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Cours de géométrie manuscrit.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1800].
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Original manuscript.
Manuscript of an elementary geometry course (triangle, polygons, etc.), some figures in the text.
1- Tractatus de Motu
2- Tractatus de maechanica
3- Appendix quaestionum de motu.
s.l., s.n., 1775.
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Physics course in Latin, manuscript dated 1775. The course is divided into three parts: the movement of bodies, general mechanics and an appendix offering corrected exercises. The seven engraved plates are after "C.H. Becker ex Lov".
Remarques sur le Gouvernement du royaume durant les trois règnes de Henri IV, de Louis XIII, de Louis XIV.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1750].
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500 €
Handwritten copy of a work published anonymously by Pierre Marteau in 1688. Barbier attributes the book to Gratien de Courtilz but adds: "Dubious".
The content is rather discourteous towards the monarchs, of whom inglorious episodes are recounted: the lack of merit of Louis XIII (Richelieu having governed for him), Louis XIV preferring the beds of his mistresses to the battlefields... This doubtless explains why handwritten copies were able to circulate under the cloak of the laughers. In fact, two other similar handwritten copies can be found in public libraries.
What remains is a very pretty manuscript, in a perfectly legible late 17th century handwriting.
Manuscrit autographe : Reflexions sur une théorie moderne.
s.l., s.n., [1907].
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4000 €
Original Manuscript by Henri Becquerel.
An interesting manuscript in which the discoverer of radioactivity ponders the nature of matter at the end of his life.
This manuscript, with corrections for printing, was published at the Institut de France after a reading at the session of October 25, 1907.
One of Henri Becquerel’s final works, this manuscript reflects on the revolutionary discoveries that had upended the traditional understanding of matter: the electron (discovered by Thomson in 1897), radioactivity (discovered by Becquerel himself in 1896), and radioactive decay (discovered by Rutherford in 1902).
The long-held notion of the atom as an indivisible, stable particle, as proposed by Democritus, was challenged by these groundbreaking findings. Becquerel pondered this new reality, suggesting that atoms, rather than being eternally stable, might undergo modifications over time. However, the slow pace of these transformations or the rarity of conducive conditions could create the illusion of stability.
The 15 pages offprint will be joined (covers detached).
Phisica Generalis.
s.l., s.n., 1752.
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450 €
Original manuscript in Latin.
"General physics" as it was taught (in the form of disputatio) during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Manuscript enriched with numerous figures in the text drawn with a pen in red ink.
HAMELIN D'ECTOT, Jean Baptiste || AUBERT, Georges.
Philosophicae compendium.
Caen, s.n., 1700.
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750 €
Original manuscript.
Philosophy course given at the College of Arts in Caen in 1700 by Georges Aubert who was professor of philosophy there from 1699 to 1709.
The structure of this Philosophicae compendium classically takes up that of the teachings of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, one finds there for example the engraving of the porphyry tree presenting the Aristotelian categories.
The manuscript ends with the Logic course on January 20, 1700, followed by the printed poster announcing the public defense of Jean Baptiste Hamelin's "Deo conclusiones philosophicae" on February 20, 1700 at 2 p.m.
Jean Baptiste Hamelin d'Ectot (?-1735) was an officer of the Prince of Condé at St Vaast la Hougue.
Livre pour les communications dicté l'esprit de.
s.l., s.n., [v.1867].
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2500 €
Very rare manuscript of spiritualist session reports.
The spiritualist wave arrived in France in 1854, and spread to all walks of life. We will remember, for example, the famous sessions of Victor Hugo in Guernsey...
In the following decades, all bourgeois families tried to turn the tables or dance. Methods of spiritualist contact are becoming more refined, we are seeing automatic writing methods appear in the presence or absence of a medium.
Very few of the sessions from this period have left written traces; the manuscript we present is the transcription of automatic writing sessions that took place between October 1866 and March 1867 in the Moret family. The first sessions took place in the presence of the medium Ms. Parain then in Bordeaux with the help of Ms. Benoit. Mrs. X. (unidentified) first contacted her grandfather Louis Pierre Moret. This is also why she transcribed the content of her communications in this notebook which belonged to her grandfather. The first communications are short, but little by little the mind gains confidence and the communications are longer. It was then his mother Marie Louise Moulins who “took up” the pen, then his father Moret. It is also amusing to note that the signatures of the spirits gradually become different.
