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Vie de Dupuytren.
Paris, Bechet Jeune, 1841.
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60 €
First edition.
A student from Limousin and successor in Paris to his compatriot Guillaume Dupuytren, Jean Cruveilhier is currently better known by anatomists and anatomopathologists than by surgeons. Guillaume Dupuytren (1771-1835) was immediately admired by his intern Jean Cruveilhier who, developing the ideas of his boss, quickly became a master in anatomopathology. He was the first to devote a biography to his master.
La Vie De Pasteur.
Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1900.
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60 €
First edition.
René Vallery-radot was the son-in-law of Louis Pasteur, he wrote the first biography dedicated to the famous doctor.
Presentation copy.
L’Examen des esprits pour les sciences. Où se montrent les différences d’esprits qui se trouvent
parmy les hommes, et à quelle sorte de science chacun est propre en particulier.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1650.
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300 €
The work published in 1575 by a Spanish physician, Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529–1530?–1580) under the title Examen de ingenios para las sciencias... had a considerable impact throughout learned Europe. More than thirty editions in the main European languages have appeared since then.
Some old handwritten notes on the first fly leaf and at the verso of the title page.
Projet motivé d'articles additionnels à la loi, du 19 janvier 1791. Relative à l'organisation des Ponts & Chaussées.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1791.
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120 €
First edition.
Proposed amendments to the law of January 19, 1791, which created the Corps of Ponts et Chaussées.
APPERT, Nicolas.
L'Art de conserver, pendant plusieurs années, toutes les substances animales et végétales.
Paris, Patris et Cie, 1810.
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800 €
First edition.
Book which discloses to the public the "Appertization" process, consisting of enclosing food in a glass bottle, then placing this bottle in a vase filled with boiling water for eight to ten minutes, heating in a closed container destroying the fermentation germs. Until then, only salting, sugaring and drying were known as methods of preserving meat and fish. Although the book was a great success and was republished many times, giving rise to the creation of the conservation industry, Nicolas Appert did not benefit from it and died poor in 1841.
Copy signed by the author.
Specimina Philosophiae: Seu Dissertatio de Methodo Recte regendæ rationis, & veritatis in scientiis investigandæ: Dioptice, et Meteora.
Amsterdam, Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1644.
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3000 €
First latin edition of the Discours de la Méthode.
Milestone in the history of science which marked an epistemological rupture.
The Latin translation of the Discourse on the Method was first undertaken by Etienne de Courcelles but Descartes revised it, modified it and introduced variants compared to the French text of 1637. We find there for the first time the phrase (page 31) : "cogito, ergo sum".
The scientific texts following the Discourse are illustrated with numerous woods in the text.
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste de.
Système des animaux sans vertèbres ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux.
Paris, Chez l'Autheur, 1801.
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2000 €
First edition.
One of the very first formulations of the concept of evolution of species (transformism), before Darwin's, and presenting as the cause of evolution (Lamarckism) the heredity of acquired characteristics.
It will take more than 50 years for Darwin's work on environmental selection pressure to contradict Lamarck's Speech.
However, we owe Lamarck the introduction in this book of the distinction between Vertebrate and Invertebrate animals, a distinction that we still use in current taxonomy.
Observations sur les maladies épidémiques. Ouvrage rédigé d'après le tableau des épidémiques d'Hippocrate et dans lequel on indique la meilleur méthode d'observer ce genre de maladies.
Paris, Vincent, 1776.
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350 €
First edition.
Work which relates the epidemics of fever which occurred in Normandy at Gros-Theil and Louviers during the year 1770.
[L'Ancienne France].
L'Ecole et la Science jusqu'à la Renaissance.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, [v. 1890].
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80 €
BOUILLIER, Francisque.
Histoire de la philosophie cartésienne.
Paris, Ch. Delagrave et Cie, 1868.
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80 €
Third edition.
Mémoire sur la théorie du magnétisme en mouvement . IN. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Année 1823.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1827.
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150 €
Contains the major work from Poisson on the wave theory.
