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DOURDIN, Jacques.
Textiles artificiels, étude de leur situation présente et de leur avenir.
Paris, imprimerie Paul Dupont, 1947.
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250 €
First edition.
Jacques Dourdin is the first to import the method of opinion polls in France. The method was popularized during the thirties in the United States by Doctor Gallup.
The French firm Jacques Dourdin proposed to provide industrialists and traders with all the information they wanted, thanks to the method of surveys by sample.
He thus delivers the first rational studies of the French market.
This pamphlet presents a survey on the need and acceptance of artificial textile fibers (rayon and fibranne) by the French market.
Numbered copy (n°861).
Cahier des charges des chemins de fer. Pamphlet illustré.
Paris, J. Hetzel, 1847.
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50 €
Second edition.
Frontispiece and numerous drawings in the text by Bertall.
CHEVALIER, Charles || PRITCHARD, Andrew.
300 animalcules infusoires, dessinés à l'aide du microscope.
Paris, Charles Chevalier, 1838.
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350 €
First edition.
Chevalier, Charles (1804-1859) French optical engineer, manufacturer and seller of microscopes, including abroad, supplier in particular to the Academy of Sciences, the Collège de France, and the Ecole Polytechnique.
ANDRAUD, Antoine.
Chemins éoliques ou locomotion par l'air comprimé.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, 1847.
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350 €
First edition.
For Andraud, compressed air was an energy whose force was destined to change the face of the world. A visionary inventor, he developed a system of automobiles using compressed air as a propulsion system, the air was brought first by pipes along the route, then by tanks.
On August 26, 1844, Andraud and Tessié du Motay launched on the Paris-Versailles line (Left Bank) a new compressed air "locomotive-waggon". Weighing five tons and resembling a cylindrical boiler. As represented in the engravings in this book, Andraud planned to compete with the railways with "air-powered railways".
It was in fact in the tramway networks, after Andraud's death, that compressed air propulsion was developed in the 1860s-1870s
Presentation copy.
BIOT, Edouard.
Manuel du constructeur de chemins de fer.
Paris, Librairie encyclopédique Roret, 1834.
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250 €
First edition.
One of the very first works in French on railways.
Édouard Constant Biot (1803 - 1850) was a French engineer and sinologist. He participated as an engineer in the construction of the second French railway line, between Lyon and Saint-Étienne.
RAGUENET, Antonin.
Les principaux palais de l'exposition universelle de Paris.
Paris, Eugène Bigot, 1900.
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300 €
First edition.
Complete copy of the 96 architectural plates.
Suggestions d'intérieurs modernes.
Paris, Ch. Massin et Cie, [v. 1925].
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1500 €
First edition.
Georges Champion (1889–1940) was a French decorator and furniture designer. He was born in Chaumont. He was professionally active in Paris. Champion’s designs were known for their sleek lines and modern aesthetic. The Art Deco movement, which was well-liked in the early 20th century, had a significant influence on him. His furniture pieces often featured geometric shapes and bold colours, which made them stand out from more traditional designs. In addition to his work as a furniture designer, Champion was also a skilled decorator. He worked on numerous high-profile projects throughout his career, including the interior design of several Parisian hotels and restaurants.
KUPFFER, Adolf Theodor.
Travaux de la commission pour fixer les mesures et les poids de l'empire de Russie.
St Petersbourg, Imprimerie de l'Expédition de la confection des papiers de la Couronne, 1841.
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2000 €
First edition.
Adolph Theodor Kupffer (1799-1865) was a Baltic German physical chemist and therefore subject of the Russian Empire. He proposed establishing a single system of weights and measures in Russia, whose system, still of medieval inspiration, was then very heterogeneous. Kupffer's unified system will be adopted by an imperial decree of Nicholas I in 1835. He explains the modalities in this publication in 1841. Although these works are written in French, the French decimal metric system seems to him to be mathematically logical. , too revolutionary for Russia. He preferred to draw inspiration from the London Commission of Weights and Measures and defined the standards of weight (the pound), length (the Sagène) and volume (the védro) based on English measurements. A Russian Sagène is thus worth six English feet. The basic standards are made of copper and platinum. The Kupffer system remained in use in Russia until the end of the 19th century, before the country finally adopted the metric system.
