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Very rare manuscript of spiritualist session reports.
The spiritualist wave arrived in France in 1854, and spread to all walks of life. We will remember, for example, the famous sessions of Victor Hugo in Guernsey...
In the following decades, all bourgeois families tried to turn the tables or dance. Methods of spiritualist contact are becoming more refined, we are seeing automatic writing methods appear in the presence or absence of a medium.

Very few of the sessions from this period have left written traces; the manuscript we present is the transcription of automatic writing sessions that took place between October 1866 and March 1867 in the Moret family. The first sessions took place in the presence of the medium Ms. Parain then in Bordeaux with the help of Ms. Benoit. Mrs. X. (unidentified) first contacted her grandfather Louis Pierre Moret. This is also why she transcribed the content of her communications in this notebook which belonged to her grandfather. The first communications are short, but little by little the mind gains confidence and the communications are longer. It was then his mother Marie Louise Moulins who “took up” the pen, then his father Moret. It is also amusing to note that the signatures of the spirits gradually become different.

The spirits advise their descendants to pray for them, to be charitable and above all to spread the ideas of spiritualism! We know that her husband tried a session but seems very skeptical...In a communication one of the spirits evokes the Other world which is organized into planets hierarchized according to the degree of wisdom, the summit seems to be the planet Juno .

70-page manuscript, quite fascinating to read!

The book is continued by another hand (probably at the beginning of the 20th century) who used it as a sort of amicorum album to note famous quotes and thoughts (out of 114 pages, around twenty leaves were cut from this part) then 250 blank pages remain.

Photo BOUTMY, Emile || RIBOT, Alexandre. 
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