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BRINK, Louise.
Women Characters in Richard Wagner - A Study in "The Ring of the Nibelung".
New York, Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1924.
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30 €
First edition.
Presentation copy.
Le Chancelier de Fleurs.
Chateaudun, La Maison du livre, 1907.
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600 €
First edition.
Robert de Montesquiou (1855-1921), is a French man of letters, poet, dandy and art and literature critic. This book was written in memory of his friend (secretary and companion), Gabriel de Yturri.
One of the hundred numbered copies printed exclusively for the author, ours n°10
Handwritten dedication from the author to Jean Richepin (1849-1926), poet and writer who had just been elected to the Académie française (March 1908).
We enclose an empty, postmarked envelope, addressed by Montesquiou to Marcel Le Roy-Dupré.
Almanach dédié aux Dames.
Paris, Le Fuel, Delaunay, 1828.
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80 €
Lovely little almanac.
At the end of the book there are blank pages of "Memories" for each month of the year.
BUC'HOZ, Pierre-Joseph.
Manuel cosmétique et odoriférant des plantes, ou traité de toutes les plantes qui peuvent servir d'ornement ; de fard et de parfums aux dames.
Paris, Chez L'Auteur, 1800.
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100 €
Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz was a botanist, member of the Royal College of Medicine of Nancy and of many academies. From 1776 and until at least 1800, he self-published, distributing his prolific editorial production to his successive Parisian homes.
[ROCHEFORT, Jean (de)].
Le Passe-tems agréable, ou nouveaux choix de bons-mots, de pensées ingénieuses, de rencontres plaisantes.
Rotterdam, Jean Hofhout, 1728.
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300 €
A pleasant copy with the arms of the princes of Bourbon Condé, azure with three golden fleurs-de-lys, with a red bastion, probably having belonged to Louise-anne de Bourbon Condé, known as
Mademoiselle de Charolais. Attributed by Barbier to a lord of Rochefort.
Ordonnance Provisoire sur l'exercice et les manoeuvres de la cavalerie.
Paris, Magimel, 1810.
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220 €
Second edition.
The 1804 ordinance governs the doctrine of the use of cavalry in the Napoleonic armies, the manners of charging, the use of the sabre, etc. Our very complete copy of all the plates: musical scores, anatomy of the horse, uniforms of riders, troop movements.
Journal d'un Déporté non jugé, ou déportation en violation des lois, décrétée le 18 Fructidor an V (4 Septembre 1797).
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1834.
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200 €
First edition.
Elected from Moselle to the Council of Elders under the Directory, Barbé-Marbois was overthrown during the September 1797 insurrection and then sent into exile in Guyana. Exile journal which alternates between political considerations and observations of Guyana, its inhabitants and its prison system.
D. Junii Juvenalis, et auli Persii Flacci Satyrae.
Leide, Hackiana, 1671.
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230 €
Beautiful copy under full vellum.
PETITOT, Ennemond Alexandre.
Raisonnement sur la perspective, pour en faciliter l'usage aux artistes. Dédié aux mêmes.
Parme, Frères faure, 1758.
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800 €
First edition.
Beautiful perspective manual, written in French and Italian.
Petitot was a French architect who joined Parma in June 1753 with the title of first court architect and instructor at the newly created Academy of Fine Arts.
Copy with large margins.
[VISSCHER, Nicolaus].
Labyrinte de Versailles. The labyrinth of Versailles. Der Irr-Garte zu Versailles. 't Dool-hof tot Versailles.
Amsterdam, Visscher, Nicolaus, [1682].
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1250 €
Edition in four languages: French, English, German and Dutch.
A marvel of landscape art that has now disappeared, the Labyrinth of Versailles was commissioned from Le Notre by Louis XIV.
Labyrinth of hornbeams opening onto squares decorated with fountains whose lead subjects were multicolored.
Each fountain was inspired by Aesop's Fables.
The work reveals in 41 engravings, the plan of the labyrinth and each of the fountains with for each, the verses and the morals which had inspired them.
Les Véritez inconnues sur la dissolution et le luxe des femmes et des hommes de Paris.
Lyon, s.n., 1611 [v. 1870].
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600 €
Amusing brochure reproducing the unique copy from the Sainte Geneviève library.
Copy on laid paper (unnumbered)
With the following text :
Traicté de Mariage entre Julian Peoger et Jacqueline Patinet, sa future espouse, et de La Lubricité de Clépoatre.
