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L'Art de monter à cheval, qui monstre la belle & facille méthode de se rendre bon homme de cheval.
Paris, Jacques le Gras, 1664.
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600 €
Second edition enlarged by a second part from Samuel Fouquet to treat horse diseases.
The best edition of this classic treatise on horse riding.
The author was a squire in the grand stable of Louis XIV.
[Londres], [C. Hirsch], [v. 1895].
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200 €
Second edition.
On of the 480 copies on Van Gelder paper, ours no. 130.
École de Cavalerie. Contenant la connoissance, l'instruction et la conservation du cheval.
Paris, Par la compagnie, 1756.
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500 €
François Robichon de La Guérinière (1688-1751) is often considered the greatest French horseman of all time and the founder of modern horsemanship in France. He simplified the means of training horses and made modifications to their harnessing. His École de cavalerie published in 1731 is illustrated by Charles Parrocel.
Ordonnance Provisoire sur l'exercice et les manoeuvres de la cavalerie.
Paris, Magimel, 1810.
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220 €
Second edition.
The 1804 ordinance governs the doctrine of the use of cavalry in the Napoleonic armies, the manners of charging, the use of the sabre, etc. Our very complete copy of all the plates: musical scores, anatomy of the horse, uniforms of riders, troop movements.
L’Examen des esprits pour les sciences. Où se montrent les différences d’esprits qui se trouvent
parmy les hommes, et à quelle sorte de science chacun est propre en particulier.
Paris, Jean Guignard, 1650.
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300 €
The work published in 1575 by a Spanish physician, Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529–1530?–1580) under the title Examen de ingenios para las sciencias... had a considerable impact throughout learned Europe. More than thirty editions in the main European languages have appeared since then.
Some old handwritten notes on the first fly leaf and at the verso of the title page.
Paris, Léon Vanier, 1896.
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350 €
First edition.
A collection of poems published the year of the poet's death. In it, Verlaine violently attacks a group of personalities with whom he had come into conflict.
RAGUENET, Antonin.
Les principaux palais de l'exposition universelle de Paris.
Paris, Eugène Bigot, 1900.
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300 €
First edition.
Complete copy of the 96 architectural plates.
Suggestions d'intérieurs modernes.
Paris, Ch. Massin et Cie, [v. 1925].
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1500 €
First edition.
Georges Champion (1889–1940) was a French decorator and furniture designer. He was born in Chaumont. He was professionally active in Paris. Champion’s designs were known for their sleek lines and modern aesthetic. The Art Deco movement, which was well-liked in the early 20th century, had a significant influence on him. His furniture pieces often featured geometric shapes and bold colours, which made them stand out from more traditional designs. In addition to his work as a furniture designer, Champion was also a skilled decorator. He worked on numerous high-profile projects throughout his career, including the interior design of several Parisian hotels and restaurants.
BIELFELD, Jacques-Frédéric (Baron de).
Institutions politiques.
La Haye, Pierre Gosse, 1760.
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450 €
First edition.
Baron Bielfeld was an advisor to Frederick II of Prussia, his work consists mainly of reflections on national governance.
His work had a significant impact on both political science and statistics. He would be the first to introduce the word "statistics" to replace the term political arithmetic.
BOUILLIER, Francisque.
Histoire et critique de la révolution cartésienne.
Lyon, Boitel, 1842.
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150 €
First edition.
Francisque Bouillier (1813-1899) was a French philosopher known above all for his studies on Cartesianism.
Projet motivé d'articles additionnels à la loi, du 19 janvier 1791. Relative à l'organisation des Ponts & Chaussées.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1791.
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120 €
First edition.
Proposed amendments to the law of January 19, 1791, which created the Corps of Ponts et Chaussées.
Journal d'un Déporté non jugé, ou déportation en violation des lois, décrétée le 18 Fructidor an V (4 Septembre 1797).
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1834.
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200 €
First edition.
Elected from Moselle to the Council of Elders under the Directory, Barbé-Marbois was overthrown during the September 1797 insurrection and then sent into exile in Guyana. Exile journal which alternates between political considerations and observations of Guyana, its inhabitants and its prison system.
L'Homme éclairé par ses besoins.
Paris, Durand, 1764.
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150 €
First edition.
The work of a philosopher who was won over to the ideas of the Lumières, Blanchet is resolutely modern: the 18th century is marked by the reign of science and the arts, and the passions of modern man are the subject of vibrant praise, including self-esteem, because it is they which allow the realization of the great projects of humanity, which a Diderot would not deny.