This volume of the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences is incomplete of the pappers from Legendre and Ampère :
Table :
LEGENDRE. Recherches sur quelques objets d'analyse indéterminée et particulièrement sur le théorème de Fermat. (p. 1-60), MISSING
LAPLACE. Mémoires sur le développement de l'anomalie vrai et du rayon vecteur elliptique, en série ordonnées suivant les puissances de l'excentricité.
RAMO. Mémoire sur l'état de la végétation au sommet du Pic du Midi de Bagnères.
AMPÈRE. Mémoire sur la théorie mathématique des phénomènes électro-dynamiques, uniquement déduite de l'expérience, dans lequel se trouvent réunis les Mémoires que M. ampère à communiqués à l'Académie royale de sciences, dans les scéances des 4 et 26 décembre 1820, 10 juin 1822, 22 décembre 1823, 12 septembre et 23 novembre 1825. (p. 175 to 388), MISSING
NAVIER. Mémoire sur lkes lois du mouvement des fluides
- Mémoire sur la théorie du magnétisme en mouvement
- Mémoire sur le calcul numérique des intégrales définies.
CAUCHY. Mémoire sur les développement des fonctions en séries périodiques.
Mémoires sur la théorie des nombres . IN. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Tome XVII.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1840.
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950 €
Mémoire sur la Théorie des Nombres, Présenté a l'Académie des Sciences, le 31 Mai 1830, par M. Augustin Cauchy.
First edition of this important memoir (pp/ 249 to 768 of this volume of memoirs of the academy of sciences).
The writing of this memoir is quite abrupt, with a succession of formulas difficult to relate to each other, and it will be criticized by Biot in particular.
However, Jenny Boucard, after an in-depth study of Cauchy's work, concluded that Cauchy exposes a coherent method around the quadratic forms 4p^μ=x²+ny² which he applies in different cases, depending on whether n is prime or compound. (Boucard, p.365).
This volume of the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences contains :
PONCELET : Théorie des effets mécaniques de la turbine Fourneyron.
- Mémoire sur les différences qu'offrent les tissus cellulaires de la pomme et de la poire ...
- Mémoire sur la cause et les effets de la fermentation alcoolique et acéteuse.
- Recherches microscopiques sur divers laits ...
BECQUEREL : Nouvelles recherches sur le dégagement de la chaleur dans le frottement
CAUCHY. Mémoires sur la théorie des nombres.
BIOT. Mémoire sur l'existence d'une condition physique qui assigne à l'atmosphère terrestre une limite supérieure d'élévation qu'elle ne peut dépasser.
CHEVREUL. Recherches physico chimiques sur la teinture
And the Flourens' historical praise of Jussieu and Arago's praise of James Watt.
Sur la Théorie des Ondes; Lu le 2 octobre et le 18 décembre 1815. IN. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Année 1816.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1818.
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250 €
Contains the major work from Poisson on the wave theory.
This volume of the Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences contains :
- Mémoire sur la variation des constantes arbitraires dans les question de mécanique
- Mémoire sur la théorie des ondes.
- Mémoire sur l'écoulement linéaire de diverses substances liquides par des tubes capillaires de verre,
- Mémoire sur l'écoulement de l'éther
BIOT, [Jean-Baptiste] :
- Mémoire sur l'utilité des lois de la polarisation de la lumière, pour reconnaitre l'état de cristallisation et de combinaison, dans grand nombre de cas où la système cristallin n'est pas immédiatement observable.
And the section on the history of the academy by Delambre for the mathematics and notices on Fleurieu Charles Bossut, Leveque and Tenon and by Cuvier for Physics.
GALOIS, Évariste.
Oeuvres mathématiques d'Évariste Galois. In Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées ou Recueil mensuel de mémoires sur les diverses parties des mathématiques, Année 1846, Tome XI.
Paris, Bachelier, 1846.
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6500 €
First edition of collected mathematical works of Evariste Galois given by Liouville in this volume of the Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées .
A brilliant mathematician, misunderstood in his day and with a tragic fate (he died at the age of 20 in a gallant duel), Galois created the notion of group, and his work has inspired generations of mathematicians.
