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[DE LOLME, Jean Louis].
Constitution de l'Angleterre.
Amsterdam, E. Van Harrevelt, 1771.
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160 €
First edition.
Political analysis of the English Constitution, highlighting the differences between the English political system and the continental political systems of the time. De Lolme also addresses topics such as the role of the monarchy, the electoral system and the legislative process.
Remarques sur le Gouvernement du royaume durant les trois règnes de Henri IV, de Louis XIII, de Louis XIV.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1750].
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500 €
Handwritten copy of a work published anonymously by Pierre Marteau in 1688. Barbier attributes the book to Gratien de Courtilz but adds: "Dubious".
The content is rather discourteous towards the monarchs, of whom inglorious episodes are recounted: the lack of merit of Louis XIII (Richelieu having governed for him), Louis XIV preferring the beds of his mistresses to the battlefields... This doubtless explains why handwritten copies were able to circulate under the cloak of the laughers. In fact, two other similar handwritten copies can be found in public libraries.
What remains is a very pretty manuscript, in a perfectly legible late 17th century handwriting.
[FLEURIOT DE LANGLE, Jean-Marie-Jérôme].
Voyage en Espagne Par Mr. Le Marquis De Langle.
s.l., s.n., 1785.
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200 €
In this work, the author makes a biting satire of the government, religion and morals of the Spanish. King Charles III complained to the French government and threatened to close the entrance to his kingdom to all French people. Parliament ordered, in February 1786, that a copy of "Voyage en Espagne" would be delivered to the flames by the hand of the executioner. This auto-da-fé delighted de Langle who had written: "My work will surely be reduced to ashes: so much the better! (...) It brings good luck; the public likes burnt works.".
Histoire de la Ville et du Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, suivie de Recherches Historiques sur les dix autres Communes du Canton.
Saint-Germain, Imprimerie Abel Goujon / Ledoyen, 1829.
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450 €
First edition.
Histoire de la guerre de MDCCXLI.
La Haye, s.n., 1756.
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150 €
Second edition published without the agreement of Voltaire, whose manuscript was stolen from him by the Marquis de Ximénès.
L'Art de monter à cheval, qui monstre la belle & facille méthode de se rendre bon homme de cheval.
Paris, Jacques le Gras, 1664.
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600 €
Second edition enlarged by a second part from Samuel Fouquet to treat horse diseases.
The best edition of this classic treatise on horse riding.
The author was a squire in the grand stable of Louis XIV.
Ordonnance Provisoire sur l'exercice et les manoeuvres de la cavalerie.
Paris, Magimel, 1810.
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220 €
Second edition.
The 1804 ordinance governs the doctrine of the use of cavalry in the Napoleonic armies, the manners of charging, the use of the sabre, etc. Our very complete copy of all the plates: musical scores, anatomy of the horse, uniforms of riders, troop movements.
Journal d'un Déporté non jugé, ou déportation en violation des lois, décrétée le 18 Fructidor an V (4 Septembre 1797).
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1834.
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200 €
First edition.
Elected from Moselle to the Council of Elders under the Directory, Barbé-Marbois was overthrown during the September 1797 insurrection and then sent into exile in Guyana. Exile journal which alternates between political considerations and observations of Guyana, its inhabitants and its prison system.
Nécessité d'une dernière débâcle politique en France.
Paris, Au dépot, rue Jacob, 1836.
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1200 €
First edition.
Victor Considerant (1808 - 1893), was a French philosopher and economist from the Polytechnic, internationalist and follower of Fourierism. After a political career under the July Monarchy, under the Empire he went into exile in Belgium and Texas where he created the phalanstery of La Réunion, the experiment was a failure and he returned to France in 1869.
TAINE, Hippolyte.
Les Origines De La France Contemporaine.
Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1887-1894.
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300 €
Major work by Hippolyte Taine in which he places the French Revolution in the long history of France.
