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Lettre autographe signée.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1960].
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25 €
Autograph letter signed by Daniel-Rops on headed paper, undated, for thanks after sending a brochure.
OCELLUS, Lucanus.
De la nature de l'univers Avec la Traduction Françoise & des Remarques, par M. l'Abbé Batteux.
Paris, Saillant, 1768.
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150 €
First edition of the Batteux's translation in french. With the text in greek.
Bound after, Timée de Locres "De l'Ame du Monde" and Aristote "Lettres d'Aristote à Alexandre sur le Système du Monde", also with the translation of Batteux.
s.l., s.n., [1840].
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15 €
Portrait of Le Brun engraved by Lefevre after Decaisne
Steel engraving enhanced with colors for the French Plutarch (published around 1840).
Joseph VERNET.
s.l., s.n., [1840].
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15 €
Portrait of Joseph Vernet engraved by Baudran after Guilleminot
Steel engraving enhanced with colors for the French Plutarch (published around 1840).
Baron GROS.
s.l., s.n., [1840].
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15 €
Portrait of the baron Gros by Boilly
Steel engraving enhanced with colors for the French Plutarch (published around 1840).
s.l., s.n., [1840].
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15 €
Portrait of the painter David from Em. Beranger engraved by Jules Porreau.
Steel engraving enhanced with colors for the French Plutarch (published around 1840).
s.l., s.n., [1840].
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15 €
Portrait of the painter Pierre Prudhon (1758-1823) after Charles Gleyre engraved by Baudran.
Steel engraving enhanced with colors for the French Plutarch (published around 1840).
Buste de Pierre Jean Grosley.
s.l., s.n., [1811].
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20 €
Bust of Pierre Jean Grosley (1718-1785) engraved by Bovinet after Baudemant for the frontispiece of "Historical and critical memories for the history of Troyes" in 1811.
Portrait de N. Arnoult.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1840].
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25 €
Portrait of Ns. Arnoult by Bourgeois de la Richardière in 1806 after Vincent.
The legend says "Member of the Meeting of the Arts & Friendship", this assembly is one of the most famous Parisian Goguette at the beginning of the XIXth century which also included Pierre Laujon.
Feu et Flamme (conférence donnée par M. L'abbé A. Dechesne).
Paris, La Bonne Parole, 1918.
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40 €
Article written by Lucie Faure-Goyau after a conference given by Father Dechesne to the National Federation of St John the Baptist, published in La Bonne Parole (Review Vol vi, n ° 2, April 1918).
Le Journal des petits ligueurs n°1 à 9.
Paris, Ligue fraternelle des enfants de France, [v. 1897].
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50 €
The Journal des Petits Ligueurs was the supplement intended for children (over the period 1897-1903) of the Journal of the Fraternal League of Children of France.
Charitable association founded by Lucie Faure-Goyau.
JANNIOT, Alfred.
Carte de vœux autographe.
s.l., s.n., 1969.
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35 €
Greeting card sent by Alfred and Cécile Janniot probably for the year 1969.
Alfred Auguste Janniot (1889-1969), sculptor who won the Prix de Rome and professor of Fine Arts.
The map published by the Académie des Beaux-Arts is decorated with a portrait of Berlioz engraved by Decaris.
JANNIOT, Alfred.
Carte de vœux autographe.
s.l., s.n., 1963.
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35 €
Greeting card sent by Alfred and Cécile Janniot probably in the 1960s. Alfred Auguste Janniot (1889-1969), sculptor who won the Prix de Rome and professor at the Beaux-Arts.
The card is decorated with an engraving of the Hotel Lambert in Paris.
JANNIOT, Alfred.
Carte de vœux autographe.
s.l., s.n., 1963.
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35 €
Greeting card sent by Alfred and Cécile Janniot probably for the year 1964
The card is decorated with an engraving of Eros, signed in the plate by Alfred Auguste Janniot (1889-1969), sculptor who won the Prix de Rome and professor at the Beaux-Arts.
JANNIOT, Alfred.
Carte de vœux autographe.
s.l., s.n., 1963.
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50 €
Greeting card sent by Alfred and Cécile Janniot probably for the year 1964
The card is decorated with an engraving of Eros, signed in the plate and outside the plate in pencil by Alfred Auguste Janniot (1889-1969), sculptor who won the Prix de Rome and professor at the Beaux-Arts. The artist adds the date of 1963 to his signature.
BECAT, Paul-Emile.
Carte de voeux.
s.l., s.n., 1959.
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50 €
Blank greeting card.
The card is decorated with a drypoint engraving signed in the plate by Paul-Emile Bécat (1885-1960), the subject is taken from the series of the card game created by Bécat.
BECAT, Paul-Emile.
Carte de voeux.
s.l., s.n., 1959.
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50 €
Greeting card for the year 1959 by the Thomas family.
The card is decorated with a drypoint engraving signed in the plate by Paul-Emile Bécat (1885-1960), the subject is taken from the series of the card game created by Bécat.