Very complete set of atlas of 12 plates which completes the text.
Manuel du négociant en spiritueux.
Paris, F. Savy, 1863.
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800 €
First edition.
Rare book on the distillation and maturation of Cognac.
"My intention is therefore to demonstrate, as clearly as I can, the manner of distilling wines, to designate those which are most suitable for being burned, and in which regions they are harvested. I then give all the scales necessary to cellar masters, for the reduction and re-increase of degrees." (extract from the preface).
PARIS, François-Edmond.
Traité de l'Hélice Propulsive.
Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1855.
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600 €
First edition.
Reference work on the beginnings of the use of the propeller as a means of propulsion of ships. T
he propeller improved in the 1830s begins to show its superiority over paddle wheels, and all commercial or military fleets are in full transition to steam propulsion.
The frontispiece represents the Himalaya, a British liner which is then the largest ship ever built. It will be used by the Royal Navy during the Second Opium War and will not be destroyed until 1940 by a German bombing.
Complete copy with all the required plates.
BURGSDORF, Friedrich August Ludwig (von) || BAUDRILLART, Jacques-Joseph.
Nouveau manuel forestier à l'usage des agens forestiers de tous grades, des arpenteurs, des Gardes des bois impériaux et communaux, des préposés de la marine pour la recherche des bois propres aux constructions navales.
Paris, Arthus-Bertrand, 1808.
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600 €
First french edition.
French translation by Jacques-Joseph Baudrillart of the reference book by Friedrich August Ludwig von Burgsdorf, a German forest specialist famous throughout Europe. The first volume contains a summary of the forest code, a general section on natural history, and the description of several hundred plant species found in forests and woods. In the second, there are chapters containing introductions to geometry, mechanics, and civil and naval construction. The tree to be felled is considered to provide parts useful for shipbuilding. It should be noted that the work comes three years after the defeat at Trafalgar, where the English had annihilated the French fleet.
Copy signed by the author.
APPERT, Nicolas.
L'Art de conserver, pendant plusieurs années, toutes les substances animales et végétales.
Paris, Patris et Cie, 1810.
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800 €
First edition.
Book which discloses to the public the "Appertization" process, consisting of enclosing food in a glass bottle, then placing this bottle in a vase filled with boiling water for eight to ten minutes, heating in a closed container destroying the fermentation germs. Until then, only salting, sugaring and drying were known as methods of preserving meat and fish. Although the book was a great success and was republished many times, giving rise to the creation of the conservation industry, Nicolas Appert did not benefit from it and died poor in 1841.
Copy signed by the author.
Le Parfaict Joaillier, ou Histoire des pierreries ou sont amplement descrites leur naissance, de juste prix, moyen de les cognoistre, & se garder des contrefaites, facilitez medicinales, & propriectez curieuses.
Lyon, Jean Antoine Huguetan, 1644.
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3000 €
First french edition.
Milestone in mineralogy and gemmology.
Translation by Jean Bachou from the Latin edition of the "Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia" and enriched with annotations by André Toll.
All precious stones are studied there as well as the cutting and polishing processes. Boodt also describes the virtues of stones, medicinal and magical faculties.
Numerous woodcuts in the text.
Cours d'artillerie. Notion sur la dynamite.
Bourges, s.n., 1876.
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200 €
Set of 27 lithographic courses given at the Central School of Pyrotechnics during the year 1875-1876.
The courses were attended by François Mazeau, deputy chief pyrotechnician at the 21st artillery, 12th battery in Angoulème.
The 21st artillery was formed during the siege of Paris in 1870. The war of 1870 marked the defeat of the French artillery, which was surpassed by the much more modern and organized German artillery. The reform of the central school of pyrotechnics moved from Metz to Bourges was one of the first reforms of the French army after this defeat. The French artillery, particularly with the 75 cannon, became one of the most efficient during the First World War.
