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Fine Bindings
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Sahara et Sahel.
I - Un été dans le Sahara.
II - Une année dans le Sahel.
Paris, Plon, 1879.
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600 €
First illustrated edition.
One of the 100 copy on papier vélin.
The 12 etchings are in our copy in four state (definitive, before the letter, before the letter and bistre and before the letter on china paper.
PHILIPPE, Charles Louis.
Marie Donadieu.
Paris, Mornay, 1921.
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90 €
Illustrations by Daragnès.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
VALLES, Jules.
Le Bachelier.
Paris, Mornay, 1921.
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100 €
Illustrations by Barthelémy.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
MIRBEAU, Octave.
Sébastien ROCH.
Paris, Mornay, 1926.
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150 €
Illustrations by Barbier.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
MIRBEAU, Octave.
L'Abbé Jules.
Paris, Mornay, 1925.
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120 €
Illustrations by Siméon.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
MIRBEAU, Octave.
Le Calvaire.
Paris, Mornay, 1928.
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150 €
Illustrations by Hermann Paul.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
Mademoiselle Fifi.
Paris, Louis Conard, 1908.
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Fine binding signed by Canape.
BAC, Ferdinand.
La Volupté romaine.
Paris, Louis Conard, 1922.
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100 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
TINAN, Jean de.
Aimienne ou le détournement de mineure.
Paris, Editions du Sagittaire, 1922.
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150 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
Un Coeur vierge.
Paris, Mornay, 1926.
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100 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
ARENE, Paul.
Lyon, Lardanchet, 1921.
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100 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
FRANCE, Anatole.
Sur La Pierre Blanche.
Paris, La Connaissance, 1924.
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100 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
Grandeur et Décadence d'une Serinette.
Paris, Edmond Blanchard, 1857.
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125 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
La Fosse aux Lions.
Paris, G. Crès & Cie, 1925.
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80 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
PORCHE, François.
Le Poème de la Délivrance précédé des images de guerre.
Paris, Emile Paul Frères, 1919.
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60 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor.
Le Dit de l'Ancien Marinier en sept parties.
Paris, Emile Paul Frères, 1920.
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100 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
FOUREST, Georges.
La Negresse blonde.
Paris, La Connaissance, 1920.
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90 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
GOURMONT, Remy de.
La Patience de Griseledis.
Paris, Editions du Sagittaire, 1920.
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150 €
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
JAMMES, Francis.
La Noël de mes enfants.
Paris, Edouard Joseph, 1919.
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200 €
First edition.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
JAMMES, Francis.
La Rose à Marie.
Paris, Edouard Joseph, 1919.
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100 €
First edition.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
JAMMES, Francis.
Une Vierge.
Paris, Edouard Joseph, 1919.
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200 €
First edition.
One of the 100 copies printed on blue paper.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
Monsieur de Courpière marié.
Paris, Ernest Flammarion, [1906].
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250 €
Second edition.
One of 10 copies on Holland paper, ours n°9.
Presentation copy to Henri de Baubigny.
Victor Hugo et Juliette Drouet d'après les lettres inédites de Juliette Drouet à Victor Hugo et avec un choix de ces lettres.
Paris, Auguste Blaizot, 1914.
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250 €
First edition.
Fine binding signed by Yseux.
Louis Yseux is one of the most talented bookbinders of the early 20th century, bringing to life a tradition of French binding and gilding dating back to the 18th century, it is indeed he who takes over the workshop of his master Thierry himself. heir to Simier and Petit. All his bindings bear his signature Yseux successor Thierry-Simier.
AUGIER, Emile.
Maitre Guérin.
Paris, Michel Levy, 1865.
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80 €
First edition.
SAINT DISDIER, Alexandre-Toussaint Limojon de.
Histoire des Négotiations de Nimègue.
Paris [Hollande], Claude Barbin, 1680.
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300 €
Counterfeit edition of the title à la sphere (probably Dutch), taken from the Barbin edition in Paris.
The peace of Nijmegen marks the end of the Dutch war, it places France at the forefront of European geopolitics. On this occasion, France annexed Franche-Comté. It is the triumph of Louis XIV as a warrior king.
Beautiful copy in morocco.
CHEVIGNE, Louis, Comte de.
Les Contes Rémois.
Paris, Librairie des bibliophiles Jouaust, 1877.
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300 €
Beautiful edition at Jouaust illustrated by Jules Worms.
One of the numbered copies on Holland paper (n ° 131).
La Dévotion à Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ dans l'Eucharistie.
Paris, Gabriel Charles Berton, 1752.
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180 €
Good copy in contemporary morocco bindings.
Les Dix Journées de Jean Boccace.
Paris, Librairie des bibliophiles Joaust, 1873.
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450 €
Beautiful edition by Jouaust of the work of Boccace.
Paul Lacroix signs the introduction and Flameng who gives eleven very beautiful etchings.
SCOTT, Walter.
Le Monastère et L'Abbé.
Paris, Dauthereau, 1829.
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450 €
Bindings from Gruel.
Les amours pastorales Daphnis et Chloé.
[Paris], [Coustelier], [1731].
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1500 €
Edition normally illustrated with a frontispiece and 8 figures by Scotin, and 4 unsigned vignettes.
In this copy, the illustrations from Scotin have been replaced by the famous suite "de Regenté, including a frontispiece by Coypel (replacing the title page dated 1731) and 28 superb figures including 13 doubles, engraved by Benoît Audran after the drawings of the regent Philippe d'Orléans.
The engraving "Petits pieds", engraved in 1728 and attributed to the Comte de Caylus has been, as often, added.
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