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Le Problème monétaire d'après guerre et sa solution en Pologne, en Autriche et en Tchécoslovaquie.
Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1931.
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80 €
First edition.
Publication of the doctoral thesis of Michel Heilperin (1909-1971) was an economist specializing in monetary subjects. Along with William Rappard, Louis Rougier and Ludwig von Mises, he defended liberal theses and opposed Keynesian policies.
Instruction générale pour un régisseur d'une grande terre seigneuriale.
Paris, Gissey, 1760.
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300 €
First edition.
Uncommon brochure giving short instructions for the proper management of a domain. La Poix de Fréminville remained one of the most widely read jurists of his time until the Revolution.
HORN, J. Edouard.
La Liberté des banques.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, [1866].
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200 €
First edition.
Work in favor of the liberalization of the right to print money which was (and will remain) the privilege of the Banque de France. The author, "free-banker" as they were called, defends that "There is no reason of principle or case law to exempt fiduciary issuance from common law, to outlaw it from industrial freedom." His book comes in response to the crisis of the Banque de Savoie, during which the Savoyard bank was deprived of the right to coin money after the annexation of the Duchy of Savoy by France.
L'Homme aux quarante ecus.
[Genève], s.n., 1768.
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1750 €
The rare first edition, first issue with the errata.
Voltaire's only work on economics.
Written as a criticism of the physiocracts and the work of Le Mercier de la Rivière in particular, it was sufficiently controversial to be condemned and ordered to be burned by Parliament in 1768.
D'AUDIFFRET, Charles Louis Gaston.
Système Financier De La France.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, 1854.
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400 €
Second edition.
French politician, administrator and economist, Gaston d'Audiffret, was president of the Court of Auditors and one of the founders of the CIC.
De l'Administration financière telle qu'elle est sous l'influence des préjugés qui en arrêtent le développement, et telle qu'elle pourrait être sous l'empire de la science positive.
Paris, Cherruliez, 1836.
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200 €
First edition.
Étienne de Tessières, Count of Boisbertrand, was a deputy under the Restoration and the July Monarchy.
He writes here a reflection on public finances (tax, debt...) in the light of new positive science.
[MATHON DE LA COUR, Charles Joseph].
Collection des Comptes-Rendus, piéces Authentiques, états et Tableaux, concernant Les Finances de France depuis 1758 jusqu'en 1787.
Lausanne, Cuchet, 1788.
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175 €
First edition.
The public accounts and in particular their deficits were at the center of the political debates of the 1780s.
Traité des monnoies, et de la jurisdiction de la cour des monnoies, en forme de dictionnaire, qui contient l'histoire des monnoies des anciens peuples Juifs, Gaulois & Romains, (.) de France (.) de l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique (.) l'Europe (.).
Paris, Guillyn, 1764.
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250 €
First edition.
SIBOUR, Ernest.
Centralisation industrielle excessive ses causes, ses effets : Industries & Métiers disparus ou qui sont en décadence dans le chef-lieu du département des Hautes-Alpes.
Gap, Jean, 1890.
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60 €
First edition.
Book that studies the upheavals that the steam engine caused in the artisanal fabric of the Hautes Alpes. "In a word, we are trying to bring out the effect produced by this new direction, this irresistible impulse given to industry by the steam engine which has annihilated the manual production of the workman in many localities, without any compensation for them." (from the preface).
MALTHUS, Thomas.
Essai sur le principe de population ou exposé des effets passés et présens de l'action de cette cause sur le bonheur du genre humain; suivi de quelques recherches relatives à l'espérance de guérir ou d'adoucir les maux qu'elle entraine.
Paris, J.J. Paschoud, 1809.
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1000 €
First edition in french.
Main work of Malthus translated into French by Pierre Prevost on the fourth English edition.
At the origin of Malthusianism which advocates a voluntary restriction of births so that population growth remains in line with the growth of wealth.
Etudes Contemporaines : 9 essais politiques.
Paris, Dentu Dumineray, 1859-1861.
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250 €
9 political essays published mainly in the Contemporary Studies collection of the publisher Dumineray.
From the year 1860, the emperor gradually left more and more powers to the parliamentary assemblies and political life came alive, as evidenced by these essays.
