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BON, François Xavier.
Dissertation sur l'utilité de la soye des araignées.
Avignon, Franc. Girard, 1748.
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250 €
Latin-French edition.
François Xavier Bon de Saint Hilaire (1678-1761), president of the Chamber of Accounts of Languedoc, entered history for his interest in the use of spider silk as a textile fiber. It is reported that he presented Louis XIV with a garment entirely woven with spider silk.
Le Mammouth & le Renne à Paris.
Paris, 15 rue de l'école de médecine, 1903.
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60 €
Offprint from "Bulletin et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris", 2 Jully 1903.
Les Jeux des Oiseaux.
Paris, Administration du journal, 1900.
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120 €
Offprint from "La Science Française et la Science pour tous", 16 march 1900.
In this article Gadeau de Kerville reports several observations of birds engaging in games, tricks, and amusing behavior.
MAGNY, Gabriel.
Rats et Peste.
Paris, Bonvalot-Jouve, 1907.
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200 €
Edition by Bonvalot-Jouve of Gabriel Magny's medical thesis.
With the increase in international maritime traffic, the question arose of the spread of diseases, of which the plague is the most famous case, by rats running in ships. In 1903, an international conference on this question was held in Paris.
Magny proposed a method of fumigating ships with sulfur dioxide in order to eradicate the pests.
Presentation copy.
Vie de Dupuytren.
Paris, Bechet Jeune, 1841.
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60 €
First edition.
A student from Limousin and successor in Paris to his compatriot Guillaume Dupuytren, Jean Cruveilhier is currently better known by anatomists and anatomopathologists than by surgeons. Guillaume Dupuytren (1771-1835) was immediately admired by his intern Jean Cruveilhier who, developing the ideas of his boss, quickly became a master in anatomopathology. He was the first to devote a biography to his master.
SCHAEFFER, Jacques Christian.
Der fischformige Kiefenfuss in stehenden Wassern um Regensburg.
Ratisbonne, s.n., 1762.
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250 €
Second edition.
A work where the German scientist describes an aquatic larva, likely that of a diving beetle.
ANDRAUD, Antoine.
Chemins éoliques ou locomotion par l'air comprimé.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, 1847.
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350 €
First edition.
For Andraud, compressed air was an energy whose force was destined to change the face of the world. A visionary inventor, he developed a system of automobiles using compressed air as a propulsion system, the air was brought first by pipes along the route, then by tanks.
On August 26, 1844, Andraud and Tessié du Motay launched on the Paris-Versailles line (Left Bank) a new compressed air "locomotive-waggon". Weighing five tons and resembling a cylindrical boiler. As represented in the engravings in this book, Andraud planned to compete with the railways with "air-powered railways".
It was in fact in the tramway networks, after Andraud's death, that compressed air propulsion was developed in the 1860s-1870s
Presentation copy.
LESSER, Friedrich Christian || LYONNET, Pierre.
Théologie des Insectes ou démonstration des perfections de Dieu dans tout ce qui concerne les Insectes.
La Haye, Jean Swart, 1742.
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150 €
First edition in French given by Pierre Lyonnet who also added two engravings to Lesser's editions in German.
Histoire de la guerre de MDCCXLI.
La Haye, s.n., 1756.
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150 €
Second edition published without the agreement of Voltaire, whose manuscript was stolen from him by the Marquis de Ximénès.
Entretiens sur la Metaphysique & sur la Religion.
Rotterdam, Reiner Leers, 1688.
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300 €
First edition.
The Entretiens sur la métaphysique et sur la religion are the most accomplished of all Malebranche's works. A true literary work, demonstrating a magnificent mastery of the art of dialogue, these fourteen conversations are a model of pedagogy.
Traité élémentaire d'histoire naturelle pharmaceutique et médicale contenant la botanique, la zoologie, la minéralogie et la matière médicale.
Paris, Labé, 1843.