BECAT, Paul-Emile.
Carte de voeux autographe.
s.l., s.n., 1959.
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150 €
Autograph greeting card sent for 1959 by Paul-Emile Bécat (1885-1960) to the Thomas family.
The card is decorated with a drypoint engraving signed by Bécat in the plate and outside the plate in pencil.
s.l., s.n., [1840].
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15 €
Portrait of the painter Claude Lorrain after Laederich engraved by Nargeot
Steel engraving enhanced with colors for the French Plutarch (published around 1840).
[MARTIN, Alexandre] Dardanus.
Traité médico-gastronomique sur les indigestions.
Paris, Audot, 1828.
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500 €
Scarce first edition.
The author "feu dardanus, former apothecary" is represented in color on the frontispiece.
Book attributed to Alexandre Martin dedicated "to the gourmands of all countries" for "the useful and fun library".
Séance des Ombres des Vieux Antiques.
Paris, A. Eymeoud, 1902.
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250 €
Songbook for the Ombres a Polytechnique evening in 1902
"Les Ombres" is a traditional performance by the École Polytechnique, the first edition of which was given in 1818. It involved the projection of satirical chineese shadows onto scenes from the life of the school and its teachers. Each projection was accompanied by a song, most often irreverent, written and sung by the students.
The Parisian group of the École Polytechnique was created in 1895 but still remains in activity today under the acronym GPX, it aims to "maintain and strengthen the bonds of camaraderie between the members of the polytechnic community. that organizing most of its events in the Paris region, the GPX welcomes all polytechnicians, regardless of their place of residence, as well as members of their family and close friends. " (site of the AX).
We join :
The Program for the Spring meeting (May 14, 1902) of the Parisian Group of the École Polytechnique, of which the Séance des Ombres des Vieux Antiques was only the 6th part - booklet (200x125 mm), 4 pages. Adorned with a Charles Pillet medallion.
Chansons des Ombres.
s.l., s.n., 1898.
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450 €
Songbook for the Ombres a Polytechnique evening in 1898
"Les Ombres" is a traditional performance by the École Polytechnique, the first edition of which was given in 1818. It involved the projection of satirical chineese shadows onto scenes from the life of the school and its teachers. Each projection was accompanied by a song, most often irreverent, written and sung by the students.
Uncommon document, witness to the traditions and jargon of this prestigious school.
Minas Geraes Goldfields.
s.l., s.n., 1909.
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30 €
Five £ 1 shares of a Minas Geraes goldfield mining company in Brazil.
ALAUZET, Isidore.
Essai sur les peines et le système pénitentiaire.
Paris, A l'imprimerie royale, 1842.
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120 €
First edition.
At the beginning of the XIXth century, imprisonment gradually imposed itself as a justice penalty whereas previously the prison was mainly a temporary place of confinement before the execution of the real punishment (banishment, torture, execution ... ). Following the Enlightenment (Beccaria) or thinkers like Tocqueville and Bentham, Alauzet then asked the question of the staggering of sentences and the organization of prisons. He also examines the systems of Lucas, Auburn and Faucher.
NECKER, Jacques.
De l'importance de la morale et des opinions religieuses.
Londres - Paris, Hôtel de Thou, 1788.
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150 €
Edition published the same year as the first one, with a new title (the first edition is untitled "De l'Importance des opinions religieuses").
Jacques Necker was one of Louis XVI's finance ministers. This book deals with the link between religion and sovereignty, philosophy and morality, and Necker highlights social inequalities.
Paris, Larousse Diffusion, 1988.
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100 €
This slipcase contains reproductions of 10 artworks, dated between 1905 and 1952. It was realized with the collaboration of Maya Picasso, the artist's daughter.
2000 numbered copies were printed on Yearling paper from Arjomari-Prioux.
CARDAN, Jérôme, (CARDANI, Hieronymi).
Arcana politica, sive de prudentia civili liber singularis.
Leyde, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1635.
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150 €
Second Elzevir edition.
This book by Jérôme Cardan was first published in 1627 with the title "Proxeneta", which means "the negotiator".
It deals with political life and court, household management, academia, and intellectual pursuits.
PACIUS, Julius.
Enantiophanon [graece] seu legum conciliatarum centuriae decem.
Lyon, Petri Ravaud, 1643.
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150 €
This book deals with law and was written by by Giulio Pace da Beriga (1550-1635), who was a recognized professor of law and an Italian jurisconsult.
BACHELET, Théodore || DEZOBRY, Charles.
Dictionnaire général des lettres, des beaux-arts et des sciences morales et politiques.
Paris, Ch. Delagrave, 1886.
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50 €
NIEL, Odilon.
Géographie de l'Algérie.
Bone, L. Legendre - R. Cauvy, 1876 - 1878.
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100 €
Second edition.
Geographical study of Algeria, written by Odilon Niel (Professor of History and Geography at the high school of Bone and corresponding member of the Algerian Climatology Society and the Société de Géographie Commercial de Paris).
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