs if this first volume is successful, which he did the same year.
PHILALETHE, Eiraeneus.
Introitus apertus ad occlusum regis palatium.
Amsterdam, Joannemm Janssonium, 1667.
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7500 €
The scarce first edition of this monument of the alchemical litterature.
Not in Duveen, Neville, Dorbon, Guaita, Verginelli, Ouvaroff.
MYNSICHT, Adrian von.
Thesaurus et Armamentarium medico chymicum.
Lyon, Jean Antoine Huguetan, 1640.
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1500 €
Adrian von Mynsicht (1603-1638) is a German physician and alchemist. In his Thesaurus, he gives us his best recipes of ointments, emplatres, liqueurs for medicine. As always at this time, chemistry, alchemy and pharmacopoeia are closely intertwined.
In the Testamentum Hadrianeum following the Thesaurus, we are given in a versified form the secret of the philosopher's stone of Mynsicht.
Rare edition not spotted by Ferguson, nor Caillet.
SCHULTZ, Gottfried || MICHAELIS, Johann.
Dissertatio pharmaceutico-therapeutica de Natura Tincturae Bezoardicae
[Relié à la suite : ]
Scrutinium Cinnabarinum Seu Triga Cinnabriorum, Hall. Saxon, Simon Joh. Hubner, 1680.
Hall. Saxon, Simon Joh. Hubner, 1678.
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1350 €
Bound together, two rare works by Gottfried Schultz (1643-1698) based on the work of Johann Michaelis (1606-1667).
1. First edition of this work in wich Schultz focuses on the preparation and use of the Michaelis bezoardic dye. This preparation will be part of the pharmacopoeia until the second half of the eighteenth century.
2. First edition.
Work devoted to the preparation and use of cinnabar (mercury sulphide) in the pharmacopoeia. The author discusses the different forms of cinnabar, natural cinnabar, cinnabar of antimony, ...
It is Paracelsus who first popularizes the use of cinnabar in medicine with its antimony oil.
At the end we find an appendage devoted to magnetic plaster.
Few references of a medicine then strongly influenced by alchemical works.
VIGENERE, Blaise de.
Traicté du feu et du sel. Excellent et rare opuscule du Sieur Blaise de Vigenère, Bourbonnois, trouvé parmy ses papiers après son décès.
Rouen, Jacques Cailloué, 1642.
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3500 €
Copy of the 1618 edition.
This classical alchimical treatise contains an interesting passage in which VigenEre described the discovery of the crystalline benzoic acid, obtained by the sublimation of gum benzoin (Partington).
KEIL, Christoph Heinrich.
Compendiöses doch vollkommenes philosophisches hand-büchlein, das ist : philosophische grund-sätze zur universal-tinctur auf menschen und metallen, womit alle wahre philosophi so von der welt bis hieher gewesen sind, übereinstimmen, als welches der wahre grund alle philosophische bücher gründlich zu verstehen, und die höchste medicin zu machen.
Bayreuth und hof, Johann Gottlieb Vierling, 1748.
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600 €
Rare second edition of this work by Christoph Heinrich Keil, published for the first time in 1736.
GLAUBER, Jean Rodolphe.
Miraculum mundi, sive plena perfectaque descriptio admirabilis naturae ac proprietatis potentissimi subiecti, ab antiquis menstruum philosophorum dicti : quo vegetabilia, animalia & mineralia facillime in faluberrima medicamenta, & imperfecta metalla in permanentia ac perfecta transmutari possunt.
Amsterdam, Joannem Janssonium, 1653.
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900 €
First Latin edition.
Rare copy.
LEMERY (Nicolas) augmenté par BARON.
Cours de chymie contenant la manière de faire les opérations qui sont en usage dans la Médecine par une Méthode facile. Avec des raisonnemens sur chaque Opération, pour l'Instruction de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer à cette science. Nouvelle édition Revue, corrigée & augmentée.
Paris, Laurent-Charles d'Houry, 1757.
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700 €
French chemist, Nicolas LEMERY was born at Rouen on the 17th of November 1645. After learning pharmacy in his native town he became a pupil of C. Glaser's in Paris, and then went to Montpellier, where he began to lecture on chemistry. He next established a pharmacy in Paris, still continuing his lectures. Lemery did not concern himself much with theoretical speculations, but holding chemistry to be a demonstrative science, confined himself to the straightforward exposition of facts and experiments. In consequence, his lecture-room was thronged with people of all sorts, anxious to hear a man who shunned the barren obscurities of the alchemists, and did not regard the quest of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life as the sole end of his science. Of his Cours de chymie (1675) he lived to see 13 editions, and for a century it maintained its reputation as a standard work.
The 1756's edition (the first one in 4to) is considered by Dorbon and P.Larousse as the best one. The only difference with our edition (1757) is the title engraving which is without the artist signature.
[ALARY, François].
Le Parnasse Assiégé ou la Guerre Declarée entre les Philosophes Anciens & Modernes.
Lyon, Antoine Boudet, 1697.
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1750 €
First edtion.
It is only recently that the author of this rare treatise has been identified through the work of Didier Kahn. François Alary is also the author of the famous Texte d'Alchymie, et le songe-verd.
"It is a very curious effusion in which the author attemps to prove the reality of the Hermetic Science and the correctness of the views of Paracelsus" (Duveen).
Le pilote de l'onde vive, ou le secret du flux et reflux de la mer.
Paris, Jean Dhoury, 1678.
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2200 €
Rare first edition of this alchemical work.
With the author signature on the title page.
NUYSEMENT, Clovis Hesteau sieur de.
Traittez du vray sel, secret des philosophes, et de l'esprit général du monde.
Contenant en son intérieur les trois Principes naturels, selon la doctrine d'Hermes.
Paris, Jeremie Perier & Abdias Buizard, 1621.
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1750 €
Rare first edition.
LORRIS Guillaume de & MEUNG Jean de.
Le Roman de la Rose, par Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meun, dit Clopinel.
Revu sur plusieurs éditions & sur quelques anciens manuscrits. Accompagné de plusieurs autres ouvrages, d'une préface historique, de notes & d'un glossaire.
Paris, Veuve Pissot, 1735.
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1250 €
With the rare "Supplément au glossaire du Roman de la Rose (J.-B. Lantin de Damerey). 1737, J.Sirot at Dijon".
LEMERY, Nicolas.
Cours de Chymie.
Paris, Chez l'autheur, 1677.
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950 €
The rare second edition.
BARBA, Alvarez Alphonse.
Traité de l'art metalique, extrait des Oeuvres d'Alvarez Alfonse Barba, célèbre artiste dans les mines du Potozi, auquel on a joint un mémoire concernant les mines de France; avec un Tarif qui démontre les opérations qu'il faudroit faire pour tirer de ces mines l'or et l'argent qu'en tiroient les Romains lorsqu'ils étoient maîtres de Gaules.
Paris, Pierre Prault, 1730.
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450 €
First edition in french
Rare book containing curious precepts of hermeticism and data on metal art.
PERERIUS, Benedictus.
Adversus fallaces et superstitiosas Artes. Id est, de Magia, de Observasione Somniorum et de Divinatione Astrologica.
Lugduni, Officina Juntarum, 1592.
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1750 €
Rare treaty on witchcraft and magic of the sixteenth century.
Lyon first edition (first in 1591), well complete with the last blank leaf (with old manuscript notes).
The book is divided into three parts. The first deals with different aspects of magic, the second is about dreams and their interpretation and the last on astrology.
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