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ROBIDA, Albert.
Les Amoureuses de la Tour Eiffel.
s.l., Lemercier, [v. 1890].
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200 €
Lithograph (365x280 mm) depicting elegant women admiring the Eiffel Tower. The lithograph is signed in the board and off the plank in pencil by Robida.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Villes martyres : Rheims.
s.l., [Baudelot], [1914].
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100 €
Lithograph (310x220 mm) with remark representing the German eagle destroying the cathedral of Rheims by bringing "Kultur Krupp". The lithograph is signed in the board and off the plank in pencil by Robida.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Villes martyres : Senlis.
s.l., [Baudelot], [1914].
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100 €
Lithograph (310x220 mm) with remark representing the German eagle destroying the city of Senlis. The lithograph is signed in the board and off the plank in pencil by Robida.
ROBIDA, Albert.
St Bertrand de Comminges.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1924].
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300 €
Beautiful lithograph (310x220 mm) with note of the heart of the church of St Bertrand de Comminges. The lithograph is signed in the board and off the plank in pencil by Robida. Edition of 125 copies this one n ° 25.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Lettre autographe signée.
Le Vésinet, s.n., 1900.
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200 €
Robida is indignant about the poor quality of postcard prints of his color drawings for " Vieux Paris".
ROBIDA, Albert.
Menu pour le Banquet de la Saint Charlemagne.
Paris, Devambez, 1906.
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50 €
Banquet that brought together the award-winning students of Condorcet High School, it took place on January 27, 1906 (date written in pen).
ROBIDA, Albert.
Lot de 10 menus vierges : Aphorismes de Brillat-Savarin.
Paris, Blaizot, 1905.
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150 €
The following 20 illustrations of Robida's Brillat-Savarin aphorisms were first published in Richardin's "The Art of Eating Well" and then republished separately by Blaizot in 1905. There were prints on vellum (5HC), China (7), Japan (43). Our lot probably comes from this publication. On the other hand, one wonders about the presence of the Mariani watermark on vellum papers, is it a stock bought by Blaizot or a special edition for Mariani who was close to Robida?.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Lot de 3 menus vierges.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1910].
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100 €
Pretty little menus illustrated by Robida for an unidentified restaurant (or association) which was located at 11, rue Scribe (near the Opéra Garnier). Each side offers a different comic scene: an alchemist, a Spanish cooking "all in oil" ... of lamp, and an anarchist preparing bombs icy ... On the back the same illustration on all the menus of a character carrying a bottle of Prussic acid.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Programme de Gala de l’Orphelinat des arts.
s.l., s.n., 1916.
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50 €
First page illustrated with a lithograph of Robida drawn in blood representing a WWI scene. Program for the morning of Gala of the Orphanage of the arts organized at the theater bouffes-Parisiens.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Programme de Gala pour la « Réunion des jurys et comités des expositions universelles » le 6 mai 1896.
s.l., s.n., [1896].
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50 €
Robida composition on the cover depicting the nineteenth century aging character watching the novelties of the year 1900 to come.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Carte de vœux 1893 réalisée pour Octave Uzanne.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1892].
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120 €
Beautiful original etching created for Octave Uzanne (1851-1931), famous bibliophile.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Carte de correspondance pour la librairie Dorbon-ainé.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1910].
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500 €
Very beautiful engraving on an original drawing by Robida for the Dorbon-Ainé bookstore (especially specialized in ancient occult books). We can see imps presenting their books to a delighted bibliophile. Very rare.
ROBIDA, Emilie & Frédéric.
Lot de quatre eaux fortes.
s.l., s.n., 1905.
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150 €
a. ROBIDA, Emilie, Carte de voeux 1905.
150x112 mm, eau-forte en bleu sur papier fort type Arches, bords laissés libres.
« Mes meilleurs voeux » manuscrit au dos.
b. ROBIDA, Emilie, Carte de voeux [v. 1905].
165x122 mm, eau-forte en sanguine sur papier fort type Arches, bords laissés libres.
Rousseurs. Voeux manuscrits au dos signés « Didy »
c. ROBIDA, Emilie, Carte de voeux [v. 1905].
180x127 mm, eau-forte en noir sur papier fort type Arches, rehaussé à l’aquarelle orange, bords laissés libres. Rousseurs. Voeux manuscrits au bas signés « Didy ».
d. ROBIDA, Frédéric, Carte à la fée, 1905.
150x112 mm, eau-forte en bleu sur papier fort type Arches, bords laissés libres.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Lettre autographe signée.
s.l., s.n., 1900.
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100 €
Robida's response to a request for "Vieux Paris" shots.
ROBIDA, Albert.
Lettre autographe signée.
s.l., s.n., [v.1895].
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100 €
Robida's answer to a question about the procession of Furnes' penitents which "is well worth being cinematographed".
ROBIDA, Albert.
Lettre autographe signée.
s.l., s.n., 1907.
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150 €
Robida's answer to a question from Mademoiselle Dalligny on the history of St Antoine (a district of Paris).
Le cabinet satyrique ou recueil parfaict des vers piquants et gaillards de ce temps, tiré des secrets cabinets des sieurs de Sigones, Regnier, Motin, Berthelot, Maynard et autres des plus signalez poëtes du dix-septièmes siècle.