A brilliant student, he was misunderstood by his contemporaries. Poisson rejected the work he wanted to present to the Paris Academy of Sciences.
In 1832, on the eve of his fatal duel, Galois wrote his mathematical will, which he entrusted to a friend.
It was not until 1846 that Liouville published them in this volume of the Journal des mathématiques, and not until 1870 that Jordan recognized their importance.
"When, yielding to the wish of Evariste's friends, I gave myself up, as it were under the eyes of his brother, to the attentive study of all the printed or manuscript pieces he left behind, I therefore thought I had to propose as my sole aim to seek out, to unravel, to then bring out as best I could, what was new in these productions.
My zeal was soon rewarded, and I was delighted when, after filling in a few small gaps, I recognized the complete accuracy of the method by which Galois proves, in particular, this beautiful theorem: For an irreducible equation of prime degree to be solvable by radicals, it is necessary and sufficient that all the roots be rational functions of any two of them.
This method, truly worthy of the attention of geometers, would alone suffice to secure our compatriot a place among the small number of scientists who have earned the title of inventor." (Liouville p.382).
Causeries sur la Science.
Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1884.
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50 €
Second edition.
Popular science book covering 23 talks on various fields of science.
Copy of Albert Tissandier, brother of the author with whom he ran the magazine La Nature until 1905.
MARTIN, Benjamin.
Grammaire des Sciences Philosophiques, ou Analyse abrégée de la Philosophie moderne, appuyée sur les expériences.
Paris, Briasson, 1749.
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600 €
First french edition.
[JULLIEN et al.].
Revue Encyclopédique, ou Analyse Raisonnée des Productions les Plus Remarquables dans la Littérature, les Sciences Et les Arts.
[Paris], [Gide], 1819.
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450 €
First edition.
Head of series of this royalist gazette which will be published until 1820.
Sur les Rapports de la physique expérimentale et de la physique mathématique.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1900.
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600 €
First edition.
Offprint of this very interesting article on epistemology by Henri Poincaré in which he analyzes the relationship between the mathematical laws of physics and the data of experience: When should one be right in one and wrong in the other?
In this report which was presented to the International Congress of Physics in 1900, Poincaré discusses there in particular at the end of the text the Lorentz equations which make it possible to analyze certain physical facts but not all, which will be decided by Einstein a few years later with his special theory of relativity.
This debate is still an issue for modern physics about dark matter, should we change physical theories or improve our measurement capabilities?.
FOURCROY, Antoine-François de.
Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Lavoisier.
Paris, Impr. de la Feuille du cultivateur, An IV [1796].
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150 €
Bound after with separate title page and pagination : "La Mort de Lavoisier, Hyérodrame Mis en musique par le Citoyen Langlé... Paroles de Charles Désaudray". 7-(1bl.) pages.
Two brochures praising Lavoisier after he was guillotined.
Eloges des académiciens de l’académie royale des sciences, morts dans les années 1741, 1742 & 1743.
Paris, Durand, 1747.
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150 €
First edition.
Dortous de Mairan was then permanent secretary of the Academy of Sciences. Among the eulogies transcribed are those of Halley, Abbé Bignon, Lemery.
Each eulogy is accompanied by a bibliography of the scientist.
PASCAL, Blaise.
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal.
La Haye [Paris], Detune, 1779.
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2500 €
The first and sole ancient collective edition, partially original.
Published by Bossut, this edition is illustrated with a portrait and 14 plates.
Among the unpublished there are many "pensée", writings on Grace, the Treaty of vacuum and and extensive correspondence.
Volumes IV and V contain the scientific works.
We found the second printing of the describing of invention of the computing machine of Descartes (TIV, pages 7-30). The first edition, certainly printed by the author, is unobtainable (only two copies known).
Also of interest here is the reprint of Pascal's 1654 paper introducing his triangle of binominal coefficients (Pascal's Triangle), included in Volume V, pages 1-54. Pascal's invention "predated the concepts of computation of the values of polynomial functions by differences.".
ARAGO, François || LAMARTINE, Alphonse de.