D. Junii Juvenalis, et auli Persii Flacci Satyrae.
Leide, Hackiana, 1671.
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230 €
Beautiful copy under full vellum.
ROHAULT, Jacques.
Traité de Physique.
Paris, Veuve Charles Savreux, 1671.
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600 €
First edition.
Jacques Rohault was a great popularizer of Cartesian physics, he organized weekly public sessions, the "Wednesdays of Rohault" in which spectacular experiments served as a support for the explanation of physical theories.
His Treatise on Physics follows the same principle, experimentation is central and facts precede explanations.
GALLAND, Julien-Claude.
Recueil des rits et cérémonies du pelerinage de la Mecque, auquel on a joint divers ecrits relatifs à la religion, aux sciences & aux murs des Turcs.
Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1754.
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1000 €
First edition.
Book which brings together five different essays, of which Julien-Claude Galland (probably died in 1765), the nephew of Antoine Galland, is only the interpreter.
The one who gives its wording to the title is a translation from the Arabic of Sheikh Chemfeddin el Buhouky the Shafeite. The others are: "Muslim catechism translated from the Arabic of the sheikh or Dr. Aly son of Iaakoub", "Translation of a Dissertation by Zehny effendy on the sciences of the Turks", "Relation of the island of Chio" and " Relation of the walk of Sultana Esma, daughter of Sultan Ahmed, when she was taken to her husband Iaakoub Pasha.
ORSCHALL, Johann Christian.
Oeuvres métallurgiques, contenant : I. l'Art de la Fonderie - II. un traité de la Liquation - III. un traité de la Macération des Mines - IV. le traité des trois Merveilles.
Paris, Hardy, 1760.
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700 €
First french edition.
The collected edition of the author's scattered German works on mining, metallurgy, and metallurgical chemistry, translate by Baron d'Holbach.
Detailed descriptions are given of three alchemical processes for making large quantities of gold.
Despite its alchemical overtones, the book gives much valuable information on extractive metallurgy.
Orschall remains known for his description of a process for obtaining false rubies by dyeing glass (described in this work).
PETITOT, Ennemond Alexandre.
Raisonnement sur la perspective, pour en faciliter l'usage aux artistes. Dédié aux mêmes.
Parme, Frères faure, 1758.
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800 €
First edition.
Beautiful perspective manual, written in French and Italian.
Petitot was a French architect who joined Parma in June 1753 with the title of first court architect and instructor at the newly created Academy of Fine Arts.
Copy with large margins.
PERNETY, Antoine-Joseph.
Dictionnaire mytho-hermétique dans lequel on trouve les Allégories Fabuleuses des Poètes, les Métaphores, les énigmes et les Termes barbares des Philosophes Hermétiques expliqués.
Paris, Bauche, 1758.
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650 €
First edition of this important source for knowledge of the history of alchemy and its symbols.
Manuscrit autographe : Reflexions sur une théorie moderne.
s.l., s.n., [1907].
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4000 €
Original Manuscript by Henri Becquerel.
An interesting manuscript in which the discoverer of radioactivity ponders the nature of matter at the end of his life.
This manuscript, with corrections for printing, was published at the Institut de France after a reading at the session of October 25, 1907.
One of Henri Becquerel’s final works, this manuscript reflects on the revolutionary discoveries that had upended the traditional understanding of matter: the electron (discovered by Thomson in 1897), radioactivity (discovered by Becquerel himself in 1896), and radioactive decay (discovered by Rutherford in 1902).
The long-held notion of the atom as an indivisible, stable particle, as proposed by Democritus, was challenged by these groundbreaking findings. Becquerel pondered this new reality, suggesting that atoms, rather than being eternally stable, might undergo modifications over time. However, the slow pace of these transformations or the rarity of conducive conditions could create the illusion of stability.
The 15 pages offprint will be joined (covers detached).
COURNOT, Augustin.
Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses.
Paris, L. Hachette, 1838.
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12500 €
First edition.
Landmark in economic theory.
Cournot is considered a pioneer in mathematical economics. He was among the first to formalize economic theories using mathematical equations.
He proposed basing economic theory not on elementary algebra but on the branch of analysis dealing with arbitrary functions, subject to certain conditions.
His work focused on a theory of price equilibrium in a free market.
Though largely ignored in his time, his research on equilibria between two producers, now known as "Cournot equilibria," would later be generalized under the term "Nash equilibria" or "Nash-Cournot equilibria," earning John Forbes Nash the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.
