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Mémoire concernant les frontières de France, Savoie et Piémont.
Grenoble, A. Carre, 1891.
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250 €
François de La Blottière (1673-1739), engineer-geographer, he was commissioned by Vauban to make several reconnaissances in the Alps and took part in the campaigns of Piedmont and the Alps from 1701 to 1713.
"More than thirty memoirs of La Blottière, relating to this part of the Alps are preserved in the archives of the depot of war and of the depot of fortifications. The memoir dated 1721 that we publish here forms a complete summary of the general knowledge that the eminent collaborator of Vauban was able to collect on the ground even during his numerous travels through the mountains of Dauphiné, Savoie and Piedmont." Henry Duhamel.
État des prisons, des hôpitaux et des maisons de force.
Paris, Lagrange, 1788.
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700 €
First french edition of Howard's pioneering work on prisons and penal reform.
DE VENERONI, Giovanni.
Le Maitre italien dans sa dernière perfection.
Lyon, Andre Laurens, 1695.
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150 €
Giovanni Veneroni was the king's interpreter, his methods for learning Italian were references for a long time.
Maison de M. le Marquis de Pracomtal,
Hôtel de Mme de Saint Paul
Hôtel de M. de Chanteaud.
Paris, s.n., 1893.
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1000 €
8 plans of the House of M. le Marquis Pracomtal
House whose facade we still discover 10 rue Goujon Paris (8th) with its impasse d'Antin stables.
-9 plans of the Hôtel de Mme de Saint Paul
Hotel which was to be located between Dumont d'Urville and Galilée streets in the 16th arrondissement. The current facade does not correspond to the architect's plans.
- 7 plans of the Hôtel de Mr Ch. Chanteaud (1893)
Charles Chanteaud (?-1905) pharmacist who introduced dosimetric medicine to France.
Hotel which was intended for 39 rue Raynouard in Passy, the existing facades currently do not correspond to the plans.
[MAGNÉ de MAROLLES, François-Gervais].
Essai sur la chasse au fusil contenant un détail de ce qui concerne la fabrication des canons soit ordinaires, tordus, à ruban ou filés: l'examen de plusieurs questions touchant leur porté, eu égard à leur longueur, à leur calibre, à la charge, &c. & quelques notions sommaires sur les autres parties du fusil de chasse, avec des règles & instructions pour parvenir à bien tirer.
Paris, Chez Théophile Barrois jeune, 1781.
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300 €
First edition.
Very interesting book on the weaponry of the hunter. With an interresting the chapter on rifled guns, which were not generalized until the nineteenth century.
PERNOT, François Alexandre.
Carnet de croquis.
s.l., s.n., 1831.
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Sketchbook with 7 original pencil drawings signed by François-Alexandre PERNOT (1793-1865) and 1 trompe l'oeil signed HAUSEN.
The six drawings by Pernot drawn directly on the album's paper are dated 1831, a seventh collated is dated 1832. According to extracts from his diary, Pernot traveled through France at that time, he spent in particular the winter 1831-1832 in Nancy.
Pernot is close to artists and romantic salons (Châteaubriand, Lamartine, V. Hugo, Delacroix ...) and was appointed in 1826, master of the drawings of the king's pages by Charles X.
Diplôme de Bachelier ès Sciences.
Paris, [Ministère de l'instruction publique], 1888.
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50 €
Bachelor of Science degree awarded to Gaston Horlaville. The diploma bears the handwritten signatures of Gaston Horlaville, the Rector of the Academy of Caen, the head of the office of the director of higher education and that of the minister of public education: Léopold Faye who was not minister of the third republic only for a few months.
La Dévotion à Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ dans l'Eucharistie.
Paris, Gabriel Charles Berton, 1752.
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180 €
Good copy in contemporary morocco bindings.
DOMAT, Jean.
Les Loix civiles dans leur ordre naturel le droit public, et legum delectus.
Paris, Veuve Savoye, 1767.
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250 €
"Civil laws in their natural order" is considered a monument of French civil law and is one of the sources that will lead to the Napoleonic Civil Code
. The 1767 folio edition is one of the best editions of the "Domat" in the 18th century.
The title of the book will inspire in Montesquieu his "De l'Esprit des lois".
AUBERT, René || LEFEBVRE, Henri.
Vieux Hôtels de Versailles.
Paris, Henri Lefebvre, 1953.
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150 €
First edition.
Copy on large arches paper numbered 136 on 150 copies.