Projet de décret relatif à un crédit supplémentaire de Dix mille francs pour la réimpression des Œuvres scientifiques de Laplace.
s.l., s.n., 22 juin 1848.
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450 €
Rare document signed by Lamartine and Arago.
Draft decree to allocate 10,000 fr to continue the reprint of the Works of Laplace. This had been allocated 40,000 fr in 1842 but the initial estimate having been exceeded, money had to be added to the project.
The document is drafted by the Secretary of the Executive Power Commission and is signed by all the members of this commission: François Arago, Alphonse de Lamartine, Louis-Antoine Garnier-Pagès, Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, Pierre Marie de St Georges.
Rare testimony of this commission which lasted only for the months of May and June 1848 and which saw the Scientist and the Poet at the top of the French State.
Diplôme de Bachelier ès Sciences.
Paris, [Ministère de l'instruction publique], 1888.
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50 €
Bachelor of Science degree awarded to Gaston Horlaville. The diploma bears the handwritten signatures of Gaston Horlaville, the Rector of the Academy of Caen, the head of the office of the director of higher education and that of the minister of public education: Léopold Faye who was not minister of the third republic only for a few months.
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste de.
Systême des animaux sans vertèbres, ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux.
Paris, Deterville, 1801.
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4000 €
First edition.
One of the very first formulations of the concept of evolution of species (transformism), before Darwin's, and presenting as the cause of evolution (Lamarckism) the heredity of acquired characteristics.
It will take more than 50 years for Darwin's work on environmental selection pressure to contradict Lamarck's Speech.
However, we owe Lamarck the introduction in this book of the distinction between Vertebrate and Invertebrate animals, a distinction that we still use in current taxonomy.
PASCAL, Blaise.
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal.
La Haye [Paris], Detune, 1779.
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1500 €
First and only old collective edition,
Published by Bossut, this edition is illustrated with a portrait and 14 plates.
Among the unpublished there are many "pensée", writings on Grace, the Treaty of vacuum and and extensive correspondence.
Volumes IV and V contain the scientific works.
We found the second printing of the describing of invention of the computing machine of Descartes (TIV, pages 7-30). The first edition, certainly printed by the author, is unobtainable (only two copies known).
Also of interest here is the reprint of Pascal's 1654 paper introducing his triangle of binominal coefficients (Pascal's Triangle), included in Volume V, pages 1-54. Pascal's invention "predated the concepts of computation of the values of polynomial functions by differences.".
L'Epopée, Centenaire de l'école polytechnique 1794-1894.
Paris, Plon Nourrit, [1894].
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60 €
Collection of texts in the form of a sung opera, retracing a century of history of the Ecole Polytechnique.
Show that was undoubtedly given during the evening of Shadows for the centenary of Polytechnique.
Recherches sur la bibliothèque de la Faculté de médecine de Paris d'après des documents entièrement inédits suivis d'une notice sur les manuscrits qui y sont conservés.
Paris, Aubry, 1864.
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150 €
First edition.
Printed with 347 copies.
D'ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond.
Eloges lus dans les séances publiques de l'Académie Françoise.
Paris, Panckoucke, Moutard, 1779.
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100 €
First edition.
Collection of praise that D'Alembert, then perpetual secretary of the French Academy, made of his predecessors.
Recueil des éloges historiques lus dans les séances publiques de l'académie des siences.
Paris, Garnier frères, 1856-1862.
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120 €
First edition.
"The lives of scientists are a large part of the history of the human mind; it is the express history of its discoveries, of its inventions, of its sublime and creative ideas. Who knows this spectacle, and follow it carefully, he soon finds him one of the greatest. We see the human spirit moving forward, and we see the precious men to whom it owes its progress "(extract from the preface to Volume III).
N.H Abel. Sa vie et son œuvre.
Paris, Gauthiers Villars, 1906.
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50 €
Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) is a Norwegian mathematician. Like Galois at the same time, he died young but left a considerable body of work.
"He is known for his work in mathematical analysis on the semiconvergence of numerical series, sequences and series of functions, on the convergence criteria of generalized integral and on the notion of elliptic integral; in algebra, on the resolution of equations . " (Accromath).
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