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LE ROY, Eugène.
Jacquou le Croquant.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1925.
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150 €
Edition illustrated by Louis-Joseph Soulas.
One of the 65 copies on Japan paper, ours n°44.
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
BERAUD, Henri.
Le Vitriol de lune.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1931.
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150 €
Edition illustrated by Guy Arnoux.
One of the 60 copies on Japan paper, ours n°12.
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
BENOIT, Pierre.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1932.
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150 €
Edition illustrated by Lucien Boucher.
One of the 50 copies on Japan paper, ours n°23.
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
SUARES, André.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1925.
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120 €
Edition illustrated byFernand Siméon et Achille Ouvré.
One of the 40 copies on Japan paper, ours n°40.
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
FRANCE, Anatole.
Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1923.
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200 €
Edition illustrated by Fernand Siméon.
One of the 61 copies on Japan paper, ours n°48
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
FRANCE, Anatole.
Les Opinions de Monsieur Jérome Coignard.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1924.
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200 €
Edition illustrated by Sylvain Sauvage.
One of the 67 copies on Japan paper, ours n°31
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
MOUHY, Charles de Fieux (Chevalier de).
La Mouche ou les Avantures de M. Bigand.
Paris, Dufour, 1761.
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200 €
PUISIEUX, Madeleine d'Arsant de.
Les Caractères.
Londres, s.n., 1750.
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120 €
First edition.
El Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Edición en miniatura enteramente conforme á la última corregida y publicada por la Real Academia Española.
Paris, Jules Didot, 1827.
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600 €
First miscroscopic edition by Didot.
Performance by the printer Didot who fit the entire text of Cervantes into a single tiny volume. As Brunet remarks, it is not easy to read, and Didot printed a more convenient two-volume edition a few years later. The work was commissioned by Joachim Maria de Ferrer, a Spanish statesman, who said Rius, had this edition distributed to his friends.
Most of the copies encountered are covered in a romantic binding by Simier (various variants).
VERNE, Jules.
Aventures de Trois Russes et de Trois Anglais dans l'Afrique Australe.
Paris, J. Hetzel et Cie, [1894].
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150 €
VERNE, Jules.
Le Testament d'un Excentrique.
Paris, Hetzel, [1899].
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300 €
This work is an adventure novel, where chance is king. A very rich American, named William J. Hypperbone, decides after his death to bequeath his immense fortune to six residents of Chicago, chosen at random. But to “win” the fortune, they will have to play a life-size game of goose taking place in the different states of the United States. Beautiful first illustrated edition, in double volume. And first box called "golden globe" type 3 of this title, with the back to the lighthouse. Good condition of the out-of-text, black and white leaflets of the "Noble game of the United States of America" called the goose game and the card of the "United States of America".
VERNE, Jules.
Une Ville Flottante suivi de Les Forçeurs de Blocus
Aventures de Trois Russes et de Trois Anglais dans l'Afrique Australe.
Paris, Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Récréation, J. Hetzel et Cie, [1884-1889].
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270 €
A Floating City refers to the immense ship "Great Eastern" crossing the Atlantic between Liverpool and New York. In this novel, Jules Verne draws inspiration from his own experience, having himself made this crossing on the real British "SS Great Eastern", then the largest and largest transatlantic liner of the time. This ship, where thousands of people and the crew live together, forms a micro society and therefore a real “floating city”. An adventure novel follows. Three Russian scientists (Mathieu Strux, Nicolas Palander, Michel Zorn) and three English scientists (Colonel Everest, Sir John Murray, William Emery), are responsible for working together, and have the mission of measuring a meridian arc. Against this scientific background, a friendship and an infriendship are created. The whole thing was complicated by the start of the Crimean War (1853-1856), which pitted Russia against an Ottoman, French, English and Sardinian coalition.
VERNE, Jules.
Sans dessus dessous / Chemin de France.
Paris, Hetzel, [1889].
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250 €
The story takes place in the near future, where the world is dominated by science and technology. A group of scientists and gunsmiths, led by Michel Ardan, decide to move the Earth on its axis by firing a cannon so gigantic that the tilt of the globe will vary enough to expose the Arctic ice floes to the sun. The idea is to be able to exploit the coal mines which are supposed to be present in the subsoil of the North Pole. The project is ambitious and risky, but Ardan is convinced that it is feasible.
VERNE, Jules.
Le Tour du Monde en quatre-vingts Jours.
Le Docteur Ox,
suivis de Maître Zacharius, Un hivernage dans les glaces, Un drame dans les airs et Ascension française au Mont Blanc.
Paris, Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Récréation, J. Hetzel et Cie, [1884].
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200 €
This work brings together the famous adventures of Phileas Fogg around the world and the short story Doctor Ox. This short story full of humor, where the author tells the story of the life of a peaceful village in Flanders, which will be disturbed by the invention of Doctor Ox and his assistant Ygene. A fun little allusion, the combination of the two names forms the word “oxygen”. These two titles are followed by four short stories.