Volume I :
PRESSENSE, Le Pouvoir temporel est il nécessaire à la religion ? , Paris, Dentu, 1859 (34 pages)
D'HAUSSONVILLE, Lettre aux conseils généraux, Paris, Dentu, 1859 (36 pages)
DE BROGLIE, Une Réforme administrative en Afrique, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 ((6)-242-(1) pages)
PREVOST-PARADOL, Les Anciens partis, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 (48 pages)
Volume II:
[Anonymous], La Liberté religieuse et la législation actuelle, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 ((4)-244 pages)
D'HAUSSONVILLE, Lettre au Sénat, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 (48 pages)
LEONCE DE LAVERGNE, La Constitution de 1852 et le décret du 24 novembre 1860, Paris, Dumineray, 1860 (48 pages)
Volume III:
DELPRAT, L'Administration et la presse, Paris, chez les principaux libraires, 1861 (44-(1) pages)
ODILON-BARROT, De La Centralisation et de ses effets, Paris, Dumineray, 1861 (viii-247-(1) pages).
DAMOREAU, Estienne.
Traité des négociations de banque et des monnoyes étrangères.
Paris, Guillaume Cavelier-Pissot, 1727.
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400 €
First edition.
A practical book for bankers, traders and merchants working in Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. Its subjects are numismatics, the explanation of exchange rates and conversions and the explanation of bank negotiations, illustrated by many plates.
THIERS, Adolphe.
De la Propriété.
Paris, Paulin, Lheureux et Cie, 1848.
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80 €
First edition.
Work written in reaction to the revolution of 1848 and the communist ideas that are beginning to emerge.
De la Mendicité.
Lyon, L. Boitel, 1841.
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150 €
First edition.
"We will not have forgotten that our sole aim was to deal with the issue of begging, and that it was only incidentally and for the need of discussion that we approached that of indigence. of begging tends to substitute work for alms, and moreover to defend the field of charity which is the inheritance of the truly indigent, against laziness which tends to usurp. " (p.117)
Book against begging and which also criticizes the "tax of the poor" by Louis Bonnardet (1793-1872), economist, head of a railway company, mayor of Saint-Priest (Isère), president of the prison commission.
VEXLIARD, Alexandre.
Le Clochard, étude de psychologie sociale.
Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1957.
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75 €
First edition.
Work which always remains a reference on the question.
Sending of the author to Jacques Duboin (1878-1976) economist and politician of which we disperse part of the library.
Les Moeurs politiques et la réforme de l'état.
Paris, Marcel Rivière, 1935.
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30 €
First edition.
Handwritten sending of the author to Jacques Duboin (1878-1976) French economist and politician.
Social Credit Looks Forward.
Nottingham, The Social Credit Co-ordinating Centre, [1949].
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75 €
First edition.
Report of the conference called by the Social Credit Co-ordinating Centre.
Social Credit is an economic doctrine of socialist inspiration developed by Hugh Douglas in the early 1920s. It aims to index monetary creation not on debt creation but on economic production. The result is the generation of a "national dividend" paid back to citizens in the form of a universal basic income.
Among the contributors we will find: Philip Mairet, Thomas Robertson, H. Norman, T.M. Heron.
Les Problèmes de structures : Le Capitalisme.
Montpellier, J. Reschly, [1962].
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75 €
First edition.
In the midst of the structuralist wave, the economist Antonelli (1879-1971) analyzes the structures of capitalism. Book published as the fourth volume of his studies in humanist economics.
Handwritten sending of the author to Jacques Duboin (1878-1976) French economist and politician.
Le Second Voyage de Micromégas, pamphlet saturno-politico-economique.
Paris, Editions nouvelles, 1935.
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50 €
First edition.
Like a satirical tale, Arnaud's Micromégas travels among the political systems of the 1930s.
Nice sending of the author to Jacques Duboin (1878-1976) French economist and politician.
[TALLEYRAND, Charles Maurice de].
Opinion de M. l'évêque d'Autun sur la fabrication des petites monnoies.
[Paris], [Imprimerie Nationale], [1790].
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100 €
First edition.
Booklet written by Talleyrand (1754-1838, French statesman, appointed bishop of Autun in 1788) on the subject of the manufacture of coins.
Lettre d'un ami à M. Necker.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1781].
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60 €
The publication of Necker's "Compte-rendu au roi" (Report to the King) in 1781, intended to inform Louis XVI about the state of France's finances, provoked many controversies against the minister. Anonymously, the author criticized Necker's management of the finances and the fact that he published false statements in his famous "Compte-rendu".