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120 €
First edition.
Book specially designed for students preparing for pharmacy and medicine exams with 500 figures in the text.
La Vie De Pasteur.
Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1900.
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60 €
First edition.
René Vallery-radot was the son-in-law of Louis Pasteur, he wrote the first biography dedicated to the famous doctor.
Presentation copy.
Quelques mémoires sur différens sujets.
Paris, A. Belin, 1813.
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400 €
Second edition.
Collection of several memoirs on geography and natural sciences published on the author's return from the United States.
One of the memoirs is devoted to the islands on the Hudson River and is decorated with a folding map of the mouth of the Hudson.
LAMY, Bernard.
Traité de la grandeur en général qui comprend l'arithmétique, l'algèbre, l'analyse et les principes de toutes les sciences qui ont la grandeur pour objet.
Paris, André Pralard, 1680.
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400 €
First edition.
A very complete copy of its plate.
BIOT, Edouard.
Manuel du constructeur de chemins de fer.
Paris, Librairie encyclopédique Roret, 1834.
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250 €
First edition.
One of the very first works in French on railways.
Édouard Constant Biot (1803 - 1850) was a French engineer and sinologist. He participated as an engineer in the construction of the second French railway line, between Lyon and Saint-Étienne.
SALGUES, Jacques Barthélémy.
Des Erreurs et des Préjugés répandus dans la société.
Paris, F. Buisson, 1810-1813.
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300 €
First edition.
Each chapter is organized around a question or a belief: the existence of ghosts and specters, the healing of scrofula by the kings of France, should we be wary of Friday the 13th and needle knotters...
An unusual work, pleasant to read.
Mémoires sur l'éducation des vers à soie.
Nismes, Gaude, 1763.
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450 €
First edition.
Collection of six works on the subject of silkworms by Abbé Boissier de Sauvages, containing three memoirs on the education of silkworms, the cultivation of mulberry trees, the observation on the origin of honey, the catalogue of authors who have written on silkworms.
BREZ, Jacques.
La Flore des insectophiles précédée d'un discours sue l'utilité des insectes et de l'étude de l'insectologie.
Utrecht, B. Wild et J. Altheer, 1791.
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60 €
First edition.
SUE, Jean-Joseph.
Essai sur la physiognomonie des corps vivans, considérée depuis l'homme jusqu'à la plante.
Paris, L'Auteur, 1797.
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90 €
First edition.
Jean Joseph Sue (1760-1830) Doctor and surgeon is the father of Eugène Sue.
Curious work which would be a manual of morphology intended for artists.
SAISSY, Jean-Antoine.
Recherches expérimentales, anatomiques, chimiques, etc. Sur la physique des animaux mammifères hybernans, notamment les marmottes, les loirs, etc.
Paris, H. Nicolle, 1808.
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150 €
First edition.
Saissy was a doctor of medicine in Paris and then became a major surgeon of the Royal Company of Africa where he practiced military medicine in Algeria. Back in Lyon, he was accepted into the College of Surgery in 1789 and then a doctor of medicine in Valence. He practiced the art of childbirth in Lyon and published in 1808 a study on hibernating animals which earned him a prize at the Institute. From 1810 onwards, he devoted himself to ear diseases.
Copy signed by the author.
BUC'HOZ, Pierre-Joseph.
Histoire des insectes nuisibles à l'Homme, aux bestiaux, à l'agriculture et au jardinage.
Paris, Chez L'Auteur, 1784.
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120 €
Third edition.
Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz was a botanist, member of the Royal College of Medicine of Nancy and of many academies. From 1776 and until at least 1800, he self-published, distributing his prolific editorial production to his successive Parisian homes.
BUC'HOZ, Pierre-Joseph.
Méthodes sûres et faciles pour détruire les animaux nuisibles ; tels que : les ours, les sangliers, les loups, les renards, les loutres, les fouines, les belettes, les lapins, les loirs, les rats, les souris, les musaraignes, les taupes, les vipères.