GALLAND, Antoine.
Les Milles et une Nuits.
Paris, Furne et Cie, 1837.
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180 €
Good copy.
VERNE, Jules.
Les Indes noires (Le Chancellor / Martin Paz).
Paris, Hetzel, [1877-1878].
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150 €
Adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1877. It tells the story of a group of men who find themselves stranded in a coal mine in Scotland.
VERNE, Jules.
Le Pays des Fourrures.
Paris, Hetzel, [1875-1878].
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150 €
Adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1873. It tells the story of a group of English explorers who find themselves stranded on a floating ice island in the Canadian Far North.
VERNE, Jules.
P'tit Bonhomme.
Paris, Hetzel, [1893].
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150 €
First large 8vo illustrated.
P'tit bonhomme is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1893. It tells the story of an orphan boy named P'tit bonhomme who struggles to survive in 19th-century Ireland.
VERNE, Jules.
Un Capitaine de Quinze Ans.
Paris, Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Récréation, J. Hetzel et Cie, [1880].
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120 €
First illustrated edition and the first ttitle with this cartonnage.
Les Récréations de la toilette. Histoires, anecdotes, avantures amusantes & intéressantes, pour servir d'amusemens aux jeunes dames.
Paris, s.n., 1775.
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250 €
First edition.
Collection of short stories which is part of the crucible of the sentimental novel, identified by Clapp as such in his short bibliography of the novel in the eighteenth century.
VERNE, Jules.
Une Ville flottante - Les Forceurs de blocus.
Paris, J. Hetzel et Cie / Girard & Boitte, [1886].
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120 €
Around 1886, Hetzel sold part of its stocks of printed sheets, corresponding to three titles to sellers Girard and Boitte. The latter then reused the plate from the “shell” cartons while affixing their trademark on the cover in the cartouche at the bottom.
Essai de critique indirecte.
Paris, Grasset, 1932.
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120 €
First collective edition, partly original, illustrated on the frontispiece with a black reproduction of a de Chirico painting from the author's collection.
Edition reimposed on paper in-4 Teillère, one of 72 copies on vellum paper, ours n°55.
MAURIAC, François.
Trois récits.
Paris, Grasset, 1929.
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70 €
First joint edition of these three short stories by Mauriac: Un homme de lettres, Coups de couteau, Le Démon de la connaissance
Edition reimposed on paper in-4 Teillère, one of 180 copies on Arches vellum, ours n°29.
D'ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond.
Mélanges de littérature, d'histoire et de philosophie.
Amsterdam, Zacharie Chatelain et fils, 1773.
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300 €
New edition.
Compilation of D'Alembert's text begun in the midst of the Encyclopédie crisis and during the years when its publication was banned. He constantly refers to it and publishes some of the articles there. D'Alembert also fuels, through these texts, the controversy with Rousseau on the status of Literature.
Le Livre et les arts qui s'y rattachent depuis les origines jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIème siècle.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1886.
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60 €
First edition.
Good copy.
VERNE, Jules.
Le Volcan d'or.
Paris, Collection Hetzel, [v. 1906].
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400 €
First illustrated 8vo edition.
The Golden Volcano, a posthumous novel, takes place during the Klondike Gold Rush.
[MIRABAUD, Jean-Baptiste].
Le Monde, son origine, et son antiquité. De l'âme et de son immortalité.
Londres [Paris], [Briasson], 1751.
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250 €
First edition.
Numerous pencil notes.
PROUST, Marcel.
Oeuvres complètes.
Paris, NRF, 1929-1936.
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1200 €
First complete edition of the works of Marcel Proust.
This edition by the NRF was an opportunity to bring together all the works of Marcel and to propose a first revision of the text with the collaboration of Robert Proust. It is also this edition which fixes the so-called "canonical" volume number of the Recherche.
The first fifteen volumes are devoted to the "A la Recherche du temps perdu", then come "Pastiches et mélanges", "Les Plaisirs et les Jours" and "Chroniques".
Numbered copies on Bruges rag paper with sheaf watermark.
Beautiful decorative set.
RENAN, Ernest.
Le Broyeur de lin.
Paris, L. Carteret et Cie, 1901.
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300 €
Edition illustrated with 27 etchings by Edmond Rudaux (1840-1908).
One of the thirty copies of the leading edition on Japan paper with the etchings in 3 states (pure etchings, before the letter and after the letter).
Our copy numbered 24.
The first part of Renan's childhood memories, the Broyeur de lin tells the love story between a girl and a priest, which has given rise to many exegeses.
D'IVOI, Paul.
Miss Mousqueterr.
Paris, Ancienne librairie Furne Boivin & Cie, [v. 1907}.
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100 €
Novel published in the Voyages excentriques collection.
Book illustrated with 95 engravings in the text, 12 large full-page compositions and 8 compositions drawn in color from the drawings of Louis Bombled.
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