The spirits advise their descendants to pray for them, to be charitable and above all to spread the ideas of spiritualism! We know that her husband tried a session but seems very skeptical...In a communication one of the spirits evokes the Other world which is organized into planets hierarchized according to the degree of wisdom, the summit seems to be the planet Juno .
70-page manuscript, quite fascinating to read!
The book is continued by another hand (probably at the beginning of the 20th century) who used it as a sort of amicorum album to note famous quotes and thoughts (out of 114 pages, around twenty leaves were cut from this part) then 250 blank pages remain.
BOUTMY, Emile || RIBOT, Alexandre.
Cours d'Histoire Constitutionnelle donnés à l'École libre des sciences politiques.
s.l., s.n., 1886.
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2000 €
Original manuscripts.
Rare and well-preserved set of two constitutional history courses given at Sciences Po Paris in 1886 by the founders of the school: Emile Boutmy and Alexandre Ribot.
Perfectly readable and careful manuscripts by a writer who will remain unknown who was a listener of Emile Boutmy's course on the Constitution of the United States in May-June 1886 and the course on the French Constitution since 1789 given by Alexandre Ribot in February-March 1886.
Created by Emile Boutmy in the aftermath of the 1870 defeat and the Paris Commune, the École Libre des Sciences Politiques (now known as Sciences-Po) aimed to teach political science as a positive science. She will form the elite of french politicians until today.
1886 was the last year in which Boutmy gave his course on the Constitution of the United States; we know a transcription of it in the notes left by Pierre de Coubertin who was also a listener of this course the same year. A comparison of the transcription of Coubertin's notes and our manuscript leads us to believe that our collection is more faithful (seems to be a word for word transcription) of Boutmy's teaching.
Alexandre Ribot's course on the French Constitution (second part of a more extensive course on European constitutions) leaves an important part on the birth of the Third Republic whose constitutional laws were only passed in 1875.
LOUIS XV (secrétaire) || MAUREPAS.
Lettre à Mr Courtomer.
s.l., s.n., 17 octobre 1733.
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200 €
Letter signed "Louis" (secretary) and countersigned "Maurepas" addressed to Mr Courtomer to notify him of the appointment of Mr Dourville to the position of first brand in his company.
HAMELIN, Gabriel.
[Caen], s.n., [v. 1730].
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400 €
Original manuscript.
Physics course given in Caen around 1730.
The manuscript is embellished with printed engravings and hand drawings.
The writer is Gabriel François Hamelin de Préfosse (1713-1776) who was a doctor of medicine in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue.
Carte postale adressée à Jean Cassou.
St Benoit sur Loire, s.n., 1er juin 1927.
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350 €
Autograph card from the poet Max Jacob (1876-1944) to the literary critic Jean Cassou (1897-1986) asking him if he received "Fond de l'eau" booklet which has just been published.
The card is sent from St Benoit sur Loire, the poet's retirement place.
Clef de la Poésie.
Paris, Gallimard NRF, 1944.
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350 €
First edition.
Work by the very influential editor-in-chief of the NRF in which he proposes "to finally identify some method or key, which will allow us to separate the true from the false".
Pasted on the guard is a handwritten letter signed by Jean Paulhan addressed to Aimé Blanc-Dufour.
Aimé Blanc-Dufour had signed an article "Reflections on Jean Paulhan and rhetoric" in September 1946 in Cahiers du sud, Jean Paulhan responded to it on his relationship to rhetoric.
“Secret society, no doubt. And I believe, in this sense also, that Rhéto holds a secret, touching the relationships between language and thought…”.
HAMELIN D'ECTOT, Jean Baptiste || AUBERT, Georges.
Caen, s.n., 1700.
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250 €
Original manuscript.
Ethics course given at the College of Arts in Caen in 1700 by Georges Aubert who was professor of philosophy there from 1699 to 1709. The course ends on the date of March 17, 1700.
Jean Baptiste Hamelin d'Ectot (?-1735) was an officer of the Prince of Condé at St Vaast la Hougue.
HAMELIN, Gabriel || MARESCOT, François.
Institutionum medicarum :
- Pars secunda seu pathologia
- Pars tertia Semioticae
- Pars quarta Higieine.