Gand & Paris, Duquesnes & Claudin, 1859-1860.
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200 €
One of the 134 copy. This is one of the 116 examples on handmade paper.
Office de la Semaine Sainte à l'Usage de Rome.
Paris, Jean-Thomas Hérissant, 1762.
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100 €
Paris. Âges et visages.
Paris, Odé, 1943.
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350 €
Only 376 copies.
Our (n° T) one of th 6 on Lafuma paper, last large paper, with an additional suite on "Chine" paper.
Poems about Paris of Théodore de Banville – Charles Baudelaire – Jean-Marc Bernard – Francis Carco – Philippe Chabaneix - Auguste de Châtillon - François Coppée - Charles Cros - Paul Fort - Théophile Gautier - Victor Hugo - Tristan Klingsor - Claude Le Petit - Charles Maurras - Jean Moréas - Gérard de Nerval - André Payer - Henri de Régnier - Jean Richepin - Sainte-Beuve - Paul Souchon - P.-J. Toulet - Paul Verlaine.
24 original lithographs by Dignimont, Touchagues, Grau Sala and Clavé.
[BUSSY-RABUTIN, Roger Comte de ].
Amours des dames illustres de notre siècle
[suivi de]
Le passe-temps royal, ou les amours de mademoiselle de Fontage.
Cologne, Jean Le Blanc, 1682.
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550 €
Third edition.
This book is one of the most famous satyrico-historical novels of the 17th century.
BOSSUET, Jacques Benigne.
Oeuvres de Bossuet - Discours sur l'histoire universelle.
Paris, Napoléon Chaix et CIe, 1864.
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40 €
Collection importante de chartes et titres nobiliaires concernant les provinces de Picardie, Artois et Bretagne.
Paris, M. Charavay, 1868.
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70 €
First edition.
Catalog of auction sale of administrative and real estate documents, held in Paris, on 21st and 22nd February 1868, by Maître Henri Lechat, auctioneer.
[DULAURE, Jacques-Antoine].
Des divinités génératrices, ou du culte du phallus chez les Anciens et les Modernes.
Paris, Dentu, 1805.
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80 €
First edition.
Jacques-Antoine Dulaure (1755-1835) was a French archaeologist, historian and politician.
MANGIN, Arthur || [JARDINS].
Histoire des jardins anciens et modernes.
Tours, Alfred Mame et Fils, 1888.
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150 €
Book on the history and art of gardens, illustrated with many illustrations by Anastasi, Daubigny, V. Foulquier, French, W. Freeman, H. Giacomelli and Lancelot.
One plate illustrates the picturesque park of Le Vésinet and its large lake.
Des tropes, ou des différents sens dans lesquels on peut prendre un même mot dans une même langue.
Paris, Mme Veuve Dabo, 1824.
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60 €
Treaty of Rhetoric, by Caesar Chesneau du Marsais (1676-1756), published for the first time in 1730 and which was a great success.
A literary trope is the use of figurative language, via word, phrase or an image, for artistic effect such as using a figure of speech.
FOURNIER, Ortaire || ADAM, Victor.
Les animaux historiques.
Paris, Garnier Frères, [1861].
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30 €
Book for children on animals, some historical such as Napoleon's horse or Richelieu's famous cats and others such as mythological animals.
LABORDE, Alexandre de.
Versailles ancien et moderne.
Paris, Schneider et Langrand, 1841.
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40 €
Historical book on Versailles, The castle, the kings and queens, etc.
[BOUTET, Claude].
L'école de la mignature, dans laquelle on peut aisément apprendre à peindre sans maître, ainsi que les secrets de faire les plus belles couleurs; l'or bruni, & l'or en coquille.
Paris, J. B. G. Musier fils, 1766.
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150 €
This book, written by Charles Boutet (French painter of the 17th and 18th centuries), is intended for all painting lovers wishing to master the art of miniature painting.
He explained the technique of miniature in great detail such as the representation of draperies, skin tones, landscapes and flowers and how to paint with gold and silver.
DU FRESNOY, Charles-Alphonse || DE MARSY, François-Marie || [MEUSNIER DE QUERLON, A.-G.].
L'école d'Uranie, ou l'art de la peinture.
Paris, Saugrain & Lamy - Barrois, aîné, 1780.
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90 €
This book is devoted to the poetic work of the painter and art critic Charles-Alphonse Du Fresnoy (1611-1668), who was a student of Simon Vouet and a friend of Pierre Mignart.
It consists in the poem "De Graphica" in Latin and French, the notes by Roger de Piles on the poem, a text by Du Fresnoy on the great painters, an index of pictorial terms and the poem "Pictura" in Latin and French.
SALON DE 1842 || TENINT, Wilhelm.
Album du Salon de 1842 - Collection des principaux ouvrages exposés au Louvre reproduits par les peintres eux-mêmes ou sous leur direction.
Paris, hallamel, 1842.
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150 €
First edition.
The Salon was the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Between 1748 and 1890, it was arguably the greatest annual or biennial art event in the Western world.
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