This work had a very significant impact, and Taine's interpretations have enjoyed and continue to enjoy a certain success today, in France and abroad.
The Origins of Contemporary France remains an important book for the history of French political thought.
Our homogeneous bound set (various editions) complete with three parts: The Ancien Régime, The Revolution, The Modern Regime.
BOUTMY, Emile || RIBOT, Alexandre.
Cours d'Histoire Constitutionnelle donnés à l'École libre des sciences politiques.
s.l., s.n., 1886.
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2000 €
Original manuscripts.
Rare and well-preserved set of two constitutional history courses given at Sciences Po Paris in 1886 by the founders of the school: Emile Boutmy and Alexandre Ribot.
Perfectly readable and careful manuscripts by a writer who will remain unknown who was a listener of Emile Boutmy's course on the Constitution of the United States in May-June 1886 and the course on the French Constitution since 1789 given by Alexandre Ribot in February-March 1886.
Created by Emile Boutmy in the aftermath of the 1870 defeat and the Paris Commune, the École Libre des Sciences Politiques (now known as Sciences-Po) aimed to teach political science as a positive science. She will form the elite of french politicians until today.
1886 was the last year in which Boutmy gave his course on the Constitution of the United States; we know a transcription of it in the notes left by Pierre de Coubertin who was also a listener of this course the same year. A comparison of the transcription of Coubertin's notes and our manuscript leads us to believe that our collection is more faithful (seems to be a word for word transcription) of Boutmy's teaching.
Alexandre Ribot's course on the French Constitution (second part of a more extensive course on European constitutions) leaves an important part on the birth of the Third Republic whose constitutional laws were only passed in 1875.
CABET, Etienne.
Histoire populaire de la Révolution française.
Paris, Pagnerre, 1839-1840.
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First edition.
Etienne Cabet is a French political thinker who was the first, in 1840, to define himself as a “communist”.
His history of the French Revolution is conceived in opposition to the history given by Tiers, which Cabet considers a bourgeois view of the Revolution.
Cabet tells its story from the point of view of the People and for the People. He offers a version that could be described as Marxist before Marx.
The first half of the first volume is devoted to the History of the French until 1789, a work which is reminiscent, a hundred years in advance, of Howard Zinn and his Popular History of the United States.
MARY-LAFON, Jean-Bernard.
Histoire politique, religieuse et littéraire du Midi de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours.
Paris, Paul Mellier, 1845.
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300 €
Mary Lafon is favorably cited as "one of the rare writers who have understood the history and doctrine of the Albigensians", thanks to his knowledge of the language of the people he studied.
The religious issue is thus at the center of his history of the south and remains a valuable source for the history of the Waldensian and Albigensian heresies.
A very complete copy of the 3 maps enhanced with watercolor.
[MOSCH, August Wilhelm (von)].
Tactique de l'Infanterie et instruction sur le choix d'une Position & sur les Dispositions des Manoeuvres.
Dresde, Frères Walther, 1787.
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350 €
First edition published with the agreement of the author.
August Wilhelm von Mosch (1735-1815) was a Prussian major general. The Prussian army was renowned since Frederick II for its rapid troop movements and the use of the Oblique Order (military maneuver consisting of reinforcing and advancing one of its wings first, while stealing the other wing). This required perfect mastery of maneuvers by the officers.
MARINER, William || MARTIN, John.
Histoire des naturels des îles Tonga ou des Amis, situées dans l'océan Pacifique, depuis leur découverte par le capitaine Cook.
Paris, Gide fils, 1817.
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400 €
First french edition.
Embarked as a cabin boy on the Port au Prince which trades between America and the Pacific Islands. Mariner landed in 1806 at Lifuka, Tonga. Attacked by local populations, most of the crew lost their lives. William Mariner was, however, taken in by the future king of Tonga: Finau Ulukalala. An ethnologist before his time, he learned their language and was interested in their customs. Adopted by Finau to replace his deceased son, William Mariner took the name Toki'Ukamea as well as several wives who gave him twelve children in four years. Back in England his testimony remains one of the main sources of knowledge of the pre-Christian society of Tonga.
