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LE ROUX, Hugues || GARNIER, Jules.
Les Jeux Du Cirque Et La Vie Foraine.
Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1889.
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150 €
First edition.
Presentation copy.
LA COMBE, Joseph-Félix.
Charlet Sa Vie, Ses Lettres suivi d'une Description Raisonnee de Son oeuvre Lithographique.
Paris, Paulin et le Chevalier, 1856.
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60 €
First edition.
Reference bibliography on the life and work of Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet (1792-1845) French painter and lithographer.
VALLEE, Henri.
Le Tir au Pistolet.
Paris, impr. J. Oller, [1874].
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190 €
First edition.
History of the pistol, shooting companies, famous shooters...
Note the last chapter dedicated to pistol duels with the prescriptions for the conduct of the event.
Le Cas des cloches.
Chambery, impr. de Ménard, [1883].
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250 €
First edition.
One of the 66 copies on Japon, first luxury paper, ours n°66.
Amusing little pamphlet written by the famous photographer Nadar to protest against the disturbance caused by the ringing of the bells.
Both driven by his republican convictions and his desire for tranquility during his stays in the Province, Nadar addressed his pamphlet to the Mayor of Aix les Bains and to the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Presentation copy.
Le Dieu des vents ou les aventures d'Eole métamorphosé en P-t, ou le simplement le Dieu Pet.
La Haye, s.n., 1776.
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500 €
First edition.
Badinage in free verse and twenty-seven little songs.
An unusual work whose author will remain in the shadows, under the scatological aspect it seems to have been written as a snub to Marmontel's "Poetics". Marmontel, as our petomane recalls, declared that it is not necessary for a thing to be beautiful in nature for it to be beautiful in poetry and that coarseness or finesse lies in the treatment of the subject rather than in the subject itself. Marmontel, by instituting the "moral tale" and rejecting the comic, had given rise to a wave of "immoral tales" in which this God of the winds participates.
PATRU, Olivier.
Oeuvres diverses de Mr Patru.
Paris, David fils, 1714.
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100 €
Third edition.
Olivier Patru (1604-1681) French lawyer and man of letters, member of the French Academy he participated in the Richelet dictionaries and that of the Academy.
D'HOURY, Laurent.
Almanach royal, année bissextile 1780.
Paris, D'Houry, 1780.
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150 €
First edition.
[Société des gens de lettres].
Création et Statuts de la Société des gens de lettres.
Paris, Imp. Belin, 1838.
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500 €
First edition.
Rare document on the creation of the Société des gens de lettres.
He reports on the first meeting with a notary of the provisional commission led by Villemain and Desnoyers, which legally establishes the creation of this association.
Following the reasons for creation we find the statutes of the association governing by 64 articles the functioning of the Company.
The Société des gens de lettres, an association still active more than 180 years later, aims to defend authors' rights.
Cadeau des Muses ou almanach universel, etrennes utiles et agréables années 1821.
Falaise, Brée, 1821.
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60 €
Norman edition of this charming little almanac.
[ BOUCHER, M. F. ] [BURGUES, Édouard-Thomas de, comte de Missiessy].
Examen d'un écrit publié par M. Le Vice-Amiral Comte de Burgues Missiessy, et ayant pour titre, Aperçus sur le matériel et le personnel de la Marine.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1830.
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150 €
First edition.
It was a question of refloating the Royale after the disasters of the Napoleonic naval wars.
Visages de Russie.
Paris, Paul Ollendorf, 1923.
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700 €
First edition.
Edition limited to 500 copies, ours unnumbered.
Boris Grigorieff is a Russian avant-garde painter specializing in portraits. He will create in 1929 a fresco for the society of nations "Faces of the world".
Chants et Chansons populaires de la France.
Paris, Delloye, 1843.
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750 €
First edition.
Complete copy of all the deliveries published in 1843. Each of the deliveries is devoted to a song from the popular
repertoire and includes: a notice, the lyrics illustrated with framing engravings, the scores. These deliveries forming three volumes.
Bound identically has been attached:
CHAMPFLEURY, Popular songs of the Provinces of France, Paris, New library, 1860
Published as the fourth volume of the previous set.
PILES, Roger de.
Dialogue sur le coloris.
Paris, Nicolas Langlois, 1699.
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450 €
Second edition.
"The discourse on art was born in France during the reign of Louis XIV thanks to two antagonistic figures: Félibien (1619-1709) and Roger de Piles (1635-1709). The latter became the major theoretician of color in the quarrel which opposed Rubenists and Poussinists during the last three decades of the 17th century." (trad. from Bernard Teyssèdre, "Roger de Piles and The debate on color, 1957)
De Piles supports Rubens by arguing that color is the major subject of painting and must come before drawing.
Hôtel de Mademoiselle de Marsy
Hôtel de Mme Riensch de Osa.
Paris, s.n., 1894-1905.
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2000 €
18 architectural plans of Parisian mansions printed from the drawings of the architect Legrand. The plans show the interior layout, layout and facades.
- 10 plans for Mademoiselle De Marsy's Hotel (1905)
Marie-Louise Marsy, real name Anne-Marie-Louise-Joséphine Mars (1866-1942), member of the Comédie Française which she left in 1902 after becoming Mme de Vassart d'Hozier.
Hotel located at the intersection of Boulevard Jules Sandeau and Rue Octave Feuillet in the 16th arrondissement. The current facades at this address do not correspond to the architect's plans.
- 8 plans for the Hotel de Mme Riensch de Osa (1894).
Augusta de Osa (1855-1944), née Riensch, was born into a wealthy industrial family in Hamburg. The diplomatic position of her husband allowed Augusta to lead a brilliant social life by frequenting the Parisian high society of the Belle Epoque.
Each plan is countersigned by Mme Riensch de Osa with the mention Read and approved.
