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Cours de géométrie manuscrit.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1800].
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Original manuscript.
Manuscript of an elementary geometry course (triangle, polygons, etc.), some figures in the text.
OZANAM, Jacques.
Méthode générale pour tracer des cadrans de toute sorte de plans.
Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1685.
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250 €
Second edition.
A self-taught mathematician, Jacques Ozanam was above all a popularizer of mathematics. In his works, he disseminated practical applications of this science, whether for the division of land, the calculation of inheritances or, as here, the drawing of sundials.
LAMY, Bernard.
Traité de la grandeur en général qui comprend l'arithmétique, l'algèbre, l'analyse et les principes de toutes les sciences qui ont la grandeur pour objet.
Paris, André Pralard, 1680.
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400 €
First edition.
A very complete copy of its plate.
BIELFELD, Jacques-Frédéric (Baron de).
Institutions politiques.
La Haye, Pierre Gosse, 1760.
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450 €
First edition.
Baron Bielfeld was an advisor to Frederick II of Prussia, his work consists mainly of reflections on national governance.
His work had a significant impact on both political science and statistics. He would be the first to introduce the word "statistics" to replace the term political arithmetic.
Projet motivé d'articles additionnels à la loi, du 19 janvier 1791. Relative à l'organisation des Ponts & Chaussées.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1791.
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120 €
First edition.
Proposed amendments to the law of January 19, 1791, which created the Corps of Ponts et Chaussées.
COURNOT, Augustin.
Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses.
Paris, L. Hachette, 1838.
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12500 €
First edition.
Landmark in economic theory.
Cournot is considered a pioneer in mathematical economics. He was among the first to formalize economic theories using mathematical equations.
He proposed basing economic theory not on elementary algebra but on the branch of analysis dealing with arbitrary functions, subject to certain conditions.
His work focused on a theory of price equilibrium in a free market.
Though largely ignored in his time, his research on equilibria between two producers, now known as "Cournot equilibria," would later be generalized under the term "Nash equilibria" or "Nash-Cournot equilibria," earning John Forbes Nash the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.
Cournot's work is bound after the following:
URBAIN, Introduction to the Study of Political Economy, Paris, Bossange Père, 1833.
SAVARY, Jacques.
Le Parfait Négociant ou instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce.
Lyon, Jacques Lyons, 1701.
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150 €
Fifth edition.
A famous merchant born in 1622 in Doué (Anjou) from a noble family, Savary became a wealthy merchant and retired from business at the age of 36. He was chosen by Colbert to be one of the writers of the commercial code of 1673 which was called "Code Savary". He wrote in 1675 the "Perfect trader" which is the compilation of the knowledge he had gathered for the drafting of the ordinance. The legal solutions are clear, sensible, practical, honest. The book is a business bible whose importance Max Weber underlined. This work became a classic, reprinted many times and translated into German, English and Italian.
VIETE, François.
Opera mathematica in unum volumen congesta ac recognita, opera atque studio Francisci a Schooten.
Leyde, ex officina Bonaventura Abraham Elzeviriorum, 1646.
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9500 €
First collective edition of the works of François Viète.
François Viète, a 16th-century French mathematician born in Fontenay-le-Comte in 1540 and died in Paris in 1603, is often hailed as the father of modern algebra.
Indeed, Viète was one of the first mathematicians in Europe to note the parameters of an equation using symbols. His innovative approach and contribution to algebraic notation was particularly influential and opened new ways for solving mathematical problems. In recognition of his contributions, Viète is widely considered one of the greatest mathematicians of his time and his legacy endures in the field of modern mathematics to this day.
This first collective edition features sixteen of Viète's works, including his seminal 'Isagoge in artem analyticam', which introduced his innovative algebraic notation.
DEIDIER, (Abbé).
La Mesure des surfaces et des solides, par l'arithmétique des infinis et les centres de gravité.
Paris, Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1740.
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750 €
First edition.
Work which is inspired by Wallis' method of measuring surfaces by the arithmetic of infinities which has the advantage according to Deidier of using simple algebra. Deidier found the algebra of integral calculus too abstract. Deidier's works ensured him a distinguished place among the mathematicians of his time.
CHOPART, Louis Narcisse.
Essais sur les évolutions navales suivis de quelques tables.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1839.
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600 €
First edition.
Chopart will be Vice-Admiral of the French Navy, he will participate in particular in the Algiers expedition in 1830. His book is in line with the tactics of the 18th century sailing navy, but as a former student from polytechnique he constantly uses geometric tools to demonstrate his movements. Beautiful printing on quality paper for this naval tactics book.
COUSIN, Jacques-Antoine-Joseph.
Leçons de Calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral.