NECKER, Jacques.
Sur le compte rendu au Roi en 1781. Nouveaux éclaircissemens.
Lyon, Bernuset, 1788.
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90 €
Edition published the same year as the first one.
In this book, Necker (1732-1804, Minister of Finance of Louis XVI) defends his report to the King published in 1781 and reacts to the attacks of Charles de Calonne (1734-1802, Minister of Finance of Louis XVI between 1783 and 1787), his successor.
[BRICOGNE, Athanase-Jean-Baptiste].
Opinion et observations sur le budget de 1814, sur le budget de juin 1815, sur les différens systèmes de finances suivis en France depuis l'an VIII jusqu'au 8 juillet 1815. par un créancier de l'État.
Oaris, Pelicier, 1815.
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150 €
Third edition.
Athanase-Jean-Baptiste Bricogne (1779-1836) was a senior French civil servant and financier (first Treasury clerk and Receiver General of Finance). His name is best known because he was the author of numerous pamphlets and reviews on the management of France's finances during the Bourbon Restoration.
[LACRETELLE, Pierre-Louis].
Mémoire sur l'institution des bureaux des finances, et l'utilité de leurs fonctions.
s.l., s.n., 1789.
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60 €
First edition.
Book on the history of the institution of the finance corps by Pierre-Louis Lacretelle (1751-1824), who was a member of Parliament during the Revolution and the French Consulate.
MAHY DE CORMÉRÉ, Guillaume-François de.
Mémoire sur les finances et sur le crédit, pour servir de suite aux Recherches & considérations nouvelles sur les finances.
Paris, Chez l'auteur - Moutard - Desenne, 1789.
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150 €
First edition.
Guillaume-François de Mahy, Baron de Cormeré was a civil servant in the general control of finances during the Necker administration. In this book, he gave his analysis of the functioning of finance in France during the monarchy.
MIRABEAU, Honoré Gabriel de Riqueti, comte de.
Dénonciation de l'agiotage au Roi, et à l'Assemblée des Notables.
s.l., s.n., 1787.
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90 €
This book by Mirabeau (1749-1791, one of the leaders of the French Revolution) is a pamphlet denouncing the "agiotage" (financial speculative practice).
MIRABEAU, Honoré Gabriel de Riqueti, comte de.
Lettres du comte de Mirabeau, sur l'administration de Necker.
s.l., s.n., 1787.
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100 €
First edition.
With these letters, Mirabeau (1749-1791, one of the figures of the French Revolution) was clearly opposed to Necker's administration and denounced his methods of managing France's finances, particularly those concerning loans.
CALONNE, Charles-Alexandre de.
Réponse de M. de Calonne à l'écrit de M. Necker, publié en avril 1787; contenant l'examen des comptes de la situation des finances, rendus en 1774, 1776, 1781, 1783 & 1787; avec des observations sur les résultats de l'Assemblée des Notables.
Londres, T. Spilsbury, 1788.
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70 €
This edition was published the same year as the first one.
Charles de Calonne (1734-1802) was Necker's successor as finance minister to Louis XVI. In this book, he presented his administration and responded to Necker's violent attacks.
CALONNE, Charles-Alexandre de.
Mémoire justificatif, en forme de requête, adressé au Roi
[suivi de]
Développemens et pièces justificatives adressés au Roi, pour faire suite au Mémoire.
s.l., s.n., 1787.
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150 €
First editions.
Charles de Calonne (1734-1802) was Necker's successor as finance minister to Louis XVI between 1784 and 1787.
After his resignation, the former minister fell out of favor and faced many attacks on his administration and France's growing deficit. In this book, he explained his defence to the king, facing five charges against the subjects of acquisitions and exchanges, operations in the revision of currencies, funds from the royal treasury provided clandestinely to support the "agiotage" (financial speculative practice), extensions of loans, and abuses of authority and other abuses of authority of all kinds.
The second book, published shortly afterwards, is the sequel in which Calonne provides many in-depth insights.
[NECKER, Jacques].
Suite des observations du citoyen.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1781].
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50 €
This booklet was published after the publication of the "Compte-rendu au roi" by Necker in 1781.
The author questions the management of France's finances by Necker.
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