Caen, s.n., 1734-1735.
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600 €
Original manuscript.
Medicine course given in Caen during the year 1734-1735 by François Marescot who was Professor of Medicine and Botany between 1718 and 1747. He is one of the founders of the Jardin des Plantes in Caen.
This medical course is divided into four parts, similar to the manuscript of the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle (Ms 795/1) of which the first part is also missing.
The writer is Gabriel François Hamelin de Préfosse (1713-1776) who was a doctor of medicine in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue.
Philosophiae libeo primua logicam et methapi complectena.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1700].
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300 €
Original manuscript.
Philosophy course which classically takes up the teachings of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, there is for example a pretty drawing of the porphyry tree presenting the Aristotelian categories.
Divided into two parts (each complete): Logic and Metaphysics.
Writer, date and location unknown.
Phisica generalis.
s.l., s.n., s.d.>
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150 €
Original manuscript in Latin.
"General physics" as it was taught (in the form of disputatio) during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Pretty round writing from the seventeenth century.
CHARLET, Nicolas-Toussaint.
Lettre autographe signée adressé à Regnier.
Viroflay, s.n., 23 juillet 1844.
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150 €
Handwritten autograph letter from Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet (1792-1845) French painter and lithographer to Mr. Regnier Maison de Tableaux at 20 Boulevard des Italians.
Written in July 1844, Charlet says she is weakened but on the road to recovery. There he concluded an agreement on honor with Regnier, a gallery owner, for the distribution of his paintings and drawings but did not want to commit himself to a contract.
This letter does not appear in the correspondence published by La Combe.
[WEBER, Georges Adolph].
Exposition systématique de tous les médicamens qui on été soumis à l'expérience pour reconnaitre leur véritable action.
s.l., s.n., 1831.
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1200 €
Manuscript proposing one of the first directories of homeopathic medicines in the French language through a translation of the work by Georg Adolph Weber: "Systematische Darstellung der reinen Arzneiwirkungen aller bisher geprüften Symptome" published in German in 1831.
The work will not be published in French only in 1833 with a translation by the Swiss homeopath Peschier under the title "Systematic exposition of the pure pathogenetic effects of all the remedies put to date in experience" (Geneva, Cherbuliez, 1833).
Our manuscript uses the same two-part structure as the German edition and should probably precede the French edition. The binding is typical of the 1830s, we are thus at the very beginning of the development of homeopathy in Europe under the impetus of the German school directed by Hannemahn (1755-1843) of whom Weber was a disciple.
It is in Switzerland and in Lyon that homeopathy in French language develops, Count Sébastien Des Guidi creates in 1830 the Homeopathic Society Lyonnaise and opens its consultations, there are 5 or 6 homeopaths in France in 1832 then 25 in 1833, 52 in 1835. (Cf. Bariety, "The beginnings of homeopathy in France", 1969)
Witness to the beginnings of homeopathy in France.
GENTY, Louis || [MAUGUE ?].
Cours de géométrie et de trigonométrie rectiligne suivant Mr Genty.
s.l., s.n., 1800.
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600 €
Original Manuscript.
Geometry course certainly given by Louis Genty, who was then professor of Mathematics at the Ecole centrale du Loiret in Orléans. Louis Genty became known in his field for having written a book on Fermat's contributions to geometry and he became a correspondent for the Académie des Sciences in the geometry section shortly before his death in 1817.
Dictionnaire d'Agriculture avec un abrégé de médecine rurale et vétérinaire.
s.l., s.n., 1786.
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Original manuscript.
The content seems to include a selection of articles from Abbé Rozier's Cours complet d'agriculture which was published in the form of a dictionary from 1781 to 1800.
Our dictionary stops at the article "Rhue des jardins" which will not appear than in 1789 in Volume VIII of the Cours de Rozier.
Our manuscript, whose writer is unknown, is dated 1786, when Rozier was then a professor at the Practical School of Agriculture in Lyon. This manuscript may therefore be a transcription of the course given by Rozier in Lyon before its publication.
[MANUSCRIT] [Congrégation de Notre Dame de Rheims].
Recueil de prières.
Rheims, s.n., [v. 1700].