Paris, Jombert, 1777.
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200 €
First edition.
POINCARE, Henri || HILBERT, David || HERTZ, Heinrich.
Acta Mathematica.
Stockholm, F et G Beijer, 1887-1900.
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1500 €
First edition.
Set of eleven volumes of the famous Acta mathematica in which the greatest mathematicians published their research in their languages. Among the illustrious contributors we will note 7 articles by Henri Poincaré, 2 articles by David Hilbert, 1 article by Hertz, 3 articles by Tchebycheff and numerous articles from the French school following Emile Borel.
Non-exhaustive list of articles:
POINCARÉ, H. L'oeuvre mathématique de Weierstrass..........
POINCARÉ, H. Sur les propriétés du potentiel et sur les fonctions Abéliennes
POINCARÉ, H. Sur une forme nouvelle des équations du problème des trois corps...
POINCARÉ, H. Sur les rapports de l'analyse pure et de la physique mathématique
POINCARE, H. La méthode de Neumaun et le problème de Dirichlet
POINCARE, H. Sur la polarisation par diffraction
POINCARÉ, H. Sur la polarisation par diffraction. (Seconde
HILBERT, DAVID. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Legendre'schen Polynoms
HILBERT, D. und HURWITZ, A. Über die diophantischen Gleichungen vom Geschlecht Null
HERTZ, H. Sur les équations fondamentales de l'électrodynamique pour les corps en mouvement
TCHEBYCHEFF, P. Sur deux théorèmes relatifs aux probabilités
TCHEBYCHEFF, P. Sur les résidus intégraux qui donnent des valeurs approchées des intégrales.
TCHEBYCHEW, P. Angenäherte Darstellung der Kvadrat- wurzel einer Veränderlichen mittelst einfacher Brüche. Aus dem Rus sischen übersetzt von O. Backlund....
BOREL, ÉMILE. Sur les séries de Taylor 243 248
d'OCAGNE, MAURICE. Théorie des équations représentables par trois systèmes linéaires de points cotés
COUSIN, PIERRE. Sur les fonctions den variables complexes
GOURSAT, E. Sur une classe d'équations aux dérivées partielles du second ordre, et sur la théorie des intégrales intermédiaires
LECORNU, LÉON. Mémoire sur le pendule de longueur variable
LIOUVILLE, R. Sur les équations de la dynamique
BOREL, EMILE. Sur les zéros des fonctions entières..........
HADAMARD, J. Mémoire sur l'élimination
LIOUVILLE, R. Sur le mouvement d'un corps solide pesant suspendu par l'un de ses points
PINCHERLE, 8. Sur la génération des systèmes récurrents au moyen d'une équation linéaire différentielle.
HADAMARD, J. Sur les caractères de convergence des séries à termes positifs et sur les fonctions indéfiniment croissantes
HADAMARD, J. Note additionnelle à l'article Sur les caractères de convergence des séries à termes positifs et sur les fonctions indéfiniment croissantess
PICARD, E. Sur une classe de transcendantes nouvelles. (Pre- mier mémoire)........
GOURSAT, É. Sur un mode de transformation des surfaces minima
GOURSAT, É. Sur un mode de transformation des surfaces mi- nima (second mémoire)
PICARD, É. Démonstration d'un théorème générale sur les fonctions uniformes liées par une relation algébrique...
PICARD, E. Sur une classe d'équations linéaires aux dérivées partielles du second ordre..
PICARD, EMILE. Sur une classe de transcendantes nouvelles (second mémoire).
CRAMER, Gabriel.
Introduction à l'analyse des lignes courbes algébriques.
Genève, Frères Cramer & Philibert, 1750.
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800 €
First edition.
The only publication by the Genevan mathematician Gabriel Cramer (1704-1752), it includes the method known today as Cramer's rule for the resolution of linear systems of equations, using what will later be called determinants.
FONTES, Joseph.
Archéologie Mathématique : Réunion de 6 plaquettes.
Toulouse, s.n., [v. 1897].
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150 €
First editions.
Meeting of 6 brochures on the subject of Mathematical Archaeology, taken separately from science history journals:.
FONTES, Joseph.
Réunion de 4 plaquettes sur l'arithmétique et la division.
Toulouse, s.n., [1892-1893].
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150 €
First editions.
Meeting of 4 brochures on the subject of arithmetics.
Élémens de Géométrie.
Paris, Lambert & Durand, 1741.
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500 €
First edition.
Title page at Lambert & Durand, we find the title page more frequently at David fils. Bibliographers agree that this is the same edition.
The three last blank pages with old manuscript notes.
Clairaut's work enjoyed considerable success in France and Europe.
DARBOUX, Gaston.