Cournot's work is bound after the following:
URBAIN, Introduction to the Study of Political Economy, Paris, Bossange Père, 1833.
KUPFFER, Adolf Theodor.
Travaux de la commission pour fixer les mesures et les poids de l'empire de Russie.
St Petersbourg, Imprimerie de l'Expédition de la confection des papiers de la Couronne, 1841.
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2000 €
First edition.
Adolph Theodor Kupffer (1799-1865) was a Baltic German physical chemist and therefore subject of the Russian Empire. He proposed establishing a single system of weights and measures in Russia, whose system, still of medieval inspiration, was then very heterogeneous. Kupffer's unified system will be adopted by an imperial decree of Nicholas I in 1835. He explains the modalities in this publication in 1841. Although these works are written in French, the French decimal metric system seems to him to be mathematically logical. , too revolutionary for Russia. He preferred to draw inspiration from the London Commission of Weights and Measures and defined the standards of weight (the pound), length (the Sagène) and volume (the védro) based on English measurements. A Russian Sagène is thus worth six English feet. The basic standards are made of copper and platinum. The Kupffer system remained in use in Russia until the end of the 19th century, before the country finally adopted the metric system.
Very complete set of atlas of 12 plates which completes the text.
[BRISSON, Barnabé || HOTMAN, François || DUPRAT, Pardoux ].
Lexicon juridicum, Hoc est, Juris civilis et canonici in schola at que soro usitatarum vocum penus. Ex antiquis & recentioribus jurisconsultis de Lexigraphis [.] Brissonii, Hotmani, Prateii.
[Genève], Jacob Stoer, 1599.
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500 €
Second edition.
The aim of the Lexicon juridicum is to offer a collection of specific terms and expressions used in the field of law and extracted from the works of the most renowned jurisconsults. Its ambition is nothing less than to offer students a work that is as dense as it is convenient.
The Reformed publisher Jacob Stoer chose the form of a dictionary-like compilation of the works of the jurisconsults Brisson, Hotman and Duprat.
[VISSCHER, Nicolaus].
Labyrinte de Versailles. The labyrinth of Versailles. Der Irr-Garte zu Versailles. 't Dool-hof tot Versailles.
Amsterdam, Visscher, Nicolaus, [1682].
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1250 €
Edition in four languages: French, English, German and Dutch.
A marvel of landscape art that has now disappeared, the Labyrinth of Versailles was commissioned from Le Notre by Louis XIV.
Labyrinth of hornbeams opening onto squares decorated with fountains whose lead subjects were multicolored.
Each fountain was inspired by Aesop's Fables.
The work reveals in 41 engravings, the plan of the labyrinth and each of the fountains with for each, the verses and the morals which had inspired them.
Les Véritez inconnues sur la dissolution et le luxe des femmes et des hommes de Paris.
Lyon, s.n., 1611 [v. 1870].
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600 €
Amusing brochure reproducing the unique copy from the Sainte Geneviève library.
Copy on laid paper (unnumbered)
With the following text :
Traicté de Mariage entre Julian Peoger et Jacqueline Patinet, sa future espouse, et de La Lubricité de Clépoatre.
Synthèses littéraires et extralittéraires.
Paris, Editions Mornay, 1923.
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1500 €
First edition illustrated by Gus Bofa
This work is undoubtedly Gus Bofa's book with which his admirers have the most intimate connection. We find in these vignettes all the mastery of this brilliant stylist, and this sense of graphic formula which made him one of the fathers of modern drawing. In 40 satirical drawings Gus Bofa summarizes the work of 40 literary personalities from Proust to Loti via Schopenauer and René Maran. L'Agoisse with Edgar Poe, L'Intime with Zola, La Tentation with France, including the racist pun with Maran (black square for a black poet).
One of the 20 copies on Japan paper, ours n°7
Editions Mornay was a French publishing house founded in 1919 by Georges and Antoinette Mornay. The company was particularly known for its exquisitely designed and illustrated books, which featured the work of some of the leading illustrators of the time.
CHARCOT, Jean Martin.
Oeuvres complètes de J.-M. Charcot.
Paris, Bureaux du progrès médical, 1886-1891.
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500 €
First edition (except vol 6 in second edition).
Haskell F. Norman' s copy but with only 5 survivings volumes on 9 (volumes 1, 7,8 and 9 are missing).
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