Hotel still visible at the current 35, avenue Georges V (current boutique which adjoins the Prince de Galles hotel).
VALERIAN Jean-Pierre.
Les Hiéroglyphiques. Autrement Commentaires des lettres et figures sacrées des Aegyptiens & autres nations.
Lyon, Paul Frellon, 1615.
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900 €
First edition of the translation in French by Jean de Montlyard
One of the most famous emblem books from the end of the 16th century.
Pierio Valeriano (1477-1558) was inspired by the works left by Horapollo, the only ancient source on Egyptian hieroglyphics, to compose a book of allegorical emblems where the hieroglyphs mingle with biblical references and memories of classical antiquity.
Several hundred woodcuts illustrate the text.
Almanach royal année 1757.
Paris, Le Breton, 1757.
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150 €
Beautiful royal almanac.
Lettre autographe signée de la duchesse d'Uzès.
s.l., s.n., 23 juin 1913.
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20 €
MARTINI, Jean Paul Egide.
Mélopée moderne ou l'Art du chant réduit en principes composé et dédié à Monsieur Lenormant d'Etioles.
Paris, Naderman, [ca. 1791].
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750 €
First edition.
Entirely engraved book, composed mainly of scores. Martini, is a composer of German origin. In 1788 he was appointed Superintendent of the King's Music and responsible for religious music. At the same time, he directed the biggest Parisian stages.
Title page signed by the publisher.
LACROIX, Paul de (éditeur).
Galerie contemporaine des illustrations françaises.
Paris, Paul de Lacroix, [1884].
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6000 €
First edition.
Masterpiece of 19th century photography.
200 biographical chapters of 132 historical figures.
Copy complete with all the required notices and photographs.
Each chapter has 4 pages of text (8 for Corot 2 and Corot 3).
The series is therefore complete with the 200 entries for 132 biographies and is illustrated with 267 photographs:
- 131 portraits (65 in full-page and 66 in medallion in text)
- 136 reproductions of art works (135 in full-page and 1 in medallion the text).
Coming from the greatest photographic workshops (Nadar, Carjat, Goupil, Petit...) they are reproduced by photoglypie which is then the only printing process allowing such a faithful reproduction of photographic plates.
The portraits include the famous portrait of Baudelaire by Carjat but also those of Victor Hugo, Gustave Doré, Edmond de Goncourt, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Georges Sand, Sarah Bernhardt, Alexandre Dumas, Gustave Eiffel, Victor Hugo, Louis Pasteur, Emile Zola, ...
We added a rare "specimen" volume ( a commercial presentation volume).
DELVAU, Alfred.
Dictionnaire de la langue verte, argots parisiens comparés.
Paris, E. Dentu, 1866.
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250 €
First edition.
Abrégé De La Vie Des Plus Fameux Peintres, Avec Leurs Portraits Gravés en Taille-douce, Les Indications De Leurs Principaux Ouvrages, Quelques Réflexions sur leurs caractères, Et La Manière De Connoitre Les Desseins Et Les Tableaux Des Grands Maitres.
Paris, De Bure l'ainé, 1762.
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500 €
Second edition.
A veritable biographical dictionary of great painters, most biographies are adorned with a portrait outside the text.
It is thus one frontispice and 254 portraits that adorn the text.
Dictionnaire de littérature. Dans lequel on traite de tout ce qui a rapport à l'éloquence, à la poësie & aux belles-lettres, & dans lequel on enseigne la marche & les régles qu'on doit observer dans tous les ouvrages d'esprit.
Paris, Vincent, 1770.
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250 €
First edition.
GIRARD, Gabriel.
Synonymes françois.
Lyon, Imprimerie Lerou, An VII [1798].
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90 €
New edition reviewed by Beauzee.
Lexique des termes d'art.
Paris, A. Quantin, [v.1884].
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50 €
First edition.
A very practical handbook, especially for students of Art and Art History, who want to learn the different technical terms of architecture, sculpture, etc.
Numerous engravings in the text pages.
BOUHOURS, Dominique.
La manière de bien penser dans les ouvrages d’esprit.
Paris, Charles-Nicolas Poirion, 1756.
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50 €
Atlas géographique et statistique des départements de la France, de l'Algérie et des Colonies Françaises.
Paris, B.Dusillion, [1841].
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9000 €
Copy offer to the doctor Alfred Velpeau by Giraudeau de St Gervais, the Publisher - Owner of this book.
A wrapping used to immobilize the arm to the chest wall is known as a "Velpeau bandage".
Superb atlas, which is rarely found complete, as large maps are usually sold individually.
In its original wooden box.
Les Bas-Fonds de la société.
Paris, Jules Claye, 1862.
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400 €
First édition.
Copy n°19 of the only 200 that were printed.
The printing on beautiful Holland paper is very neat.
Plaisirs et jeux depuis les origines.
Paris, J. Rothschild, 1900.
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350 €
First edition.
One of 50 numbered copies on Imperial Japan paper, first luxury paper, ours n°16.
The copies on Japan paper are enriched with the suite of engravings printed on Arches, iIn our copy the engraving "Skaters" on Japan has been forgotten but the state on Arch is well present.
Beautiful publication as always from the Rothschild publisher comprising 279 plates and vignettes.
CUYP, Aelbert.
VI Stüks koitjer Geetst door A. Cuyp.
s.l, s.n, [v. 1660].
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1000 €
Complete series of 6 engravings by Aelbert Cuyp (1620-1691) Dutch painter, preceded by a title vignette.
Dimensions of the etchings: 67x75 mm
Dimensions of the paper: 170x135 mm
This complete set is rarely found with its margins preserved.
Auguste Renoir avec 100 reproductions.
Paris, H. Floury, 1912.
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75 €
First french edition.
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