Leçons sur les systèmes orthogonaux et les coordonnées curvilignes.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1910.
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60 €
Second edition.
Gaston Darboux (1842-1917) is a French mathematician, he succeeds in 1878 to Chasles at the chair of geometry superior of the faculty of sciences of Paris.
CAGNOLI, Antoine.
Traité de trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique, Contenant des Méthodes et des Formules nouvelles, avec des applications à la plupart des problêmes de l'Astronomie.
Paris, Didot fils ainé, 1786.
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200 €
First french edition.
Translation by Chompré of the work of Antoine Cagnoli, Italian astronomer and mathematician.
Prize-giving copy of the Ecole centrale de la Dorgogne awarded in 1799.
LEVY, Paul.
Calcul des probabilités.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1925.
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950 €
First edition.
Paul Lévy (1886-1971) French mathematician is among the founders of modern probability theory. We also owe him important considerations on the stable stochastic laws which bear his name as well as on martingales. In 1920, he was appointed professor of analysis at the École Polytechnique and on this occasion discovered the discipline that would leave his mark the most: the calculation of probabilities. It can be said that most of the essential concepts of probability theory derive from him.
MERAY, Charles.
Nouveau précis d'analyse infinitésimale.
Paris, Savy, 1872.
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300 €
First edition.
LACROIX, Silvestre François.
Essais sur l'enseignement en général et sur celui des mathématiques en particulier.
Paris, Bachelier, 1828.
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200 €
Third edition.
Copy from the scientific library of Richard M. Hoe (1812-1886), inventor of the rotary press and great collector of scientific literature. Our copy appears on page 41 of his library's inventory.
D'OCAGNE, Maurice.
Cours de géométrie pure et appliquée de l'école polytechnique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1917-1918.
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120 €
First edition.
Presentation copy to Henri Brocard.
Henri Brocard (1845-1922), polytechnician and officer, engineering commander, he is best known for his work on the modern geometry of the triangle with Émile Lemoine and Joseph Neuberg in the 1870s-1880s. We owe him the construction of Brocard's point, circle, line and angle which have particular properties.
Leçons sur les séries trigonométriques.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1906.
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First edition.
Henri Lebesgue (1875-1941), is one of the great French mathematicians of the first half of the twentieth century. He is recognized for his theory of integration and for his theory of measurement, which extends the important early work of Émile Borel.
His lessons on trigonometric series repeat the courses given in 1904-1905 at the Collège de France.
DARBOUX, Gaston.
Principes de géométrie analytique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1917.
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60 €
First edition.
Gaston Darboux (1842-1917) is a French mathematician, he succeeded Chasles in 1878 as chair of higher geometry at the Paris Faculty of Sciences. His work concerns analysis (integration, partial differential equations) and differential geometry (study of curves and surfaces). They were a source of inspiration for the Cosserat brothers as well as for Élie Cartan.
Leçons sur les constructions géométriques.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1950.
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First edition.
Henri Lebesgue (1875-1941), is one of the great French mathematicians of the first half of the twentieth century. He is recognized for his theory of integration and for his theory of measurement, which extends the important early work of Émile Borel.
His lessons on geometric constructions repeat the courses given in 1940-1941 at the Collège de France.
Sur la mesure des grandeurs.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1956.
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50 €
Second edition.
Henri Lebesgue (1875-1941), is one of the great French mathematicians of the first half of the twentieth century. He is recognized for his theory of integration and for his theory of measurement, which extends the important early work of Émile Borel.
Compilation of Lebesgue's articles published in Enseignement mathématique from 1931 to 1935.
LEVY, Paul.
Leçons d'Analyse Fonctionnelle.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1922.
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50 €
First edition.
Paul Lévy (1886-1971) French mathematician is among the founders of modern probability theory. In 1920, he was appointed professor of analysis at the École Polytechnique.
Les Coniques.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1942.
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30 €
First edition.
Henri Lebesgue (1875-1941), is one of the great French mathematicians of the first half of the twentieth century. He is recognized for his theory of integration and for his theory of measurement, which extends the important early work of Émile Borel.
Preface by Paul Montel.
Les Coniques.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1942.
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30 €
First edition.
Henri Lebesgue (1875-1941), is one of the great French mathematicians of the first half of the twentieth century. He is recognized for his theory of integration and for his theory of measurement, which extends the important early work of Émile Borel.
Preface by Paul Montel.
VOLTERRA, Vito || PÉRÈS, Joseph.
Leçons sur la composition et les fonctions permutables.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1924.
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30 €
First edition.
Vito Volterra (1860-1940) was an Italian mathematician and physicist. He is best known for his work on integro-differential equations, dislocation statics in crystals, biomathematics and population dynamics.
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