René Aubert (1894-1977) painter and illustrator from Versailles, was director of the School of Fine Arts of Versailles until 1966.
Le Dix-neuvième Siècle. Les moeurs, les arts, les idées.
Paris, Hachette, 1901.
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250 €
First edition.
One of 15 copy on "chine" paper.
[GUYTON DE MORVEAU, Louis Bernard].
Discours Publics et Eloges. Auxquels on a joint une Lettre où l'Auteur développe le plan annoncé dans l'un de ses Discours, pour réformer la Jurisprudence.
Paris, P.G. Simon, 1775.
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250 €
First edition.
Coming from a family of lawyers in Dijon, Louis-Bernard Guyton-Morveau began his career as an attorney general at the Parliament of Burgundy.
He was also interested in chemistry, participated in the Encyclopedia and became one of the founders of the Ecole Polytechnique.
St Germain en Laye pittoresque et ses environs.
St Germain en Laye, Mayer et Paul, 1875.
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1000 €
First edition.
Rare collection of 30 lithographed views after the painter De Coulange, representing the main monuments of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Marly-le-Roi, Poissy, Le Vésinet, Chatou, Sartrouville ... T
The plates are accompanied by an explanatory text sheet.
Unlisted feature of our copy some plates are printed on colored paper (yellow, green and blue) others printed in gradient of sepia tones.
Description du nouveau pont de pierre, construit sur la rivière d'Allier a Moulins; avec l'exposé des motifs qui ont déterminé son emplacement, et les dessins et détails relatifs à sa construction.
Paris, Lottin, 1771.
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2000 €
First edition.
Monumental impression for the description of the Moulins bridge built from 1754 to 1762 under the direction of Louis de Règemortes, engineer of bridges and roads: Plans, sections, elevations and maps.
Note the impressive fifth plank measuring over 1.80m long representing the foundations of the bridge.
"The work that has illustrated his name is the construction of the Moulins bridge, for which several unsuccessful attempts had been made in the previous century. The success of the project drawn up by Louis de Règemorte is mainly due to the establishment of a general masonry base. , strongly defended against the action of water, with unsinkable longitudinal levees attached to the wedges, to prevent the disastrous effect of scouring and flooding which had brought the ruin of the works undertaken on the same point from 1679 to 1689. " Tarbé de Saint-Hardouin (Biographical notes on the engineers of the bridges and roads since the creation of the body, in 1716, until our days, Baudry, 1884)
The now "Pont Règemortes" still crosses the Allier more than 250 years more late proof of the success of the engineer.
BALLET, François (Abbé).
Histoire des Temples des Payens, des Juifs et des Chrétiens.
Paris, Cailleau, 1760.
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250 €
First edition.
PETIT RADEL, Louis Charles François.
Recherches sur les bibliothèques anciennes et modernes jusqu'à la fondation de la bibliothèque Mazarine, et sur les causes qui ont favorisé l'accroissement successif du nombre des livres.
Paris, Rey et Gravier, 1819.
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250 €
First edition.
First edition. Very interesting history of the Mazarine library by the one who was its curator during the Restoration.
Note the chapters on the history of medieval libraries, a subject little known at the time.
BIDEL, François.
Documents sur le dompteur Bidel : Lettres autographes signées.
s.l., s.n., 1886.
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300 €
Two rare autograph letters signed by the famous tamer François Bidel :
- Handwritten ticket signed on the back of a prospectus announcing his show. "Faced with his ever-increasing success, the sympathetic tamer Bidel will spend the winter at the Porte Maillot ..."
- Handwritten letter dated September 15, 1886: Letter of thanks after having attended a show "It was time for this to end because I was starting to be sick from crying ".
With his lion Sultan he marked the shows of presentation of wild animals during the 1880s. He leaves us one of the first books published on the subject "Memories of a tamer".
we will join :
- Portraict of Bidel published in a Nantes newspaper.
- Barons of WISMES, Le Dompteur Bidel, Nantes, Emile Grimaud, 1895.
Programme de la Grande Fête sans fin du 11 juin 1891.
Paris, Krakow, 1891.
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150 €
Rare program of the Molier circus for June 11, 1891 illustrated by Caran d'Ache.
Programme du Cirque Molier 1880-1920.
Paris, Devambez, 1920.
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150 €
Circus Molier program for the 1880-1920 retrospective.
Illustrated by the famous poster artist of the Belle Epoque Ernest Thélem.