The first course is devoted to the use of dynamite, invented a few years earlier by Nobel.
ROUBO, André Jacob.
L’Art du menuisier (Seconde partie).
Paris, [Delatour], 1770.
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250 €
First edition.
Published in four parts from 1769 to 1775, L'Art du Menuisier de Roubo is the reference work on all aspects of carpentry and cabinetmaking in the 18th century.
Here only the second part of Art du Menuisier with his 120 plates.
ROUBO, André Jacob.
L’Art du menuisier. (Atlas des planches).
Paris, [Delatour], 1769.
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300 €
First edition.
Published in four parts from 1769 to 1775, L'Art du Menuisier de Roubo is the reference work on all aspects of carpentry and cabinetmaking in the 18th century.
Here only the 50 plates for the first part of Art du Menuisier.
[BERGERON, Louis-Georges-Isaac Salivet].
Manuel du Tourneur, ouvrage dans lequel on enseigne aux Amateurs la manière d'exécuter sur la Tour à Pointes, à Lunette, en l'Air, Excentrique, Ovale, à Guillocher, Quarré, à Portraits & autres, tout ce que l'Art a produit de plus ingénieux.
Paris, Bergeron, 1792-1796.
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700 €
First edition.
Reference manual on turning, very complete with its 72 folding plates including color plates presenting the different species of wood.
CHOPART, Louis Narcisse.
Essais sur les évolutions navales suivis de quelques tables.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1839.
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600 €
First edition.
Chopart will be Vice-Admiral of the French Navy, he will participate in particular in the Algiers expedition in 1830. His book is in line with the tactics of the 18th century sailing navy, but as a former student from polytechnique he constantly uses geometric tools to demonstrate his movements. Beautiful printing on quality paper for this naval tactics book.
DUPONT, Henri || CANET, L-F.
Les Machines a Écrire. Historique, avantages, descriptions et Traité Complet de Dactylographie ou art d'écrire à la machine.
Paris, Edition de la plume sténographique, 1901.
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200 €
First edition.
Important treatise in French on typing. Developed in the last quarter of the 19th century, typewriters established themselves at the turn of the century as an essential productivity tool. The authors provide an overview of the different technologies and their use.
ACCUM, Friedrich || WINSOR, Frédérick Albert.
Traité pratique de l'éclairage par le gaz inflammable, contenant une description sommaire de l'appareil et du mécanisme employés pour l'illumination des rues, des maisons et des manufactures, à l'aide du gaz hydrogène carburé, tiré du charbon de terre ; accompagné de remarques sur l'utilité, la sûreté et la nature générale de cette nouvelle branche d'économie civile.
Paris, L'Auteur, 1816.
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500 €
First french edition.
Frédéric Albert Winsor is a German inventor, one of the pioneers of gas lighting in the United Kingdom and France. Building on the work of his compatriot Accum, he developed lighting during the first decade of the 19th century. gas in England. In 1816, The Winsor company arrived in Paris. The first achievements, the passage of the Panoramas, the lighting of the Luxembourg and the surroundings of the Odéon arouse in the Parisian population as much approval as disapproval, enthusiasm as fear, particularly regarding the risk of the gas holders exploding . The publication of this work (which is partially the translation into French of Accum's work) supports the commercial development of gas lighting.
Plusieurs Menuiseries comme Portaulx, Garderobbes, Buffets, Chalicts.
Bruxelles, G. A. Van Trigt, 1869.
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100 €
Reprint in photolithographs of the original plates from 1630.
LEFUEL, Hector.
François-Honoré-Georges Jacob-Desmalter ébéniste de Napoléon 1er et de Louis XVIII.
Paris, Editions Albert Morancé, 1925.
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150 €
First edition.
Monograph on the cabinetmaker Jacob-Desmalter.
Jacob Desmalter's production is characterized by a high quality of design, clean lines, very high quality of execution, the use of chiseled gilded bronzes, made by great bronze workers like Pierre-Philippe Thomire, the use of mahogany, with inclusions of ebony or pewter, but also gilded wood and lacquered wood.