[JOLY DE MAIZEROY, Paul-Gédéon].
Théorie de la guerre.
Lausanne, Aux dépens de la Société, 1777.
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500 €
First edition.
Inventor of the term "strategy", it is with the Theory of War (1777) that Maizeroy completed his work of theorization, because although History is much less present there, it is a manual intended for instruction of young officers on elementary tactics and major tactics.
In this work he states that the use of thin or deep order is a choice belonging to the general and thus gives more flexibility to systems on the battlefield.
Histoire de l'expédition des Français en Égypte.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1839.
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600 €
First edition.
Work printed in French and Arabic, reproducing the Nakoula manuscript and its translation into French by Desgranges ainé Niqula Nicolas Yusuf al-Turk (1763-1828) was a scholar, historian and poet at the court of Emir Bashir Shihab II. He was born in Dayr al-Qamar (in present-day Lebanon) and accompanied Napoleon's expedition to Egypt. He wrote an account of it, which was reproduced and translated here into French by Desgranges for the first time.
Un Village de France.
Paris, La Bibliothèque française, [1945].
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350 €
First edition.
Presentation copy signed by Aragon to Jacques Faizant.
The National Writers' Committee is an organ of the literary resistance, an emanation of the National Writers' Front, close to the French Communist Party.
Led by Aragon, the committee brings together many great French authors.
This publication in the aftermath of the war aims, through the example of an “ordinary” French village, at the abuses committed by the Nazis. Thus, Plomion in Aisne, where on August 31, 1944 fourteen inhabitants aged 16 to 72 were shot by the SS.
The photos of the victims are accompanied by a text by Henry Malherbe and a poem by Paul Claudel. Amusing send-off from one of the most fervent communist writers to the one who was on the front page of Le Figaro for decades.
Atlas Universel de Géographie ancienne et moderne.
Paris, Furne et Cie, 1858.
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150 €
Beautiful maps mounted on tabs in the middle (card size: 417x540 mm).
[EON DE BEAUMONT, Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste].
Les Loisirs du Chevalier d'Éon de Beaumont, ancien Ministre Plénipotentiaire de France, sur divers sujets importans d'Administration.
Amsterdam, s.n., 1774-1775.
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1750 €
First edition.
Autobiography of the Chevalier d'Eon, the most famous transvestite in the history of France. But beyond the incredible story of his cross-dressing at the court of Elizabeth of Russia which turned into an international incident, the Chevalier d'Eon was a diplomat who frequented European courts during the reign of Louis XV. This autobiography, published the day after the scandal during which he publicly claimed to be a woman, is centered around his stay at the court of Angleterere.
CHOPART, Louis Narcisse.
Essais sur les évolutions navales suivis de quelques tables.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1839.
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600 €
First edition.
Chopart will be Vice-Admiral of the French Navy, he will participate in particular in the Algiers expedition in 1830. His book is in line with the tactics of the 18th century sailing navy, but as a former student from polytechnique he constantly uses geometric tools to demonstrate his movements. Beautiful printing on quality paper for this naval tactics book.
[HUERNE DE LA MOTHE, François-Charles] || [CLAIRON, Claire-Josèphe Léris].
Libertés de la France, contre le pouvoir arbitraire de l'excommunication.
Amsterdam, s.n., 1761.
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500 €
First edition.
Work commissioned by the actress Mademoiselle Clairon from the lawyer Huerne de la Motte to defend the condition of actors.
Following the funeral ceremony that the actors of the Comédie Française had organized for Crébillon père, the Archbishop of Paris then recalled the French tradition of excommunication of actors.
This book was banned and burned by the executioner in the courtyard of the courthouse.
[Bound with]
[JOLY], Historical and critical letters on spectacles, [1762]
223-(1) pages. (title page missing]
Work by Capuchin Joly, demonstrating the just excommunication of the actors according to the canons of the Church.