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Manuscript from the beginning of the 18th century emanating from the Congrégation de Notre Dame de Rheims, a convent founded in 1638 by the order of the "Chanoinesses of Saint-Augustin of the Congrégation Notre-Dame"
This manuscript written in a perfectly legible handwriting but sometimes random spelling, brings together different prayers and meditations on death, birth, baptism, entry into religion, the anniversary of the taking of the veil...
There are also some extracts from the Rule of this order as well as Sentences from St Augustine.
Rare testimony to the spiritual life of this discreet monastic order.
HAMELIN, Gabriel || LE CANU.
[Caen], s.n., [v. 1730].
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300 €
Original manuscript.
Philosophy course given in Caen by Professor Le Canu (?) around 1730.
The writer was Gabriel François Hamelin de Préfosse (1713-1776) who was a doctor of medicine in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue.
Livre d’Heures à l’usage de Paris.
s.l., s.n., [circa 1420].
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33000 €
From a follower of the Boucicaut Master.
The painter uses an extensive palette with sharp contrasts, and does not hesitate to use a bright minium red that he contrasts with the blues and greens in the happiest of ways.
The abstract backgrounds and the systematic use of a grassy ground, give to the whole manuscript a beautiful coherence and a great elegance.
Some of the preserved paintings, such as those of the Annunciation to the Shepherds, the Crucifixion, and St. Margaret, bear witness to the artist's talent and the high quality of this manuscript.
It should be noted that the composition of the The Flight into Egypt is closely mirrors of a Boucicaut composition.
Complete video on request.
Recueils d'Epures.
s.l., s.n., 1837-1839.
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650 €
Collection of drawings, by Jules Thimothé Chauvisé (X 1837 ; 1817-????).
The structure of these drawing as taught at the Ecole Polytechnique is often the same, with parts more or less developed, and drawings more or less elaborate according to the times and students.
We thus find drawings of curves, surfaces, perspectives, shadows, stone cut, architecture, machine and gears, topography and fortifications.
Lettre autographe signée de la duchesse d'Uzès.
s.l., s.n., 23 juin 1913.
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20 €
Lettre autographe signée de la duchesse d'Uzès.
s.l., s.n., 15 mai 1929.
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20 €
Autograph letter signed by the Duchess of Uzès (1826-1933) about a charity sale (unidentified recipient).
JAUBERT, Antoine.
Traité abrégé de l'Arithmétique.
Brignolle, s.n., 1780.
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300 €
Manuscript written by Antoine Jaubert in Brignolle in 1780 student of "Sieur Voisin, master in this matter".
To the arithmetic (operations, rule of three, etc.) is added a small treatise on mesuring.
Nice 18th century writing still legible.
PERNOT, François Alexandre.
Carnet de croquis.
s.l., s.n., 1831.
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Sketchbook with 7 original pencil drawings signed by François-Alexandre PERNOT (1793-1865) and 1 trompe l'oeil signed HAUSEN.
The six drawings by Pernot drawn directly on the album's paper are dated 1831, a seventh collated is dated 1832. According to extracts from his diary, Pernot traveled through France at that time, he spent in particular the winter 1831-1832 in Nancy.
Pernot is close to artists and romantic salons (Châteaubriand, Lamartine, V. Hugo, Delacroix ...) and was appointed in 1826, master of the drawings of the king's pages by Charles X.
ARAGO, François || LAMARTINE, Alphonse de.
Projet de décret relatif à un crédit supplémentaire de Dix mille francs pour la réimpression des Œuvres scientifiques de Laplace.
s.l., s.n., 22 juin 1848.
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450 €
Rare document signed by Lamartine and Arago.
Draft decree to allocate 10,000 fr to continue the reprint of the Works of Laplace. This had been allocated 40,000 fr in 1842 but the initial estimate having been exceeded, money had to be added to the project.
The document is drafted by the Secretary of the Executive Power Commission and is signed by all the members of this commission: François Arago, Alphonse de Lamartine, Louis-Antoine Garnier-Pagès, Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, Pierre Marie de St Georges.
Rare testimony of this commission which lasted only for the months of May and June 1848 and which saw the Scientist and the Poet at the top of the French State.
Epures de Géométrie descriptive.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1847].
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200 €
Collection of drawings, by Marie Henri Ernest Bardonnaut (X 1847).
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