Traité des Droits Honorifiques des Seigneurs dans les Eglises Par feu M. MARESCHAL, Avocat. Et un Traité du Droit de Patronage, de la Présentation aux Bénéfices.
Paris, Claude Robustel, 1724.
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150 €
Reference book on a very particular point of the law of the old regime which aims to govern the privileges of the nobles within the Church (Right of patronage, Right of bench ...).
Ensemble Prospectus et brochures du Cirque de Moscou.
s.l., s.n., 1956-1969.
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100 €
Set of various documents on Moscow circus and russian circus :
- Masters of Soviet Circus (1956, 2 exemplaires)
- Oleg Popov (1958, 2 exemplaires)
- "Le Cirque de Moscou, un spectacle prodigieux (1956)
-"Cirque d'état de Moscou au Palais des Sports" (1956)
-"Cirque de Moscou 1960"
-"Cirque de Moscou 1969".
[CIRQUE] BOYER, Maurice dit Moriss.
Annonce du spectacle d'Antonio et Brelock-Tolmés-Moriss au Nouveau cirque.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1920].
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50 €
After having been a comic illustrator for many years, Moriss devoted himself entirely from the 1940s on to music hall.
Here is the announcement of one of these first shows (the New Circus, which closed in 1926), illustrated by him.
GARNIER, Francis Xavier Paul.
Traité des chemins de toute espèce, comprenant les grandes routes, chemins de halage, vicinaux et particuliers, arbres et fossés qui les bordent, les rues et les places publiques ; suivi d'un appendice au régime des eaux.
Paris, Imprimerie Pillet ainé, 1827.
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100 €
Third edition signed by the author.
FOREST, Louis || BERNARD, Tristan.
L'Art de faire le café au lais à l'ancienne à l'aide de la Caféolette de Louis Forest.
Paris, René Chauveau, [v. 1913].
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75 €
Advertising brochure presenting the Caféolette, a device patented by Louis Forest (writer and journalist) in 1913 for making coffee with milk easily. The object that could look like a joke has been produced and can still be found in flea markets.
The preface is signed by Tristan Bernard, fervent support of the café au lait without water!.
KAULBACH, William || JAEGER, C. || Mueller, A. || PIXIS, Th. || BAYSCHLAG, R. || LINDENSCHMIT, W.
Munich, Bruckmann, [v. 1880].
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50 €
Beautiful photographic reproductions of drawings illustrating the work of Schiller.
La Famille, ses devoir, ses joies et ses douleurs.
Paris, Michel Levy, 1869.
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50 €
"Whether it is a question of politics, social organization, happiness, morals or religion, the family always reappears in the first row; it is she, always she, who holds the solutions in her hands." (extract from the preface).
Distribution solennelle des prix (année scolaire 1917-1918).
Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, 1918.
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40 €
Solemn distribution of the prizes under the chairmanship of Gaston Bonnier and M. Vial on October 10, 1918.
WEIS, Jean-Martin.
Représentation des fêtes données par la Ville de Strasbourg pour la convalescence du Roi; à l'arrivée et pendant le séjour de Sa Majesté en cette Ville.
Paris, Aubert, 1744.
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4000 €
Unique edition of the festival celebrating the arrival of Louis XV in Strasbourg in October 1744. Published at the city's expense, the work is composed of a calligraphic title, 20 engr. calligraphic explanation pp.,- an equestrian portrait of Louis XV and 11 etchings on double pages swarming with 1000 lively details (onlookers, dances, acrobats...). They depict the arrival and the procession of the king into the town, the Cardinal of Rohan's welcome in the front of the cathedral, the night festivities (fireworks on the Ill, illuminated buildings) and the day festivities (water jousting, games, dances and sword exercises). Some foxing or otherwise soiled, armorial binding (joint split, sides and corners rubbed...).
[STEYERT, André].
Brief discours des horrificques & célestialles visions qui furent veües en diverses régions &t notament en la Cité de Lyon, ez années 1527 & 1528, nouvellement mis en lumière, jouxte l'imprimé & augmenté de nottes très- amples & profictables à tous chrestiens & bons françois.
[Suivi de] : La terrible et espouventable comette, laquelle apparut le xi jour d’octobre l’an 1527 en Almaigne.
Lyon, Alf. Louis Perrin et Marinet, 1875.
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350 €
Rare booklet, n° 7 on chinese paper.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Les Villes martyres.
Paris, Baudelot, 1914.
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300 €
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