[BRET, Antoine].
Mémoires sur la Vie De Mademoiselle De Lenclos.
Amsterdam, François Joly, 1751.
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75 €
Edition given the same year as the first edition.
Ninon de Lenclos was a courtesan, a woman of wit, a letter writer and a French woman of letters. A cultured and independent aristocrat, she hosted a salon on rue des Tournelles in Paris which brought together the great minds of the time, men and women alike.
The first part is a biography, the other two parts consist of correspondence with the Marquis de Sévigné.
LA CLEDE, Nicolas (de).
Histoire générale de Portugal.
Paris, Theodore le Gras, 1735.
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600 €
First edition in-12 published at the same time as the quarto edition.
Very complete set of three folding maps (two for Portugal, one for Brazil).
[FRERON, Elie-Catherine].
Histoire de l'empire d'Allemagne, et principalement de ses révolutions.
Paris, Herissant, 1771.
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600 €
First edition.
Beautiful ensemble for this History of the German Empire attributed to Fréron which was undoubtedly a counter-proposal to the Annals of the Empire since Charlemagne written by Voltaire.
RUPERT, Christoph Adam.
Dissertationes mixtæ ad Valerii Maximi exemplorum memorabilium libros IX.
Nuremberg, Johann Daniel Tauber, 1663.
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150 €
The memorable facts of Valère Maxime are a collection of anecdotes intended to nourish the reflection and discourse of orators and philosophers. Here in the edition proposed by Rupert.
LANGLOIS, Jean Baptiste.
Histoire des croisades contre les Albigeois.
Paris, Jean Guilletat, 1703.
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250 €
First edition.
PETAIN, Philippe.
Cours d'Infanterie.
s.l., Ecole supérieure de guerre, 1911.
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1200 €
First edition.
Infantry course given by Colonel Philippe Pétain at the War School in 1911.
Major document for understanding the strategic thinking of the future hero of Verdun.
This course was only rediscovered and studied in 1960 by General Jean Delmas and published for the first time in 2010 by Editions du Cosmogone.
Pétain taught the infantry course at the War School between 1908 and 1911. His course is divided into three parts: the first two, of around a hundred pages each, are devoted to the story and study of combat. infantry that Pétain considers exemplary (Auerstedt in 1806, Saint-Privas in 1870). The third part, of only fifty pages, offers an uncompromising analysis of the infantry regulations in use in the French army between 1870 and 1902. It promotes a change in the doctrine of use of the infantry which must no longer expose itself to enemy fire as the Napoleonic vision of combat wanted.
Through its concern to spare the blood of men, this course clearly announces the Pétain of 1917-1918.
[Séminaire des Missions étrangères de Paris].
Extrait des Nouvelles des missions des indes orientales.
Paris, Guillot, 1785-1787.
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150 €
First edition.
The Nouvelles des missions orientales is a Catholic publication which was published from 1785 to 1794 in five volumes.
Here the head of the series with the "Extrait des Nouvelles" published in 1785 covering the years 1783-1784 and the two volumes of the Nouvelles published in 1787 covering 1785 and 1786.
GIDE, Charles.
Conférences sur l'Economie politique.
s.l., Ecole supérieure de guerre, 1908-1912.
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350 €
First edition.
Conferences on Political Economy given to student officers at the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre between 1908 and 1912, on the eve of the First World War.
Charles Gide (1847-1932), is a French economist and teacher. He is the historical leader of the French cooperative movement, the theoretician of the social economy, and the uncle of the writer André Gide.
The subjects of these conferences vary each year of the course:
1908: The Budget
1909-: The Strikes
1910: Tariff Wars and Trade Treaties 1
912: The Causes of the War
Bound with the following we will find the International Law course given Free School of Political Sciences (SciencesPo) by Louis Renault (Nobel Peace Prize in 1907) and written by trainee officers who were auditors.
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