Paris, Chez L'Auteur, 1784.
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150 €
Third edition.
Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz was a botanist, member of the Royal College of Medicine of Nancy and of many academies. From 1776 and until at least 1800, he self-published, distributing his prolific editorial production to his successive Parisian homes.
BUC'HOZ, Pierre-Joseph.
Manuel cosmétique et odoriférant des plantes, ou traité de toutes les plantes qui peuvent servir d'ornement ; de fard et de parfums aux dames.
Paris, Chez L'Auteur, 1800.
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100 €
Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz was a botanist, member of the Royal College of Medicine of Nancy and of many academies. From 1776 and until at least 1800, he self-published, distributing his prolific editorial production to his successive Parisian homes.
BUC'HOZ, Pierre-Joseph.
Supplément aux choix des meilleurs médicamens pour les maladies les plus désespérées.
Paris, Chez L'Auteur, 1785.
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80 €
First edition.
Continuation of the "Choice of the best medicines for the most desperate diseases", a work published the previous year. Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz was a botanist, member of the Royal College of Medicine of Nancy and of many academies. From 1776 and until at least 1800, he self-published, distributing his prolific editorial production to his successive Parisian homes.
AMOREUX, Pierre-Joseph.
Notice des insectes de la France réputés venimeux.
Paris, Rue et Hotel Serpente, 1789.
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120 €
First edition.
Two finely engraved plates in intaglio by Sellier representing 25 figures of insects. Author of numerous works on medicine and natural history, Pierre-Joseph Amoreux (1741-1824) was librarian of the faculty of Montpellier and member of several societies.
VALLEMONT, Abbé (de).
Curiositez de la nature et de l'art sur la végétation, ou l'agriculture, et le jardinage dans leur perfection.
Bruxelles, Jean Leonard, 1715.
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400 €
New edition.
Abbot de Vallemont is well known for his curious works on occultism. These two volumes deal with all sorts of strange phenomena: the tree of Diana or metallic vegetation, the plant phoenix, palingenesis or the resurrection of plants from their ashes. Allegorical frontispieces and engraved figures.
Copy uncrop.
De l'Aranéologie, ou sur la découverte du rapport constant entre l'apparition ou la disparition, le travail ou le repos, le plus ou le moins d'étendue des toiles et des fils d'attaches des araignées des différentes espèces.
Paris, J.J. Fuchs, 1797.
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200 €
First edtion.
During his captivity, a prisoner in the Netherlands, he made curious observations on the work of the spider as an indicator of atmospheric variations.
Thus, he offers us chapters on Spiders compared to the Barometer, the Thermometer, the Hygrometer...
In 1794, he announced to Pichegru the infallible arrival of frosts that would soon solidify all the canals and marshes of Holland, which would earn him his release.
[ROCHEFORT, Jean (de)].
Le Passe-tems agréable, ou nouveaux choix de bons-mots, de pensées ingénieuses, de rencontres plaisantes.
Rotterdam, Jean Hofhout, 1728.
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300 €
A pleasant copy with the arms of the princes of Bourbon Condé, azure with three golden fleurs-de-lys, with a red bastion, probably having belonged to Louise-anne de Bourbon Condé, known as
Mademoiselle de Charolais. Attributed by Barbier to a lord of Rochefort.
BELL, John || ESTOR, Jean Louis.
Traité des plaies, considérations théoriques et pratiques sur ces maladies.
Paris, Gabon et compagnie, 1825.
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150 €
First french edition.
Translation and notes by Jean-Louis Estor. John Bell was one of the most skilled anatomists of his time, he was sought after for the most delicate operations.
BELL, Benjamin.
Traité théorique et pratique des Ulcères. Suivi d'une Dissertation sur les Tumeurs blanches des Articulations.
Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1788.
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120 €
First french edition.
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