Académie Des Sciences et des Arts.
Bruxelles, Fr. Poppens, 1682.
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950 €
First edition..
Decorated with more than 200 portraits engraved in the text.
Remarkable work for which Bullart worked for 30 years and which was published by his son. We will find, alongside humanists, navigators, scientists and inventors, printers, all the artists classified by school, Leonardo da Vinci, Magellan, Copernicus, Columbus, A. Paré, Gutenberg, etc.
Le Livre des Jeunes Braves, ou Etrennes militaires, recueil d'anecdotes remarquables, de beaux-faits d'armes, de traits généreux, etc.
paris, Rapilly, 1823.
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950 €
Fine copy containing twelve hand-colored plates.
A reworking in octavo format of the work "Les délassements des braves" published the previous year by the same publisher, containing only the 11 announced plates. Our copy additionally contains the plate of Marshal Ney.
One of the rare copies with the plates in color.
BOUTMY, Emile || RIBOT, Alexandre.
Cours d'Histoire Constitutionnelle donnés à l'École libre des sciences politiques.
s.l., s.n., 1886.
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2000 €
Original manuscripts.
Rare and well-preserved set of two constitutional history courses given at Sciences Po Paris in 1886 by the founders of the school: Emile Boutmy and Alexandre Ribot.
Perfectly readable and careful manuscripts by a writer who will remain unknown who was a listener of Emile Boutmy's course on the Constitution of the United States in May-June 1886 and the course on the French Constitution since 1789 given by Alexandre Ribot in February-March 1886.
Created by Emile Boutmy in the aftermath of the 1870 defeat and the Paris Commune, the École Libre des Sciences Politiques (now known as Sciences-Po) aimed to teach political science as a positive science. She will form the elite of french politicians until today.
1886 was the last year in which Boutmy gave his course on the Constitution of the United States; we know a transcription of it in the notes left by Pierre de Coubertin who was also a listener of this course the same year. A comparison of the transcription of Coubertin's notes and our manuscript leads us to believe that our collection is more faithful (seems to be a word for word transcription) of Boutmy's teaching.
Alexandre Ribot's course on the French Constitution (second part of a more extensive course on European constitutions) leaves an important part on the birth of the Third Republic whose constitutional laws were only passed in 1875.
ROMAN, Jean Joseph Thérèse (Abbé).
Les Echecs, Poëme en quatre chants.
Paris, Leopold Collin, 1807.
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80 €
First edition.
STEIN, Elias.
Nouvel essai sur le jeu des échecs, avec des réflexions militaires relatives à ce jeu.
La Haye, Aux dépens de l'auteur, 1789.
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600 €
First edition.
Work which appeared at the expense of the author on subscription.
Elias Stein (1748-1812) was a strong Dutch master, chess teacher and author.
After the analyses in this book the Dutch Defence was called [Lindörfer].
[GROS, Jean].
Moi, Poupée.
s.l., A l'enseigne "des petites vertus", [1930].
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750 €
First edition.
Clandestine publication for this erotic novel attributed to Jean Gros with 9 pornographic lithographs.
Copy printed on laid paper (unjustified) with the plates printed on Japanese paper.
[FORMEY, Jean Henri Samuel].
Conseils pour former une bibliothèque peu nombreuse mais choisie.
Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1756.
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200 €
New edition augmented.
[GRAVESANDE, Willem Jacob].
Introduction à la philosophie, contenant la métaphysique et la logique.
Leide, Jean et Herm Verbeek, 1748.
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100 €
Willem Jacob's Gravesande (1688 – 1742) was a Dutch jurist and diplomat, known today for his scientific work: he contributed to the introduction of Newton's theories and the experimental method. Interestingly, Gravesande presents his revolutionary method of coding and decoding encrypted letters ("De l'art de déchiffrer des Lettres", p. 391-408).
BARRAUD, Pierre-Constant.
Recherches sur les coqs des églises.
Paris, Derache, 1850.
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450 €
First edition.
Pierre-Constant Barraud (1801-1874) is an archaeologist and titular canon of the diocese of Beauvais. He signed several studies on church furniture. In this booklet he recalls that the symbol of the rooster has been used since primitive Christianity.
BERANGER, Pierre-Jean.
Chansons de P-J de Béranger.
Paris, Perrotin, 1831.