[Chambre syndicale des forces hydrauliques].
Album de la Chambre syndicale des forces hydrauliques.
Paris, Benin frères, 1911.
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2500 €
First edition.
Monumental iconography of the French hydraulic industry at the beginning of the 20th century, bringing together several hundred photos divided into two volumes:
Volume I: Transport and distribution of electrical energy
Volume II: Electrometallurgy, electrochemistry
he hydraulic forces union, including the president honorary was then Alfred Pechiney, brought together more than a hundred factories using "white coal" as an energy source. That is to say the hydraulic force of dams or rivers. Each industrial site of the union is represented by one or more photos preceded by a sheet giving the main characteristics. Important testimony to the history of France's industrial heritage.
MAYNIEL, Jean-Henri.
Traite Experimental Analytique et Pratique de la Poussée Des Terres et des murs de Revêtement.
Paris, Colas, 1808.
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250 €
First edition.
Copy signed by author.
QUETIN, Victor.
Le magasin de meubles n°2: Album complet & Reference de tous Meubles qui se fabriquent a Paris contenant environ 250 modèles, dessinés en perspective.
Paris, Victor Quetin, [v.1865].
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250 €
First edition.
Collection of furniture designs by Victor Quetin, as required by the production of the time, the style of furniture oscillates between what would later be called the Louis-Philippe style and the Napoleon III style.
JOBLOT, Louis.
Observations d'histoire naturelle, faites avec le microscope.
Paris, Briasson, 1754-1755.
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2500 €
Second edition.
Posthumous edition increased by 53 spectacular plates resulting from the observations of Louis Joblot under the microscope. The second volume is devoted to the technical evolutions of microscopes on which Joblot worked, which allowed him to explore the unknown world of protozoa.
EIFFEL, Gustave.
Les Observations courantes en météorologie et comparaison des stations de Beaulieu, Sèvres et Vacquey.
Paris, Imprimerie de la bourse de commerce, 1905.
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600 €
First edition.
Off-print of a conference made at Société astronomique de France on 4 janvier 1905.
Presentation copy signed by Eiffel on cover.
EIFFEL, Gustave.
Études Pratiques de Météorologie et observations comparées des Stations de Beaulieu, Sévres et Vacquey pour L'Année 1903. Atlas des Planches.
Paris, L. Maretheux, 1905.
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80 €
First edition.
Atlas of plates for this report of meteorological records carried out by Gustave Eiffel's network of observatories. Some curves printed on tracing paper to facilitate comparisons.
EIFFEL, Gustave.
Installation d'un laboratoire d'Aérodynamique.
Paris, 19 rue blanche, 1910.
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750 €
First edition.
Off-print from mémoires de la société des ingéneurs civil de France.
After experimental aerodynamic tests obtained by free fall from the second floor of the tower he had built on the Champ de Mars in Paris, Gustave Eiffel had a wind tunnel built there in 1909. It was made up of a vein of tests of 3 meters in diameter over a length of 2.5 meters. The flow, generated by a propeller driven by a 70hp engine, could vary between 5 and 20 meters per second. The installation was enclosed in a 240 square meter hangar so as not to be influenced by the outside wind. This installation was used, in particular, for testing the Eiffel wing profiles which would equip a large number of French aircraft from the First World War. It was moved to Auteuil in 1912 and is still in operation today, operated by the Aérodynamic Eiffel company.
Presentation copy signed by Eiffel on cover.
PILES, Roger de.
Dialogue sur le coloris.
Paris, Nicolas Langlois, 1699.
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450 €
Second edition.
"The discourse on art was born in France during the reign of Louis XIV thanks to two antagonistic figures: Félibien (1619-1709) and Roger de Piles (1635-1709). The latter became the major theoretician of color in the quarrel which opposed Rubenists and Poussinists during the last three decades of the 17th century." (trad. from Bernard Teyssèdre, "Roger de Piles and The debate on color, 1957)
De Piles supports Rubens by arguing that color is the major subject of painting and must come before drawing.
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