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300 €
Set containing the two volumes of Songs, as well as the "New and Last Songs...dedicated to Lucien Bonaparte" (1833, Perrotin) and the Supplement (Brussels, 1830) which contains political songs and saucy songs. It is certainly this supplement that pushed a collector of the time to hide these licenses from prying eyes behind a cathedral binding bearing the title "Parishioner".
Rudimens de la traduction, ou l'art de traduire le latin en français.
Paris, Auguste Delalain, 1811.
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1200 €
Second edition.
Precious copy with the arms of Marie-Caroline de Bourbon-Siciles Duchess of Berry (1798-1870). Romantic heroine of the Legitimists, Marie-Caroline, daughter of the King of the Two Sicilies Francis I Xavier and Marie-Clementine of Austria, married in 1816 the Duke of Berry Charles-Ferdinand (1778-1820), son of Charles she had a son, the Duke of Bordeaux. Exiled during the revolution of July 1830, she returned to France in April 1832 and tried without success to raise the people in Vendée and Brittany with the aim of a legitimist restoration: arrested in Nantes in November 1832, she was imprisoned in Blaye. It was released in 1833.
Beautiful binding signed by Simier binder of the king.
VALIN, René-Josué.
Nouveau Commentaire sur l'Ordonnance de la Marine du mois d'Août 1681.
La Rochelle, Jerôme Légier, 1766.
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250 €
Second edition.
The great naval ordinance of July 31, 1681, also called the naval code or simply royal ordinance of 1681, also known as Colbert's Ordinance, is a major French royal ordinance drawn up on July 31, 1681 under the reign of Louis XIV, which codifies comprehensively the uses in maritime transport (merchant marine). Inspired by the customs and statutes of the United Provinces (Amsterdam and Antwerp), it was established under the aegis of Colbert; its principles were adopted into positive law in 2006.
[WOUTERS, Jan Ludewig].
Beschryvinge van het zeven honderdjaerig Jubile van den Heyligen Macarius, bezonderen Patroon tegen de peste, het welk geviert zal worden binnen de stad van Gend Hoofdstad van Vlaenderen.
Tot Gend, Jan Meyer, [1767].
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350 €
First edition.
Description of the seven hundred year Jubilee of S. Macarius...which will be celebrated in the City of Ghent in 1767.
Engravings by Jan Ludewig Wouters.
EUDEL, Paul.
Paris, Librairie Molière, 1903.
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900 €
First edition.
Collector and art critic, Eudel presents us with a collection of plays through which he makes a brief foray into the theater.
Unique copy, the only one printed in Japan.
Splendid personal copy of the author linked to his arms.
Diurnal ou office complet pour les laïques, latin et français à l'usage du diocès de Bayeux.
Caen, s.n., [v.1800].
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100 €
FORT, Paul || JOETS, Jules.
Plages & Ports Flamands.
Paris, Aux deux amis, [1942].
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450 €
First edition of the illustrations.
Six poems by Paul Fort illustrated by lithographs by Jules Joëts.
One of 40 copies signed by the artist, ours n° 36
Each of the lithographs are signed and numbered by Jules Joëts (1884-1954) painter and lithographer from St Omer.
De Buonaparte y de los Borbones.
Madrid, Repullés, 1814.
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70 €
Second edition in spanish.
Translated in the second edition given in France by Ramón Vicente Palero.
Pamphlet in which Chateaubriand overwhelms Bonaparte in a first chapter, pleads for the return of the Bourbons to the throne in a second, and explains the attitude of the allies towards France in the last.
LARRAMENDI, Manuel (de).
Discurso histórico sobre la antigua famosa Cantabria : Question Decidida Si Las Provincias De Bizcaya, Guipuzcoa, Y Alava, Estuvieron Comprehendidas En La Antigua Cantabria.
Madrid, Juan de Zuniga, 1736.
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600 €
First edition.
Promoter of Basque identity and unity, Larramendi here discusses the history of Cantabria to find out if the Basque provinces (Biscay, Álava, Guipuzcoa) were once part of Cantabria.
La Chasse du Loup nécessaire à la maison rustique.
Rouen, Jean Baptiste Besongne, 1685.
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450 €
The Wolf Hunt by Jean Carlmorgan was appended to the editions of the Rustic House of Liebaut. Our edition has its own title page and includes the 14 mid-page woodcuts from the sixteenth century editions. A highly sought-after work in the 19th century, it represented the "dark ages" of the French countryside.
Following it we find "La Fabrique de la Gauge ou Diapason" in (10) sheets, (last sheet truncated). Another typical annex of the Rustic House.
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